Daily diary of o French girl in the road to a new life

It’s nice to have an outfit :innocent: It has a good feel.

That’s something I am learning to work with too. As I’ve been walking my sober path I’ve learned a lot about the stresses in my life. I’ve picked up some mindfulness techniques to help “ride the wave” of stress, though I admit my impulse “I want to be on top of everything and get everything done” is still, too often, my default response - which creates the stress for me (because it’s impossible; I set impossible expectations for myself).

Be gentle with yourself. Be kind and compassionate, as you would to a friend who is working through some difficulty. You deserve it :innocent: (edit: and in fact, you need it: humans need compassion and understanding and reasonable boundaries and expectations; you are human, and you need them too :innocent: )

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Thank you so much for all your help :blush::pray:t2:

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Day 12 : no weed, no alcohol and better management of hanger and cravings of food


Proud of you


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How are things?

Hi @Kubozoa thinking of you, hope you’re safe. Take care & check in when you can; be safe :innocent: