Continued Confessions

That just made me think. I saw Billy Idol a couple of years ago. That was fabulous. He’s still a raunchy douche on stage.

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Saw him in the late 80’s with my late mum. He still wore the leopard print trousers.
Loved to have seen the faces in the early 70’s


And yet, i own all their albums

I loved singing harmonies to them as a teenager lol

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I sing with you too! Post up some new good music for our listening pleasure! :wink:

I can’t sing, so people like him give me hope.

If I could have anyone else’s singing voice as my own, it would be Rod Stewart. Very unique and distinctive sound, and hasn’t changed or deteriorated at all as he has aged. The man is a treasure!


And he supports Glasgow Celtic

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@Ray_M_C_Laren is actually the Highlander. There can only be one.

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That sounds like a bloody good time!

Today’s confession. I’m sending this message from inside @DungeonMaster’s closet


Fuck elf on the shelf. I’m the addict in the attic


Yes!!! Always Pacey!

I’m also Team Jacob and Team Gael.

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Ditto!!! :no_entry_sign::hot_pepper:

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Definitely team Jacob, but absolutely Team Peeta!

But youre sure u dont mean the edible ones?

Nope. everything about TRHCP makes me cringe

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I listen to trance music exclusively these days. No shame for me! Haha, keeps my ADHD mind in check. If I were to listen to anything else it would probably be Breaking Benjamin. Maybe Disturbed. If I were writing it would be Evenescence.

I love grand strategy games on PC. See above about keeping my mind occupied and quiet.

I read fantasy everyday.

And I’m the most awesome person in the world!

That is all.


You are awesome, Megan!

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