Corona virus

I know. I was just telling my friends I finally have an excuse to be the introvert that I am. Lol.

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I doubt very much that Geoff meant that in the way that it came across, it was meant as a genuine question and to point out that we should only worry about what we ourselves can control which is the basis of the serenity prayer and recovery itself! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Iā€™m sorry, but Iā€™m just trying to say that he will do what he will do. As I said my mil will tell me to go away and stop being silly tomorrow. What am I supposed to do tie her down!
Iā€™m not saying you donā€™t care about him at all.


Think sheā€™s saying thatā€™s what sheā€™d tell her dad.

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I know that. I was just expressing that Iā€™m still going to try as a daughter and warn my elderly parents of their dangers. I know he will do what he will do, heā€™s the most stubborn man I know and washes his hands like once a day. So Iā€™m worried for them since my mom lives with him.


Our daughter, at University, was informed last night that they were having commencement ceremony today. Then they all have to be moved out by Sunday. Classes to continue online.
I donā€™t think they followed the No large group gatherings rule lol
Wish we could have attended but we didnt have enough time to get there.
Looks like they had fun though.

For ourselves, we are washing our hands more often and keeping our house clean.
Eating healthy seems to be helpful as well


Thatā€™s all we can do.

Yeah. Thatā€™s what I was saying. Thatā€™s exactly what I told him, he also made a joke that since he drinks half a bottle of vodka every day heā€™s immune and is disinfected from the inside, to me, knowing that heā€™s an alcoholic thatā€™s literally killing himself every day, thatā€™s not funny and sad to hear. You know?


I was out today and really wanted to wipe and rub my nose but managed to wait thirty minutes until I was able to wash my hands. It wasnā€™t easy though. It was like when somebody tells you not to do something and then thatā€™s all that you can think about. :joy::slightly_smiling_face:

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OMG my husband used to say that all the time, and only half joking, like drinking alcohol kills bacteria, viruses, etc. So ignorant. I finally just started saying ā€œdonā€™t think it works that wayā€¦ā€ Enough.


Yes Pants, I know, the message just read differently.
I am worrying about myself but theyā€™re my parents and I had to talk to them and just plant the seed for caution, my moms agreed while my dad just drunkingly talked under his breath and Iā€™m over it. Thatā€™s all I was saying. Heā€™s so freaken stubborn. Hoping for the best for them, my mom is like Monica Gellar, she cleans every day, so I feel better knowing that sheā€™ll take care of him. :+1:t2:

Right!!! The jokes my dad makes about it meanwhile denying heā€™s an alcoholic just makes me angry. Iā€™m so glad I am breaking my familyā€™s cycle by becoming sober. F that lifestyle, it feels amazing to feel healthy. Heā€™s a lost cause, my mom said she knows we will lose him soon, I have accepted that fact, no one will change his mind, heā€™s set in his ways and addiction has him by his throat.

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Omg I know!!! Tel a kid not to press the red button itā€™s all heā€™s gonna wanna do. I touch my face at the office constantly! I prop my chin on my hand while I sit there reading all my boring emails, so hard to stop a habit.


Sorry I thought you had gotten upset with Geoff, Iā€™m still practicing when it comes to just keeping my side of the street clean.:+1:
My concerns regarding the virus are also for my parents and my 4 year old niece, you know what young kids are like if one of them catches something then they all have it by the end of the day. My parents are relatively healthy though my mumā€™s having a knee replacement on Monday which includes a three day stay in the hospital. Other than that it doesnā€™t concern me! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

You are very right! Eating healthy is SO important! I make sure to keep drinking green juice and eating veggies, double up on my daily vitamins too when I feel like allergies are worse some days. Youā€™re doing all the right things! :heart: hope your kiddo and family stays healthy.

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I gotcha. Iā€™m also in very early sobriety and sorry fellas, TMI, but PMSing like crazy, so, Iā€™ll probably just get off the forum and go clean before I get myself in trouble. :pleading_face:

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Donā€™t be daft, you donā€™t need to get off the forum :joy::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Lmao! Sorry guys. Iā€™m a mess right now :frowning:

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LMAO!!! Yessss!!!

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