Insomnia and waking up with a headache can fuck right off. Sun not rising until 8am can fuck of too.
It’s a nice swear word we use in Austria. A bit old-fashioned but I still like it because it’s not rude
I’m sure you got the meaning
Highly sophisticated fax system that persists in Germany. Scan, Email? No, but you can fax it. Yeah, as every private household has a fax in 2023. Wtf
That’s a bizarre one. I have encountered the fax only option, too. As if it’s a safer way to send documents…
My mind racing through all the what ifs in the early stages of searching for a home to buy. You have to make x amount of money, have x level of credit, have x saved for down payment, search for houses you don’t even know if you can afford, the uncertainties involved in this can fuck off. Ughhhhh
- Herrgottssack *
Going from night shift to day shift can FRO!
Everything in my mind
Love it! Xx
I remember the times when you had to fax everything in Austria. My dad even had a fax at home! Horrible. Didn’t know it’s still common in Germany. WTF? That’s so retro
I feel with you!
Fuck abusive spouses or partners. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or otherwise. Doesn’t matter. They can all fuck right the hell off. Narcissistic shits.
Sounds you’re having a rough time. you are welcome to vent away. there’s a thread if you would like to join there. sending you strength
If you don’t know what someone is thinking of you, then you’ll meet them at the bus stop start a tiny conversation as they are living in your house and you already talked to them quite a bit and then this person enters the bus and sits directly on a single seat. I feel dismissed. What a nice start into Wednesday.
I agree Rosa, I’ve just started going down this road, and yep, alll that can fro. Wish it was easier.
Best of luck to you, and it really feels like we need some luck in this process. I wish there was less mystery around it.
Self-doubt. Insecurities. Uncertainty. Mood swings. Anxiety.
Waking up with a bad headache can FRO. Having a really rough start to my day.
If I can, I remember to be grateful for waking up feeling physically off. That’s how I used to come to every day, and the fact that I tolerated feeling that lousy for years is a caution to me of how powerfully addicted to booze I was.
Still toxic colleague attacking me
People who fucking come to a complete stop to make a right hand turn at a green light
People who always have to have the last fucking word even on subjects they don’t have a damn clue about
The retro video game store that charges two arms and a fucking leg for old games I played as a kid and are not worth as much as they sell for but I still buy them anyway to relive the glory days lol