Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

People getting off the bus and stopping right in front of the open door. Or people standing in the middle of doors. Or in the middle of the way. :zipper_mouth_face:


I just noticed that parent part. I am so with you on that one. Hope you found peace with that


The weather once again. Was supposed to be sunny today,the mouloonrd good, we decided to have a bbq and when my brother arrived it started to pour down with rain again. Now it’s sunny but it’s still raining at the same time.

I know that’s there’s places with extreme heat and extreme problems with fires this summer,that would give a lot for some rain to help. And I understand that completely. I’m just so tired of this constant raining and cold we have here at the moment.

Can barley go out because everything is cold,soaked and gray. Also knowing that we’re going towards months of more gray, cold rain and eventually almost pitch dark doesn’t make it better.


Frequent headaches can FRO. I have enough trouble focusing at work without that added.


My bonehead neighbors who are still setting off fireworks every night…and it’s now already July 29th. Enough already!


Laundry can FRO today. It’s Sunday. Why must there ALWAYS be laundry!


Depression can FRO together with people who mention I need to get more active. Like yeah, I really enjoy being in this state of mind and I don’t know that

  • I know it’s well ment advice……:pray:

Trouble is, when you’re depressed you don’t FEEL like being active, or doing hobbies, etc.


The shirtless fellow who approached me in my hospital cafeteria, while I was in scrubs and my name badge eating a salad to ask me if he “could take me into a back room to show me a good time” after interrupting me two times prior just to say hello and ask where the bathrooms were.
After break I found out the same guy followed my co-worker to her car calling her sexy asking to “hang out” and telling her he would make it “worth her time”. Oddly I needed to hear that he had bothered someone else before I called security.

FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. And all the shit feelings that come from being harassed keep on fucking right on off.


The constant layer of sweat I’ve had since quitting can fuck right off


My Mom falling and fracturing her kneecap today. Gonna be a long slow recovery.


Oh i’m so sorry William. I hope she is not in too much pain and is able to recover quickly.

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What in the actual FUCK is wrong with people. I am glad that you were able to call security - hopefully he does not bother you in the future.

YES FRO to all those feelings. Sorry you had to go through this.


Thanks. :blush:

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My thoughts exactly. I was really happy that I didn’t answer his back room request with a “Sorry…” and then a no. I feel like that is growth. I’m not fucking sorry that you bothered me at my job on my break. I think not apologizing while I stared daggers into his face and said an emphatic NO is growth. Fuck. That. Guy.
And fuck harassment. This is by far the most fucks I have given today, thanks @JazzyS!


Absolutely fuck that guy. Purely doing it so he can feel powerful over women.

Right on you shouldnt be sorry!


Oh your poor mum. Wishing her a speedy recovery

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Thank you! It’s nice to be supported in my rage. If I see him again I’ll give him an extra fuck off from you.


Sometimes we need to let all the Fucks out.
You handled the situation perfectly. Really gope you dont see him again.

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Insurance companies that think they know better than your doctor what medicine you should take can FRO!

My doc wants me to try vyvanse instead of extended release adderall because it’s less habit forming, give my history of addiction. But insurance won’t cover it until I’ve tried other stimulants without success. Arg!