Coronavirus escalating

:+1::+1::+1::+1: Glad your resolve is better than others.

No need to talk down though.

If you plan on drinking every time something bad happens you may need to find some additional tools for your sober toolbox. Drinking ain’t going to stop coronavirus. It’s not going to heal sick relatives. It’s not going to do anything except make you less available to those family members you care about. Drinking in this situation is about the most selfish thing you can do, because it shows you are really only concerned with yourself.


On a lighter note… you’re never gonna guess what is supposed to be a great alternative to shop bought hand sanitizers…

I understand your worries and concerns - they’re valid and I don’t think anyone is trying to minimize or discredit them.

But @Englishd is right – there is no reason to drink, ever. Would drinking fix any of the concerns you’ve listed?


I’m not making excuses to drink, but Im acknowledging a very real possibility and I didn’t tink this was a forum to tell ppl how stupid their potential reasons to drink are.

Very dissapointed in this group right now.

Anyway. Drinking probably is the cause of it all. I’d eat anything when hammered!


No No, your right. This is a completely good reason to go drink. Come back and let us know how it works.

Keep away from bats though

Bye folks. Thanks for the support. :v:

I’m honestly not trying to insinuate that you’re stupid or that your feelings are, either. I’m sorry if that’s how you’ve read it. What I am trying to do is help, based on my experiences in sobriety.

Good luck to you


I’ve been playing this on repeat for my husband because I knew in advance he’d be trippin because as soon as I mentioned it alcohol was his solution… :100::100::100: If this ain’t making the most out of what couldn’t be contained idk what is… :notes::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::notes: Hope this helps somebody… It’s helping us…


My Mom (a healthy 83 year old) is scheduled to 1. Work the polls here in Florida on Tuesday, which includes handling ID cards. I am bringing her some gloves we have had on hand). 2. Is planning on flying to Minneapolis to pick up our 5 year old grandson next week. So I relate to your concerns.

Also, my husband (a healthy 61 year old) has been self quarantined for a week. So I have been busy hand washing and disinfecting the house. He was a very active voter registration volunteer, so interacted with a lot of people.

So…I do understand your fears. I also know that my worrying changes nothing for my parents or my husband. Worry also leads to more stress released into my body as cortisol, which is detrimental to my immune system. So…more yoga and meditation and physical activity for me.

I do know that drinking is not even in my mind, but I understand how it could be for others. If anything for me, I want to be in my best physical shape and drinking definitely negates that.

Please take care of your mental and physical health. :heart:


Not you. Englishd. Fitting name.

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I immediately thought of Zombieland.


Book published in 2008.


WTF What book!!!


Simpsons called this in the 90s


It’s weird… :100::100::100: Stuff like that… The unexplainable… I think it might be explainable though because some bacteria grows, breeds and transforms from what I’ve read but I’m not a scientist idk… Some are Novel… Still not gonna drink…

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My last name and my first initial is certainly a fitting name


They also called Kobe and the helicopter accident. Freaky shit

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