Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

People who think it’s too early to decorate for Halloween can fuck right off!


LOL and damn straight! do what you want

My realtor just said her niece had a Halloween themed birthday party in April – i was over the moon hearing this … there are no set rules about these things… enjoy what makes you happy


I thought that could only happen in the Netherlands. Obviously not, it’s all about the money here.


This is amazing! Youre absolutely spot on anyone who disagrees with you can FRO

Overly complicated technology can fro.

I bought three football tickets, in the past these came as an attachment to an email, open attachment, print and go to the game. Nice simple and easy.

Not anymore, they now come as a google wallet attachment, this involved downloading an app, changing my password (twice), then downloading the tickets, only to find out i cant print them but have to scan them on my phone at the ground.

Once i have gone through the turnstile how do the other two people scan their tickets with the phone in my pocket?

Technology is great, until it isnt.


People going crazy out there with their lawnmowers during the german midday rest.
It’s Mittagruhe - FRO maaaaan! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rofl:
Don’t disturb my 2h power nap :laughing:


This is our big tourist season where I live. Waaaay too many people! There is not ONE available parking space near any of our beaches. I live here, but I can’t even enjoy it now.


Rain, rain, rain. My garden is wrecked, the plants are dead and I’m pissed.


General rule in my house works this way.
August 1 st makes it totally legal to go into Halloween mode.
September 1st bring on all the decorations, come get your Pumpkin, Pumpkin Spice everything.

October 1 st- Everything goes up a notch or two. Haunted house anyone?

Then after Halloween- November 1st.
Christmas time!

Luckily I live in Sweden. Halloween is not a big thing here, but I make it one,every year.

And a lot of times we start Christmas in November with advent decorations and advent celebrations.
This year however Advent 1st isn’t until December 3rd.

And then we have, advent every Sunday until Christmas.
Full on Christmas mode until December 27.
December 27 New years mode.
After New years decorations change to Epiphany/ Three Kings Day.

Valentine’s day, Walpurgisnacht,Easter, Summer, Summer Holiday. And then the circle starts over.

There’s always a reason to decorate.
Pro tip Check out the ideas for a Halloween tree, Easter tree, Valentine’s day tree etc on Pinterest. That way you can keep your “Christmas” tree up all year.
I did that a few years ago. Then I got tired of having to less space. :smiling_face:


I’ll keep on with being upset at the weather.
It’s still raining, the weather predictions for tomorrow warns for heavy rain, worse than it has been all summer.

I’m getting a bit worried about this.
The farmer’s are harvesting crops that aren’t ready yet because of the lack of sun.
Trying to save what can be saved before it turns rotten from all the water.

The weat is already almost spoiled, potatoes too,the only crop that actually thrives in this is oat.

We already have crazy high prices on food.
This summer followed by what they claim is going to be an extremely warm and dry fall,and then a really cold long winter will cause everything to rise even higher.

On top of that we have the extreme heat in other parts of Europe,and the current political issues.

Even higher prices on living will hit hard, too hard I’m afraid.


That piece of skin that is sticking out at the edge of a nail.


People who want to be number one and push you aside for their goal.


Those things worry me too, everything gets more and more expensive :pleading_face:


My exhusband


My husband. Fucking narcissist.
He’s making me feel like shit and what is worst, I’m starting to think maybe really I am the problem. I was never feeling so small and stupid before. I’m probably not a good wife but man, grow up.
Hypocrites and narcissists can FRO


Ah Mischa - i’m so sorry. I know none of us are perfect and we all have our share of issues to correct but no one should be made to feel small and stupid.
You are a beautiful woman and i see the love and care you have for your kids and your aunt. I want you to know you are special and deserve to feel special. I love your zest for life and see how hard you are working on yourself. Do not let anyone make you feel less than.
I realize this is easier said than done - i do hope that you will not get sucked the negativity. :people_hugging: :people_hugging:


Thanks Jasmine.
Sometimes I think my relationship is just book example of being toxic and sometimes I think, well, everybody have issues. Definitely I feel better when he’s not around and I don’t think it’s normal. We didn’t have much time for ourselves cause after about half year of being together I got pregnant and all that storm started (when Sacha was not even 1.5yo I got pregnant again - twins) and he miss my attention and intimacy but I guess I focused on kids totally and I’m to tired for him… He is also 6 years younger, extremely extravertic…
Well, it’s 8 o’clock here, I need coffee, Im still half sleeping :wink:
Have a good day sober army, love ya


The rain in Cornwall. Even the ducks are sick of it.

And tinnitus, waking up thinking there is an alarm going off somewhere


kids are no joke (i do not have any but i do know all the time and attention that they require and how taking care of them drains you at times as you want to give your all to them).
Whatever you decide i just want you to know that you are amazing and are doing a hell of a job with sobriety and your kids. Keep fighting the good fight - we are here to support you when needed. – Hope that coffee helped :wink: i’m on my third and waiting for that boost lol…


Stupid, harmful TikTok “challenges”.