Whoever brought a pack of fresh deli cinnamon rolls in my house and left them on the counter can FRO….
I ate them!
Whoever brought a pack of fresh deli cinnamon rolls in my house and left them on the counter can FRO….
I ate them!
People who always have to give you unsolicited advice.
People who seem to be experts on every damn thing.
Incessant talkers who can’t shut up and let you get off the phone. Thank God for texting!
That neighbor who still parks on the corner too close to the stop sign. Ive been in so many close calls trying to get around. BASTARD. makes me wanna be a karen and call the mayors hotline … but im not that old and crotchety yet…FRO
The pitching coach on my high school staff, I’m the head coach, embodies all three of these lol
I love this thread. It might be my favorite. I laugh my ass off at most of these posts.
When people in your company think that by agreeing going to work abroad for some months means that you are going to pay the housing there in advance. It’s almost impossible for me to calm down.
WTF? This is nuts
Sending you strength, don’t suffocate them, they will learn to avoid bullshit like that idea
Full rubbish bags that tear at the bottom just when you are pulling them out of the bin can FRO. Happened to my husband yesterday when he was taking out the rubbish after dinner. He was so hopping mad he sent kid and me off to bed and closed the connecting door so he could clean and swear simultaneously and freely.
Fuuuuuuuuuck passwords misery. Reset, 12 characters plus fuckery. Screw it all.
When you’re in a restaurant choking, and people just keep repeatedly asking you: “Are you OK?!”, knowing full well you’re unable to speak. Ah, no Einstein…I’m CHOKING!!!
Cravings on St. Patricks Day
Itchy skin and not knowing why can fro
Making plans when you were feeling good, then feeling like shit when the time comes around and agonising over whether to cancel or not … Just really don’t feel like going/doing …I’m tired and just want to rest this anxiety can fro
Being around family, who drive you nuts, when you’re not in the mood for it …fro
a dizzy head due to far too warm weather can FRO. It’s spring, not summer. I’m not a machine where you just switch the program to adjust. Menopausal hormon bullshit can FRO too as it contributes to this shit
I don’t want to smell people’s breath in my neck while queuing. That was one single good thing during pandemic.
Me, relapsing.
I am done - finally.
Just FRO!
OK, I’ll ask. What is FRO?
“F&ck right off”
Cold and windy weather can FRO