Could You Be Addicted to Only One Type of Drink?

Hey everyone,

I was wondering this the other day: Is it possible to only be addicted to a certain type of drink? I could have one or two beers just fine with no problems the night of the morning after. However, my red wine (specifically Cabernet), it just goes down like juice. I’ll go through up to two bottles and then obviously my mood changes, I do things I regret in the morning etc. I’m very picky too, I don’t just drink anything, it has to be specifically Cabernet.


I only typically drank one type of beer… right now there is vodka in a cabinet and some rum… i don’t touch liquor, never really have but I’m an alcoholic. If i gave those drinks a chance i would drink them the same way. I see that you posted here 3 years ago too so you’ve been battling for a while.

In my opinion one we admit we’re powerless against alcohol quitting becomes much easier. Welcome back, I’m glad you’re here.


I don’t think people without a drinking problem, put that much thought into what they can and can’t drink.


EXACTLY the same. I can have a beer no problem or cravings. Wine is my juice, I think becuase I crave the way wine tastes and makes me feel. Beer doesn’t make me the same type of drunk…

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When I was younger it was white wine, as I got older it was red. But if that wasn’t available I would “make do” with what was… it’s a progressive disease for sure.


To me the resounding answer is NO.


I guess try only drinking beer then if you think your problem is only with wine and see how that works for you.

If Cab didn’t exist would you stop drinking?


I drunk anything tried pariffin once mixed with lager, if you have a problem with wine then it dosnt seem to matter if you only drink wine or any other drink there all alcoholic,

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I’m willing to bet if you gave up the cabernet only, in time, other drinks will take its place. Your mind is trying to come up with an excuse.

To be honest, probably or be a lot better off than I am now with it.

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it’s the chemical involved in alcohol that causes a chemical reaction in the brain . some drinks act quicker, but all have same affect eventually its the same as when peiple say that everyone has that one drink that makes them a twat . you tend to find that drink will be a spirit as it’s stronger and the way it’s drank you tend to drink more of it quicker and you tend not to notice the signs youre about to be a twat . lower % alcohol takes longer and you either get tired or bloated or both and stop before it overly affects you. Like someone mentioned eventually another tipple will take the wines place as you’re Brain will still crave …

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Per The Big Book “head over to your nearest tap room and try some controlled drinking, considering what weve told you about alcoholism.” My bet would be them beers start going down real smooth within a couple of trys.

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To be honest you could be addicted to cereal

It’s not a physical thing as much as it is a mental thing, I have that arguement with weed smokers who swear marijuana is not addictive.

Truth be told you like one type of drink that suits your tastes. It’s not till the physical symptoms start to take over that you will look for more. Towards the end I was drinking four loko just because it was cheap and did the job, they taste like ass, I can’t stand them my drink of choice was Heineken

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When I gave up whisky I turned to wine. It wasn’t as strong. But then it had to be merlot. You know, the “good” (strong) stuff.

For me it was only a matter of time before a glass was a bottle. Then two. Then I started skipping the wine all together and going back to whisky again. :pensive:

If it’s true for others, I don’t know. But I’ll just pass on the whole thing now. The easiest way to be sure.


I think u are addicted to alcohol, but dislike other forms. I also have never got drunk on beer, always drank something else but I am sure that if desperate I would.

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Ever heard of Dr. Bob’s beer experiment? Here is a list of some of the things I have tried. Glad i got into the program before voluntarily committing myself to an asylum lol.

Drinking beer only, limiting the number of drinks, never drinking alone, never drinking in the morning, drinking only at home, never having it in the house, never drinking during business hours, drinking only at parties, switching from scotch to brandy, drinking only natural wines, agreeing to resign if ever drunk on the job, taking a trip, not taking a trip, swearing off forever (with and without a solemn oath), taking more physical exercise, reading inspirational books, going to health farms and sanitariums, accepting voluntary commitment to asylums.

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For me at least i wasnt drinking for the luxury of the “taste” I was looking at the little % symbol…bigger the number the better depending on what I could afford if it was a single beer I’d look for the 12 %or the 10% sherry 20% sure why not I would drink to not get sick I would drink because I am sick I would drink because I got the shakes I drank for the desired effect to avoid the results that came with it but they always came I honestly don’t think there is such a thing as one of something different they will always drag you down the same road eventually


I was addicted to alcohol. I’d drink beer, wine, hard stuff occasionally, but I never swallowed the mouth wash.

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Yet. That’s a good reason to stay sober. You don’t wanna go back out there and chug Listerine