Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Staff being “sick” when theres planned teambuilding and we work at a trauma informed company and i cant challenge that bullshit


I was thinking more along the lines of gyms allowing filming instead of being built for the purpose. Whether good for business or not, at least those who film will be around like minded people who enjoy that aspect. I like your point about drama less filming, or not baiting others for online views. This is an unfortunate dynamic that not only ruins it for non filming gym goers, but also people filming for form.

While your wedding example is extreme, it makes a good point. Some filmers go to extremes when interruption occurs. Causing conflict, throwing tantrums, using gym equipment for too long or storing/setting up cameras on or around gym equipment so others can’t use it when they want to. I firmly agree that the gym is for exercise.

Filming for form is acceptable to me. It’s about getting the best results from your workout which is what we strive for and is a natural part of exercise. Prior to camera phones, people would check their form in the mirrors (gyms are covered in them) or ask a gym buddy or trainer for input. Just some options that are readily available. Ultimately, we all workout to improve our health in various ways. Let’s keep the enjoyment going and the drama can FRO!

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When coworkers add appointments to your schedule without calling and asking first… can FRO


Seems like a gym that “Allowed” or especially “Promoted” filming, vlogging, or any other kind of recording of people are opening themselves to a lot of liability. All it takes is someone feeling targeted to decide that it was the gym that condoned the targeting.


I was cutting my grass and doing yardworking.
Then… My neighbor decided to sun bathe ON A CLOUDY DAY
Honestly, i was very upset because sobriety from staring at women is my current struggle.
Plus, this was one woman that certainly was probably going to fall off of the roof where she was sunbathing with no sun. She was on her phone and talking loud
No i did not, and i won’t body shame her… but it was so wrong.


Sorry mate, but that’s just wrong. You got upset because you saw a neighbour you don’t find attractive enjoying the warmer weather, on her property, in a bathing suit? How do you handle the beach? Why do you feel you can judge other people for …basically existing?


Some gyms are already doing that, as demonstrated by the glut of gym videos online and in socials. They could include a section in the contract like a waiver stating filming is allowed, and signing means you agree to the possibility of being filmed. Although, I’m not across the legalities of this. There are plenty of online examples of people feeling targeted by other’s filming in gyms. Not sure if any have resulted in legal action against a gym. If some gyms ban filming and others don’t, then I suspect those who enjoy filming may gravitate to the gyms that allow it, being around like minded people who have a tolerance for being filmed. Hopefully lowering the chance for complaints and legal action. From a gym like this I would personally FRO!


I agree. Not cool @J_Lo_Ste


The stomach flu can fro :frowning: Thanks to the coworker who came to work sick and made me this gift :face_holding_back_tears:


@J_Lo_Ste never mentioned if the neighbor was wearing a bathing suit. He is saying this is his struggle, starting at women. Maybe he’s shifting some blame to the neighbor, but mostly he’s sharing what happened and how he felt.

Who are you to judge? He is not threatening women in general or in particular. Obsession with sexual thoughts is difficult to share and difficult to treat and uncomfortable for some of us to hear.


Yes @J_Lo_Ste did not mention a bathing suit. Although, I can see how one could assume the woman sunbathing may have been wearing one. It was obvious that @J_Lo_Ste was sharing his challenging experience to us as a safe and supportive community. Addiction of any kind can be difficult to share and uncomfortable to hear, dependent on the sharer and receiver. I did not mean to sound judgmental. If I did, that’s on me. My concern was with the body shaming aspect of his comments. In my books, this is not ok. To leave on a positive note, I wish @J_Lo_Ste the best and am happy for anyone to DM me if there is further clarification needed.


I think the last sentence is what gave that impression:

sounds like: alright I shouldn’t struggle w looking but she shouldn’t be out there at all, she’s too ugly for this anyway.

