Continued Confessions

There’s time.

Confession: I have always loved the scene in the movie Sex & The City where Miranda and Steve make a pact to meet on the Brooklyn Bridge if they both decide they want to try again. I legit get teary every time I’ve seen it. Movie is pretty terrible imo tho.

Bigger confession: this is playing during the scene
on the bridge and I’ve felt like this song has been my life for the last 5 years.


Another confession: I still own a Second Life account. I was so bored yesterday that I had a look and that game is still alive :smile: And still full of strange folks

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I had a huge crush on that band :heart_eyes: Still like to listen to some of their songs

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I think it has a long history and something to do with Slipknot too.

I’ve never seen Sex And The City, but I do have that Al Green record. Think I’ll be listening to that this morning. Thanks for the inspiration!

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Brian Harvey is the worst person in the world.

Edit: This one I think we can all agree on!


E-17 were probably the best of a bad bunch, mind you. I was about 4 when ‘It’s alright’ came out but I remember my parents loved it. There was a piano version of it that was pretty good too. I think if it were to be re-released by a female singer like Tori Amos, Alannis Morrisette or Paloma Faith… maybe even Fergie it’d be pretty good

I quite liked ‘House of Love’ too. But not Brian Harvey.

Brian Harvey is the worst person in the world.

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I listened to it all last night during my walk, I love the song Judy

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