Crabby McCrabberton here

I’m one week sober! Yay! But I’m SO CRANKY. Please tell me this is temporary and not my actual personality. Serious question.


Nah, this is the new normal. Just kidding.

Yeah, It’s temporary. For the next 3 to 6 weeks you’re gonna go on one helluva ride. Emotions, sweating, anxiety, depression, anger, confusion. sweating, sleep (what’s that?!), dreams, sweating, lethargy, tired, wired, did I mention sweating?

Detoxing sucks, withdrawals suck, but as hard as it is, it’s 100x better than being a drunk.

Take it easy for the next few weeks and it’ll be over before you know it!


It happens! In the beginning I wanted to throat punch everyone!


No yeah. That’s you without the alk. Get used to it.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Give yourself some time and patience buddy. It’s ok be cranky as long as you’re sober. It’ll pass.

Keep strong! :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Hey, nice job on 7 days in a row!

Yes, the physical, mental, and emotional distress will be temporary. Make sure you treat it, though, it’s lots easier than riding it out. I needed extra sugar and regular meals to get through the first bit. So many of my daily calories had come from drinking, and the quick energy rush was something I had adapted to, something my body came to expect as normal.

Maybe check out a couple of threads about how to grow your sobriety:


Congrats on your first week. Which I would say is the hardest.
I was cranky, angry, pissed off at the world, and I felt a bit lost because I thought I had lost a friend. You’re definitely normal.
And then the feelings hit me and the crying took over. It’s all a process.
It always gets better. Not necessarily easier. But it does get better.


Congrats on 1 week!! That’s awesome. Like the others have said, it’s temporary so don’t sweat it :slightly_smiling_face:


Reminds me of a quote from Greg Lemond, American cyclist and winner of the Tour De France in '86, '89, and '90.

It never gets easier, you just get faster.


I’d say it gets better but it’s probably just you! Lol!

Only joking, I have been feeling really crabby, yet my kids are asking their mum if I’m ok because I’m not grumpy, so I either was really grumpy or the drink made me think I was nice when I wasn’t!

I’m at the same stage as you this time around but I can tell you from my previous failed attempts it gets better and you will soon reap the rewards!

Keep smashing it!

Kind regards



Hard relate - early on had a moment in Specsavers where I thought I was either going to cry in frustration or tell the advisor to do one. Over frames.
Pleased to say temporary.
Super congratulations on one week.

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