SA is hard to share about cos it always implies the objectification of others. to put it on them is hard (and wrong in my opinion). like you I don’t necessarily think that’s what’s happening here. but this thread in general is the most judgemental thread on TS (and we love it for this). here we can simply sigh and expell what bugs us, without a look into ourselves necessarily. sometimes, with some subjects, this is still jarring and feels wrong to do. while I find it ok to phrase it: bathing suit season can FRO or short season can FRO or strip clubs (which they can, yes) cos I stuggle w SA, I also personally think it’s different to tell an individual woman or women in general to FRO for private things that don’t concern anyone else.
But then again, this is the FRO thread and here no one tells someone: oh well your coworker might have halitosis and still whispers in your ear - but he might have a serious medical problem so have some compassion. here it’s: FRO stinky mouth! and that’s great for this thread. so I think it’s a grey zone w the comment. I just hope that @J_Lo_Ste will continue to feel comfortable to share and also maybe be able to hear some of the women’s concern on here. :pray:


A victim of rape, grooming, many unwanted dog whistles who ‘upset’ many many men in my lifetime, especially while existing as a ‘sexy’ 15-year-old in short skirts. Pleased to make your acquaintance!

I stand by what I said. Saying that a woman should fuck right off (name of the thread) by daring to exist outside on her property is not ok. Blaming specific women for your desires, thoughts and addictions is also not ok. Ever. If she wasn’t wearing a bathing suit, the original comment is even worse so I’m not sure why you made that particulat argument.


She was naked on the roof of her home the highest home in the neighborhood with no trees

She was sitting there on her phone with nothing on

Not a beach and nothing to do with a gym

Naked. With children getting off of the school bus

I never ever said anything about ugly or unsightly

I never even did i shamed her

It today’s social norms it is not ok to be naked in visible sight

See, it’s Comments like yours that just make people leave talking sober


Maybe she thought she couldn’t be seen? Being the highest plateau, I dunno. I’m guilty of some naked sunbathing on rooftops time to time. Seemingly private to myself anyway….


Oooh ok. That’s a bit different. Like @Tragicfarinelli said, it could be that she genuinely has no idea anyone could see her. But still, exposing other people to full nudity isn’t ok and I’m sorry for misinterpreting your post.


Ok, since my share was not good enough

I’ll give the rest of the story.

Yes i was outside doing my own busines

Here’s the ugly truth after you shamed me

I grew up in atoxic environment. Sexual abuse at 14. Treated like property and passed around. Tied up and left to be found by the neighbors in an alley. I grew up homeless and my mother took us from home to home left helpless to do what she wanted while being Left exposed to grown ups watching porn and having sex with each other and ME

I’m a man dammit. This wasn’t supposed to happen to me

THEN i was abused so much it became normal
I started watching porn. Having sex. And i did everything i could to get me and my brothers and sister off of the streets

Getting Sexual abuse so that my brothers and sister didn’t have to be beaten
Then they always threatened me with a beating and telling me they were going to get them if i didn’t cooperate

Oh, where was dad? In jail

Now, as i said before, i

Not yours

I have been dealing with abuse from the likes of people who a narcissistic and better than everyone else

I sure wish it was not my burden to carry

No that woman, my neighbors wife, is not to be ashamed of herself.

I was ashamed of myself that i had to remember my hurt life

So once again. I’ll tell you some more

My family history of protecting my siblings from harm.

Since childhood, I’ve been made very aware of bad people everywhere. I could have done many things with this sudden exposure to nakedness but i kept in mind what happened to me and i went back inside my home to safety when i should have been able to be OUTSIDE enjoying hardworking yard work

So don’t tell me I’m a turdbird for sharing with you

That it was MY STRUGGLE


Sorry to hear all this. None of it makes you a turd bird… It makes you strong.

This is a case of clumsy semantics and assumptions here. We are all a group of people all trying to play a game together but bursting in with different rules and piles of pieces to the same table. We just have to remain civil and respectful. I won’t know what it’s like to walk your shoes, but I respect you and your story. I respect Amy and her story. I’ll always respect everyone here. If I don’t then I hide them to create a safe space. I’m sorry you had to go inside to do the same in the real world.

Sending you a virtual hug for all you prevailed against. :heart:


Speaking as a mod - think there has been enough back and forth on this particular post. Let’s move on.


Tailgaters that won’t get off your ass when there is a line of cars in front of you and to your side that you can’t get around yourself. I see you like to eat ass, but you’re really not my type. I prefer men with patience. You can fuck right off.