Corona virus

Better to be a mess here than alone! I swear I’m on my 100th sparkling water right now - just getting through some urges. I’m extremely well hydrated, LOL :rofl:


My office just suspended all face to face visits with clients. For those of you who don’t know, I work with a highly vulnerable population, and often times I am their only point of contact with any services. Most of my work is done out in the community. For the time being I am confined to phone contact, which may not seem like a big deal, but many of client’s do not own a phone. I understand the need to take these precautions and agree with them for the most part, but not being able to see a sick client in the hospital, or a homeless client in the shelter, or a struggling client at home is hard for me. I have learned the art of not taking my work home with me a long time ago, but I still care about my clients. Most of them are immuno-compromised are highly susceptible to respiratory illnesses and are going to have a hard time connecting with services.


Governor just ordered all K-12 schools closed for the rest of the month. I would imagine lots of take-home work for the kids.

I feel for those working parents who who will now have to take vacation or sick leave to be with the kids, and even moreover for those parents who have neither benefit and will have to take leave without pay.

And when this turns out to be much too overblown, will the panic and fear mongers be held to account?


I worry about all the kids who will be left home alone to fend for themselves. That’s going to be the reality for a lot of kids.


Omg. I bought a huge think of green juice and about to make some coffee, though I feel sometimes the caffeine makes the urges worse when I’m coming down from it :frowning:

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I’ve been off caffeine for the most part because it triggers anxiety sometimes! And I sure as hell don’t need help with that.

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I’ve read a lot of people on here saying that caffeine triggers them for alcohol, maybe something to just be aware of. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Trump declares a national emergency. About damn time. Will free up significant funds, question now is how will the $ be utilized.


He’ll probably use it to stock pile oil! :joy::joy::+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah I kind of feel that too but I just can’t give up my green tea, I have coffee as a treat, green tea doesn’t make me come down as hard as coffee does and I can always even put the shakes with lots of water. But yeah I think I’m gonna ween off soon, just not now while I’m stuck alone inside my apartment :frowning:

:woman_facepalming:t4: Or to hoard all the tests, masks, Clorox wipes and TP for himself.

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I start my day with a cup of year followed by a coffee followed by several more cups of tea but then again I am English. Read doesn’t contain that much caffeine does it? I keep meaning to try green tea, we have some bags in the kitchen I just havn’t got around to trying it yet, tonight may be the night, you’ve inspired me! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Here’s another one that made me laugh:


Well he is full of poo so he definitely needs plenty of tp! :joy:


Bahahaaaaaa!!! Yup!

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Lmao!!! That is great

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From what I’ve read many teas have more caffeine than coffee, but there are several types of green tea, and then there’s white tea which young tea leaves so I think it has much less. :slight_smile:

I just googled it, before brewing tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee beans but a cup of coffee is a stronger drink and contains more caffeine than a cup of tea.
If that makes any sense?! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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(Sober on, champions! :grin:)


Bloody hell the shelves in our supermarkets havn’t been cleared out to that extent, at least not that I have seen!! :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: