Cult Concerns of AA

But, and have mentioned it earlier… what if you don’t believe in god? I don’t, I think it is a wonderful first draft of a fiction novel (the bible), seeing as he invented writing, best time to have a fiction audience? Yes? AA is not good for people who aren’t of that mindset, so because we won’t allow a belief and there shouldn’t be friends for them. Probably getting blocked after this, but so many people. I have a massive issue with alcohol, But God? I wanted help, not a cult xxx Hey beautiful you are

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don’t actually have a mean in my body, just don’t believe in your god. But sorry if I offended you

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I wasn’t responding to you. I was responding to the original poster who expressed an interest in the program and getting a sponsor. Why exactly did you think I was responding to you at all.

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Also I made no mention of God what-so-ever so it’s pretty bold of you to assume that you know anything about my faith, or lack thereof.

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Honey, nothing was aimed at you but… I don’t even know… is there a way I can explain that doesn’t me hate everything? x

You replied directly to my comment so excuse me for assuming that you were talking to me.

Perhaps try the @discobot new user tutorial.

Regardless, this thread made no mention of God or religion so your post is irrelevant anyway.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

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Lol @C-sun for the title


So, I am like the worst person on the planet, owning up… I live in a shit house in a shit town because if you ask me for it I will give you all of it, and we could have had different… but I say they need it more than us, so before you give me up as a lost cause… I am that girl keep giving it away… nice is my addiction and I would never knock your faith honey x

Your posts make no sense. Have a good evening.


And that is the truth, faced with someone in trouble… wasn’t that you once?? Nice mate, I hope when i get there I am kinder

Nice man, not. I wish you all the love in the world. xxx

Jane, you are not a bad person. You are not the only one who is not religious. This forum is full of people who don’t believe in God.
Some use AA some don’t.
Likewise there are probably religious people who dont do AA.
The only thing I’m going to say is if you really want to get sober you should have an open mind to try anything. There are other ways.
But whatever path you choose, they all require an open mind set to believe in yourself.


I am with AA and I can honestly say I’m kind of anti religious and always will be.
If you feel this is religious find another group.

It’s not religious, its about spirituality. Switch god to higher power and the power can be anything you just have to be open to it… A good higher power to start would be your sponsor or the group as a whole. I drink we don’t .


I am only just starting the steps. I am not religious. Not even spiritual. Think we are just random cells and electric impulses. But have not made sobriety stick properly so am trying it. My sponsor said take what u like and leave the rest, so I may be leaving a lot, we’ll see. I also found a meeting where they don’t pray at the end.


@Messyme1070 lots of people do find AA difficult to engage with because of the ‘god thing’. If you search AA atheist you will get a flavour of the posts. Remember that there are lots of people here, atheists and non-atheists, who passionately believe in AA. For many it has saved their life. Calling it a cult is understandably upsetting and you have had the fallout from that.

It is ok if AA is not for you. Many of us here have stayed sober without attending meetings - although all of us who are active here will have had our fair share of AA wisdom! Personally I have found that helpful but we are all free to take what works and leave the rest.

There are so many wonderful resources for recovery, a good selection listed here:

I hope that wherever you are in your sobriety journey you can find the kindness and support that I have on this forum. When we search for similarities rather than difference it can help :pray::sparkling_heart:


Hi Jane, Whether or not AA is a cult is debatable and perhaps irrelevant. When I did a chair in an AA meeting I created a very considered debate on the subject. I was in a recognised cult once (Exegesis) before I broke out. AA is very different to that and was established with good intentions and full of people who are well meaning and who understand where you are coming from. I go to AA and CA meetings to be with friends who are in the same boat. I do not do the 12 steps any more nor do I have sponsor, but that is my personal choice. This site is certainly not affiliated to AA but there are some people on here who have found a lot of benefit from it and who have taken their “God” to mean anything that works including "Group Of Drunks).


Why would you be blocked for expressing concerns ? I hope these paragraphs from the Big Book will say it better than I could ever do.

To one who feels he is an atheist or agnostic such an experience seems impossible, but to continue as he is means disaster, especially if he is an alcoholic of the hopeless variety. To be doomed to an alcoholic death or to live on a spiritual basis are not always easy alternatives to face.
But it isn’t so difficult. About half our original fellowship were of exactly that type. At first some of us tried to avoid the issue, hoping against hope we were not true alcoholics. But after a while we had to face the fact that we must find a spiritual basis of life–or else. Perhaps it is going to be that way with you. But cheer up, something like half of us thought we were atheists or agnostics. Our experience shows that you need not be disconcerted.


Plenty of athiests in AA. I will admit: 1) I go to AA, 2) there are some meetings I have been to that are very religious sounding. However, there are a ton of different meetings out there. Find one that speaks to you. Amazingly enough, growing up a Christian, the meeting that impacts me the most…is very athiest. Some times on our Sober journey, we find a path that we didnt think we would travel…but the path fits like an old shoe.

Keep an open mind. Do what you need to do to be sober.


No one is blocking her from anything. I posted on another thread telling a completely different person to hit some meetings to find a sponsor. Then this random person starts replying to me about religion and God for reasons unknown. Then to top it all off she’s managed to convince everyone that she’s the victim.
