Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

Earthquakes can FRO!
Just had a 4.8 which is minor, but it still scared the crap out of me and my coworkers. They’re very uncommon around here.


Earthquakes can definitely be terrifying. Even of its a small one, it can feel really scary and leave you feeling shaken (pun not intended, but :laughing: ) for a while.


Meh, I saw someone here calling one of my threads on TalkingSober a “ridiculous post” but then they deleted it so fast… I don’t really understand how it was a “ridiculous post” it was just something I was curious about. It was kinda rude but I’m not gonna let it bother me. :slight_smile:

I learned early on in life that lots of people have shitty, unconstructive things to say, but fuck it dude. Shit like that used to bother me a lot, but I learned over time to not let people get to my head too much, especially some random nobody on the internet.


I have a massive FRO to add today but in doing so, i would be disrespectful and awful AND drag the worst out of me

I must choose to let it go
WITH that being said that WHAT I NEED TO SAY or FEEL I need to say,
My mind is in a bad place
can FRO

Save me Higher Power


They’re pretty common here in California, but they’re STILL frightening, even if you’re used to them.


Falling asleep earlier than I had been, waking up at 2am wide awake listening to the cats doing zoomies - they usually sleep all night through. Anyway no point stressing about it. Probably change in weather and times messing all our routine out of whack.


Allergies! Man how I hate them. Running nose, asthma, red puffy eyes, sore throat, bäh


That’s why this thread is here lol


Supermarkets can FRO. Why is everything so expensive? That’s one. Secondly, upon inspection, several foods are mouldy and out of date or just awful quality. I know things are bad, but what the hell is happening?

My crumpets that I got yesterday are all mouldy inside the packaging :sob::sob:

Seriously though, every store seems to be in some twilight zone of badness??


Western NY weather :weary: Yesterday it was blue skies, not a cloud in sight. Today, the eclipse is starting and there is not one patch of blue. I’m not even sure where the sun is! :angry:


My senior software dev is very very particular with how he wants me to do things, manz does not trust me enough!!! :triumph:

Always gotta explain everything I’m doing, why I’m doing it that way, show him evidence of why I need to do something a certain way, etc.

Like mofucka I’ve been coding for like more than half of the time I’ve been alive for. I’m like 48% man, 52% computer at this point. Sometimes he gotta just trust me!!! I have well over a decade of coding experience even at my age :triumph:

Then again, you aren’t supposed to just blindly trust someone in software engineering. So I understand why he does that, but still it kinda annoys me but thats a ‘me problem’ I suppose lol :smile_cat:


I feel you, my dad notices the same with fruits and vegetables being mad stale when we goes to get groceries.


Tornadoes can FRO.


My senior software dev originally agreed with my plan for a smooth migration from Elasticsearch v7 to v8, but then he started disagreeing with it and now I gotta scrap my merge request with all my changes for the original way!!! :crying_cat_face:

But the good news is we found in the Elasticsearch documentation a better way to migrate to v8!!! :smiley: So now I’m doing it that way instead. I made sure to get his approval again before starting on this new way :slight_smile:

Oh also, software documentation that you need that’s kinda scattered in the most random spot on the internet can FRO!!! I find you have to search through sooo much documentation just to find what you need sometimes in DevOps :triumph:

Incompetent employees who don’t give a shit can fro! Glad I got that out :blush:


Renters who trash the house and leave piles of dog shit inside can Fk All the way off


NOOOOOO my senior software dev is making the team have to write design proposals and memos and documentation for the design/implementation of a software change, particularly for high/medium impact changes!!! D:

Fuck writing documentation, all my homies HATE writing boring ass documentation!!! :triumph:

Just kidding, it’s actually good that my team is standardizing the way how a software change is implemented/designed and having to document it all. But still it’s sooo much boring work lol :smiley:

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That ad for “1-877-KARS 4 KIDS” !!

Please just make it go away forever.


The weather in Cornwall can go and #+@@@ right off. If it rains any more I’m selling my car and buying a boat


The last cargo bike we bought is called ‚Yellow Submarine‘ for a reason…