Having to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning can FRO!
Elastic that doesn’t last the life of the garment.
Fabric, stitching and structure all perfect…
Elastic?.. Fucked, rendering garment useless.
Seems an engineered fail point these days. I have some elastic that’s 15 years old and still mint, so I know it can be made to last… they choose to use cheap crappy stuff.
Recurrence of panic attacks can FRO. So frustrating and painful.
Absolutely. What goes for clothing these days is ridiculous. I got vintage things well worn for decades even before I owned them, still good. And then I got articles, also bought second hand cos I don’t support that biz, clearly made to last one season. Shameful.
Depression and constant crying can FRO.
The constant thoughts about chewing on/through/around yesterday’s call with my husband can fuck right off. It was ok. PERIOD!
Nothing more to do or to think about right now. PERIOD! So would my brain running wild please shut the fuck up and all this thinking about blablabla fuck right off please
Self pity can right off
Dissociation can FRO
Again: Nightmares About being back in school WTF. I feed my brain and soul with warmth, cozyness, kindness, meditation, therapy, healthy food, cuddling cats and connecting with people and myself and what does it produce? Nightmares over nightmares. grrrrr … Fuck off nightmares, I want relaxing sleep!
I’m going to second The feelings on the snow, I spent half my life in Indiana So I know all about that! and how about that lake effect near Michigan; it is no plaything! Very inhumane lol, But now I’m back home in Texas and I am so happy to report that the average temperature is about 71° and there is no snow in the forecast!! Don’t get me wrong, Snow is pretty the very first day that it falls for the very first minute that you look at it and then I’m over it!
Warning: I’m not going to censor myself and it’s gross…
I’m sorry for screaming but FUCK it’s irritating! They developed in early 2021, I had surgery for them about a year ago (painful) and they came back almost immediately. A year later and they’re still hanging around and I’m gonna have to go through another painful surgery. It better work this time and they better give me some (TW: Opiates) actual pain meds (not my DOC, no issues there for me).
At least last year it was internal and not painful, just made my shit bloody. Now they’re poppin’ out my asshole and it HURTS.
I only JUST turned 27!!! Why me!!?!
Edit: I originally said it was “a bit” gross… had to change that to just straight-up gross.
Getting a bottle of wine as Christmas gift from work (among other edible stuff). But why?
The shitty behaviour of my husband can FRO
I don’t drink, but attorneys still bring me bottles of alcohol. Like, don’t you even try to do any research on the people you’re trying to network with?
@anon74766472 @DungeonMaster
Same here. It’s just a habit in the society I - and you apparently too - live in. Some people even bring me prosecco or bubble stuff like it although they know I never drank it because I get a horrible headache from one little sip, sometimes even from smelling (same with industrial orange juice, btw). But THEY drink it so they give it as presents.
I personally decline presents I do not like or use in a polite way and return them. No explanation, just a polite “Nice idea, thank you, but please understand, I have no use for it.”
Companies here changed a lot from alcoholic giveaways to healthy products from regional farmers like juices, jam, snacks etc. I appreciate this change in mindset very much and encourage it when I have the opportunity. Sometimes the healthy alternative is also the better tasting one
When asking in my company what has been already discussed about reducing energy expenses and the answer is: the supply is safe so actually we don’t think about it. Like wtf!
Rain in December that has everything covered in thick ice can fro. So dangerous outside right now and it’s knocking out internet and power through my county.
I end up returning it. Most of the alcohol is from Costco. Some of those bottles are friggin expensive. It’s almost like, “thanks for the cash” instead.
That’s cool! Here you can’t return anything without a receipt so this would be no option for me. Making cash out of it is really cool