Consistency - What helps you stay consistent

They will say, one baby step is wobbly at best

but you know how to wobble, so there is that

Welcome to the community @GetOutOfMySystem glad to have you here with us :blush: congrats on expecting the baby! What a wonderful gift :heart: when i finally quit for good i did 3 months away from booze of any kind…i didnt have it in the house…i didnt socialise where it was and even avoided it in the supermarket…then i did alot of work on myself…alot of people find meetings very helpful too but instead i literally lived on here reading around…also allen carrs easy way to quit drinking really helped with mindset on drinking…eat well, hydrate, get vitamins b vitamin complex in particular is great…

@SolarEclipse are you doing ok? Something seems a little off in your replies here… :heart:


thx bud not good


I thought something was up, you can pm me if you need to talk


Hi and a warm welcome for you here!
At first congratulations with a baby on the way! That is so special!

Consistency, good question!
I can only look to myself and my recovery proces. In the awareness period I quit for a few days, maybe a week not more.
Like I was not wanting it enough. Like I was aware of the problem and trying to cope with it by balancing with not drinking for a while and then drinking because I stayed sober for a few days and deserved some.
It finally clicked in when things really got over the line for me. Then I really, really wanted it!
I found this app and decided to stay and put in the effort every day. I also made a plan for myself how to become and stay sober. Just something practical to give my recovery hands and feet.2 years sober and what helped me to get there: Maybe you see something in it you can use too. I would alse reccoment to read this tread: What's YOUR plan? Put the time you did drinking in reading recoverybooks, ore podcasts about it. It’s like building a new house brick by brick, day by day.

I’m sorry it isn’t going well @SolarEclipse , I was worried when I read your replies. Open for pm as well.


Thanks for your warm welcome , this is really good stuff hearing other people’s stories. Greatly appreciated :+1:

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Sorry to hear , I just met ya so I couldn’t tell if something was up , I hope things go better for you


Thanks as well for the welcome @Starlight14 , it’s nice to be a part of something positive. I have been kind of drifting in my community looking for people who are trying to stay sober, I know we have meetings, the Aa meetings don’t do it for me . So I’m going to start another Na meeting in our town . My mind set is set to be sober , I try not to kick myself to much when I do mess up, maybe I’m not hard enough on my self when I do mess up . Anyways thanks for the advice

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Whats your DOC (drug of choice) if you dont mind me asking?

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Welcome and congrats on becoming a father.
You say AA meetings don’t do it for me and NA meetings are virtually the same as they use the 12 steps, at this early stage try anything and everything.
Read posts here, ask questions, there are also Smart meetings, recovery dharma over here in Australia we have Sober in the country, the biggest part for me was realising I wasn’t alone in facing this new life.
It’s not easy in the beginning but it is possible :pray:


Honestly - after you’ve made up your mind and have your personal plan, keep checking this space daily. It’s one thing to tell yourself/partner your plan, but to see and support others in their plan, and to have that shared understanding and experience, can really help you to stick with it!


Loud music, walking in nature, commitment to myself, sticking to the one day at a time thing, reading here, listening to blogs, reading about addiction, my daughters… this all helped me a lot
Stay strong


It use to be all of them , now it’s Meth. I started when I was 25 , I’m 32 now , trying to quit for a while . Spent 3 years or 4 shooting it then finally got off that train . Things have been going better in my life , got to kick this monkey off my back. It’s irritating lol. Always stealing my bananas :banana: @Starlight14


I mean this in the most helpful, non judgemental and constructive way possible…i would seek as much help and try anything possible even things that you dont want to do such as AA and NA to stay sober because in my experience when the baby comes along as wonderful as they are they are stressful…your life will probably get more stressful and if stress is a trigger for you then you will need the extra support and a solid plan of sobriety


good idea set up a meeting that will help you keep consistent wish you well

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how you doing my friend?

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How are you today? :heart:

4 days 17 hours clean


4 days 17 hours clean today