Could so with someone local to support me

Hi everyone!
New here, im in the uk and i havent been to an AA meeting due to childcare and work i just havent got the time to get to a meeting, i will be calling the local team today for advice as i feel id really benefit from having a sponsor. I have had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol all my life and im just so fed up of the cycle now, without going into too much information on my own circumstances. I just woundered if there were anyone local to me i could talk to, im im Wolverhampton uk.
Have a blessed day guys xx


Hi Jen, im UK, why not just talk on here…get the wisdom of this amazing crowd of people… there are people from all corners of the earth which pretty much means 24 hour support if u need it…there are some very wise heads on here. Big welcome from me :heart:xx


Welcome to the site! Look around get a feel for what’s happening here and you will see that you will get lots of help and have lots of people to communicate with. There’s a checking in daily thread that you could check out and there’s lots of other threads and links also.


hey Jen it’s great you want to change your life and you won’t regret it if you do. It sounds like you need to ask yourself tho, are you willing to put in the work it takes? recovery is about learning what you are habitually hiding and escaping from through your use, facing your fears and changing your life such that you won’t feel the need to escape anymore. it’s a long term commitment and it won’t work to side-hustle it.

there are online meetings on the in the rooms app.

there are tons of resources and it’s kinda necessary to immerse yourself in recovery content and really start asking the hard questions and taking a long look at yourself, if you want your sobriety to prosper.
Resources for our recovery

this is a great community. use the opportunity to read 24/7 and learn from others as well as to share your own story and progress. all these are vital elements of recovery, they have benefitted everyone on here w long time sobriety.

Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)

it can be done, but only if you do it.

best of luck!


Morning jen im in leeds uk, as few have said ive found this site great as always someone online no matter what time of day and what helps is knowing wherever you come from we are all the same in the end so if u cant find anyone more local and i get its nice to have that too then please continue reaching out on here as someone will always answer ADAAT :muscle:


This is amazing what you have said, thank you, i think thats the hard bit ,diving into the whys?! I think my drinking started from such an early age and didnt realise until lately how much alcohol has really controlled my whole life without me thinking it was a problem, id think because i dont drink everyday or get the shakes like the stereotypical alcoholic that i dismissed there has been a problem.
Thank you so much xx


I think the thiught of having someone close to me that is on the same journey wouldve given me a “real life” person to confide in that we could meet etc if that makes sense :see_no_evil: i just dont wanna slip up because the reality is i could ignore my phone couldnt i , when i have an actual person in my life its harder to hide things from lol, i am so intrigued at the thiought of a life with no alcohol, i wanna be able to go out and say i dont drink but still have a good time, and i need to banish that thiught of “im bored lets have a drink” when it serves me no good because i have no limits to my drinking x


Wether its an online community, meetings or a sober friend close by…we are just here to support u so u dont have to do it alone but ultimately its your sole responsibility wether you pick up a drink or not…nobody can do that for u



I’m up in Saddleworth (just outside Manchester), and more than happy to chat. I’m a mere novice at 10 days sober, and still finding my way into this app too. Not sure I could attend meetings either. Not even sure I’d want to if I’m totally honest. But chatting with nice normal people has got to be helpful hasn’t it?? At least I think so! Give me a shout if you’d like to chat to a Manc! Haha.

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