Continued Confessions

If you are referring to the band, don’t worry. I honestly think Anthony Keidis is the worst human on Earth. Probably the worst human in the entirity of Earth’s human history.

Oh except @DungeonMaster - he likes Nickleback.


:joy::joy::joy: Or maybe that makes me something else entirely! :business_suit_levitating:t3:

That’s a bloody bold statement (thank you auto correct lol) I saw them in concert, it wasn’t half bad. But I definitely have no issues never listening to them again lol

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Why? He is. He’s just awful. Honestly, If i had a choice between shaking his hand or cutting off my own, id bring my own saw.

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Yes but WHY??? Lol

Ok I’ll just take your word on it


I dont know him personally. Tell me more!

  1. He never puts a shirt on
  2. He can’t sing
  3. He has a face you want to punch
  4. He can’t sing
  5. He is a crap guitarist
  6. He can’t sing
  7. He shacked up with a 14 year old when he was 23
  8. He can’t sing
  9. He’s a lyrical insult
  10. He can’t sing
  11. Every album RHCP has released has been ruined because of numbers 2, 4, 6,8,10 and 12
  12. He can’t sing
  13. I hate him

Backstreet boys may have come on the radio as a throwback this am and I MAY have sang along to the 90% or so of the song I remembered… How did I ever go from that to Pantera to Garth Brooks to Pink and then to Pink Floyd? I’d say there isn’t much for music that I haven’t appreciated over the years!


As long as its not Red Hot Chilli Wankers…


Under the Bridge makes me think of my brother in Cali. After our dads funeral, I had just met my brother for the first time and we were cruising out to the ocean (in the middle of winter) and that song came on. We jammed out together nobodys business in the car that day! Its a good memory for us. Otherwise I’m not a big fan!


If music can evoke emotions than it must have some meritorious qualities, so even if completely devoid of these qualities, since the chili peppers evoke hatred than they must be good… :thinking::sunglasses::hear_no_evil:

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Dani California reminds me of the time i spent in Alaska with my brother. Good times.

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I am Team Pacey. Dawson’s a whiny baby.

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Another one that brings back memories is the older Tom Cochrane song “Life is a highway”. I jammed out with my cousins in the car on our way to jump off a 50-60 foot cliff into water below in a pit. We had some good times with my family just being goofballs, listening to the tunes!


I listened to a lot of Creed’s second album, Human Clay while playing Halflife with my friends. A lot of the songs still remind me of Joe’s basement.

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Haha yes, that reminds me of an ex boyfriend of mine! It’s amazing what memories and people get tied to our music.

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OMG. That just brought back memories of seeing Tom Cochrane play in my University basement!! It was when this album was the big hit.

Though I was more of a Red Rider fan with Lunatic Fringe, White Hot, and Big League.

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When i played through the game Legend of the Dragoon, i listened to Queensryche’s Greatest Hits. A lot of Queensryche music still reminds me of the mood in the video game.


went to a Rod Stewart concert in 1976 then in 2017 seen him again he still looks the same lol


Did he play his older stuff in 2017? I find his music has changed so much now. I bought his “standards” album in the early 2000s. I loved it. It was so different but done so well. I’d love to see him perform those songs. Though, a good “Do You Think I’m Sexy” would still be great.

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