Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

  1. Umpires who miss the call and when you ask them about it admit it was a missed call and then proceed to basically tell you “oh well” :man_shrugging:t2: FRO

  2. Opposing team coaches who admit they poached players from your school and then want to be fucking friendly to you like you’re friends with them…FRO

  3. Assistant coaches who never come to practice but show up on game days acting like they have all the fucking answers….FRO

Happy Friday lol


Difficult marriages, difficult spouses, difficult selfs…


Smug coupled up people…awww…are you still single Kelly?? …Yes…by CHOICE!!! now FRO!!


Yup, I’m totally feeling that too. It sucks.


@Pattycake I hear you, let it out. Yesssss, codependency can FRO. Sending hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging:

@Faugxh :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: hope it goes away soon, what a bullshit

For me: nightmares. One day they will kill me. But not today. I’m up far too early to shoo them :roll_eyes::exploding_head:


Or worse, when they try to hook you up with their single friends who you have virtually nothing in common with. Yup, been there.


After Daylight savings time on a Monday…. Can FRO!!!


Everything being a fight and so damn hard sometimes can just literally FRO!


Uuuuugh the ants that I thought were gone which have reappeared. :sob: I have no idea how they’re getting in.


The damn traffic that is impossible to traverse without putting myself in a near panic attack state. (had a broken bone from someone driving into me, it made the fear worse). I know I’m on a scooter and you can’t see me as clearly, but still. If only the bus was an option


People who rush to cut in front of you through a roundabout then drive way below the speed limit
Avocados that are hard one minute then rotten the next
People who leave a sliver of toilet paper on a practically empty toilet roll- thanks for nothing
Getting my leg kick checked by a knee
These can all FRO!


Avocado death is the worst. I love getting fresh Avocado. My kitchen gets hot quick too. Can’t keep anything fresh past two days


Piggybacking on this frustration again. People who comment on my dinner can continue to FRO. Today I got “pineapple AND pudding” and sustained laughter as if that were the funniest combination ever while I just stared with a frozen smile. Fuck. Right. Off. I’ll eat the table if I want Cynthia. No fucks given today.



I feel you! I love avocado on toast with a poached egg. When you’re looking forward to this for breakfast but the avocado turns rotten overnight, this can FRO!


Hey, I’m a Swede. We have pizza with pineapple and banana, or kebab and french fries. We have ketchup on almost all pasta. I personally don’t eat butter because I can’t stand either the taste or the texture so I have mayonnaise on almost every sandwich I eat. We have a famous and very popular cookie made out of breadcrumbs cocoa, suger butter and marzipan (dammsugare) for Mardi Gras we eat a cardamom buns filled with almond paste and whipped cream (some times we put in in a bowl poor warm milk around it and sprinkle cinnamon on)
We have fermented fish (surströmming) that we eat with soft or hard bread,potatoes,red onion and sourcream. We eat pickled herring with different flavoring.

Gingerbread with brie or blue cheese is s very popular Christmas treat, together with non alcoholic glühwein.

And our applecider is always carbonated.

Just give them this list Next time they make a comment. :laughing:


Don’t forget your liquorice in everything, which I love by the way. Scandinavian food is the best :heart:


That’s true, I don’t really eat liquorice. Most of it contains gluten. But yes we have a lot of liquorice in different combinations. Sweet, supersalty, with chocolate, with salty Carmel, with raspberry (I think that one is most common) with lemon and a lit of other things.

Finland however is better than Sweden on liquorice candy. :blush:


I heard someone use the term yesterday, “I’m sober curious” like what the fuck does that even mean? You can’t be “addiction curious” therefore “sober curious” is not a thing and can most certainly FRO! Really bothered someone like me where it is life or death so again fuck right off!


Being nervous and thoughts running wild can fuck right off.

  1. It’s an expert appointment, not a trial of life or death.
  2. I gotta keep my mouth mostly shout as my lawyer is here.
  3. My codependency can give a shit on shouldcouldwould, nobody is interested how organized or tidy my house is and nobody gives a shit, at least my ex.
  4. The likelihood that a 3rd expertise will be ordered by court is 50 % from what impression I had so far from this expert :roll_eyes:
  5. Feeling tired and nervously alert at the same can FRO too, holy fickifucky, I’ve tons of experience and if I freak out: well, then I freaked out. I have the bloody right to freak out if someone doesn’t behave. Not my circus, not my monkeys anymore, just a short guest performance. I’m getting on my own nerves. grrrrr …

My husband spending an hour on the phone giving advice to his friend about how to find a girlfriend. Maybe use that energy on your keeping your own wife?