Coronavirus Zombie Apocalypse

No, but the name of the topic made me laugh and immediately had to think of this

On-topic: The only thing I can do to protect myself against Corona virus is good personal hygiene and wash my hands more than I usually do (20 seconds).

Disinfection gel is sold out everywhere, maybe industrial degreaser from work will help :yum:

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[Removed by @System]


This is the second carrot post I’ve noticed from you… what’s their significance or secret super power? :thinking:


I keep reading here only sick/elderly etc die. I thought many healthy folks were dying too? Including the young healthy doctor who warned about the virus?


But too many and I’ll get carotenemia and look like Trump :carrot:


Well carotenemia isn’t fake news… I’ve had patients who had it. I could use some colour though so maybe I’ll give it a go :joy:

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If I can survive years out out of control drinking and IV drug use I’m not too worried about an overblown cold


Try to remember that the majority of cases result in very mild cases. Sore throat and dry cough. Very few get serious infection or death.

I totally get being nervous because this new but more than the virus I’m worried about daily life disruptions. I’m going on a cruise for March Break and yes, there is a risk of outbreak I’m really more worried about getting quarantined for 14 days.


Thank you all for sharing your different perspectives, as well as the humor. Such is the shared human experience. Have a wonderful zombie-free weekend! Brains… brains… :smiley:


I’m not worried, what will be will be. If that’s what takes me out, well, had a good run!

And honestly, if you were to get it, now would be the time while you would have the full attention of the medical community. :wink:

Ebola scares me. Corona scares me. The Coronavirus I don’t care so much.


I don’t get the flu shot so I’m really living on the edge. :woman_shrugging: y’all will be fine just do what normal people do and wash your hands for gods sake


You are soooo level headed pal

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Wellllll, it is a coincidence that he died from the virus. Some call him the “whistleblower”.
He made China look bad, and he died :thinking:


Hope it passes over as easily as the majority thinks that it will… :airplane: That would be gravy… :raised_hands: Dr Lee :broken_heart: looked pretty healthy to me until he died though… 🤷 One alert from WHO about that I started restocking… But I suffer from paranoia and may have unrealistic fears at time’s… :100: Therefore I’m gonna proceed with precaution as usual, nothing more a person can do really… I’ll be avoiding seafood and bats (except for the one’s on here, they’re cool :joy::100:) as well as the public when I can (personal preference) until more information is available and more so than that, time proves we’re in the clear… A vaccine will take time to build and time to be approved by the FDA (some folks have to die first)… I have trust issues… :joy::100: That Swine Flu that hit about this time of year right when the weather warmed up hurt like Hell!!! I was traveling for work to a seminar in higher elevation… Had to hold my head just back to breathe… Had the shot, the strain wasn’t covered… It helps to know the family I guess 🤷 if you want to understand where things come from and what they turn into… This is the Flu I had that year… :neutral_face:

This is a little bit different… Not Flu from what I’m understanding but a respiratory bug of a new breed… 🤷 :desert_island: :rooster: But I ain’t gonna be able to fear sickness or evil… :biohazard::droplet::open_hands::mask:

Added… I also would NOT recommend Stephen Kings The Stand and popcorn right now… That would be a big Hell to the no… :joy::no_entry_sign::100:


One of my go to tenets of sobriety apply. What can I control versus what I can’t?

I can’t control what happens on a grand scale. Only pray it’s dealt with well and someone smarter than me creates a vaccine or contains it.

I can control my part. Wash my hands. For the love of Lue, stay home if I get sick to not pass it to the next guy. Follow guidance of authorities doing their part.

And meanwhile go about my life, already in progress!


I don’t entertain “what if” rabbit holes because when I do, I start to get triggered. The news media is profit driven. Reporting news in a way that pushes emotional buttons increases ratings, higher ratings increases ad revenue, ad revenue increases profits. I only read the news from outlets who don’t sensationalize, like PBS.

Here are some facts. The coronavirus has a lower death rate than the flu. It has a lower death rate than the last pandemic, the Spanish Flu in 1918. We are so far from a pandemic, but the media needs to make ad revenue. Wash hands often, don’t touch eyes, ears, or nose, will all lower the risk of catching any virus.

With potentially triggering news, I look up facts and repeat them to myself every time I start going down rabbit holes, then I breathe.


Overblown media sensation. Trying to use scare tactics to increase ad revenues. One thing is for sure, someone is making a killing off the caronavirus.


I heard carrots can provide immunity. I think the Coalition of Carrot Growers is behind this.


Fun Fact- 40% of Americans literally think Corona the beer from Mexico is directly related to the “Corona” virus…haha