Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Send us some of that rain. I’ll take two orders please


The people who cannot maintain their lane as a left turn is navigated. They can fro. The lines are clearly painted


Or people who use the shoulder of the road as a passing lane.


Ill chuck any of the major social media platforms in there. Facebook, insta, tiktok, twitter. They can all get in the bin.


And people who can’t be bothered to use turn signals.


I would love to. We have cities over here that are flooding and parts that’s been flushed away. Roads that are closed because they’ve got destroyed by the rain. It’s a minor chaos.

The last two days has been even more extreme.


I’ve said it before but waking up with a bad headache can FRO! This is like day 3 of this headache. :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_head_bandage:

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I’ll keep on with my weather. Storm warning the last 24 hours and it keepa on coming.

Cities are flooded, roads flushed away. Contaminated water is coming out in the drinking water at some places because of the flooding.

Extremely heavy rain and heavy winds.

Actually it’s not unusual, and my village hasn’t really had any problems. We’re out in the countryside surrounded by fields and close to the river. The river always gets flooded so we’re used to it. And we doesn’t have to many asphalt roads so the water goes into the ground mostly.

But I’m still tired of not being able to go out. Not being able to enjoy any kind of sunshine or summer heat.

Just heavy Gray skies with pouring rain, week after week after week. And I know we’ll soon have months of darkness because Fall and winter is coming.


Again with this insomnia, ya basta! :neutral_face: I can’t wait till our new bed/mattress arrives and we can set up our actual bedroom and not be sleeping on the floor. Crafting a calm sleeping environment is going to help a lot, I hope.


6 days later. Sweat is still there. Fuck right off sweat


My Mom’s landline phone! Gawd, I want to rip that thing right out of the wall right now! Constantly getting barraged by telemarketers, scammers and “robo calls” all day and night…beginning around 7:00 A.M., usually. There’s also some waste of sperm cells out there who keeps trying to pose as my Mom’s grandson…no doubt to try and scam my elderly mother. While I’m at it, there’s another thing that can FRO: people who try to take advantage of the elderly.


I am with you on this one. There is a scam where people pretend to be an elderly person’s grandchild to ask for money. When I heard about it I was enraged.

They tried my Mom (probably because she had a landline too) and didn’t get very far. My Mom asked which grandchild they were and they said the youngest (who would have been 1 at the time) then she asked the grandchild’s name and he said Billy (we don’t have a Billy) and my Mom said “I never cared for that one” and hung up.

Ruthless! My Mom is much tougher and softer than I give her credit for. I hope those scammers stub their toe every night getting into bed and get a paper cut every morning. And that birds continuously shit on them when they leave their houses.


I love your Mom’s response to that person! My Mom isn’t quite that feisty, though…unlike my Grandmother (her Mom), who wouldn’t hesitate to tell you just where you can go if you crossed a line. She was a tough old bird. I sure miss her. :frowning:


I was enraged when I first heard about it. Preying on old people is low. I hope more sweet ladies and gentlemen tell them to FRO.


Got some weird weather going on here right now, and not really diggin’ it. Very humid and tropical-like: hot, yet cloudy and drizzly. It feels like a big moist armpit outside. Couldn’t sleep last night because it was so stifling. Looking forward to Fall and Winter.


My boss. I swear she’s the devil.


I was wrong before. I am now absolutely POURING sweat. I miss the day six sweats. Fuck right off


Ah man - that does sound aggravating and uncomfortable. Should you check in with a doctor. I would have thought the sweats would have subsided by now. Hang in there!

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Having feelings for someone, and that certain someone giving mixed messages and you’re clueless as if the feeling is mutual or if he’s just too cute friendly but too afraid to find out because that’ll change the whole dynamic in the friendship and there’s nothing we could do about it anyways … I know, very long and oddly specific but that most definitely need to FRO :sneezing_face:


Leaks in my roof that I can’t afford to have fixed.