Daily fitness check in 💪

I packed my gym bag, put it in the floorboard of the passenger seat and got so wrapped up in receiving my three-year medallion that I forgot to go to the gym! When I realized it on the way home, I had a big laugh. I definitely had a reason to celebrate.


A huge reason to celebrate! Way to go with your 3 years :tada::partying_face::tada:.

Congrats! Thats right, never waste a laugh, even if sometimes at your own expense

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Congratulations 3 years is amazing!

Got it in today at work


Some serious hustling my friend. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

Being on the feet all day I find it a good practice to elevate the legs for a min of 1/2 hour a day. Helps get the blood flowing the other way. It does hurt like a bitch so don’t start with 90 degrees right away…work up with just resting on a large cushion.

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Thanks so much for the helpful tidbit. I will have to try that.

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I’m actually looking at this tens compressin thing for legs to get with my HSA. Itd be a game changer. I used to get hamstring and leg cramps really bad to where it’d wake me up out of my sleep. Magnesium has helped with that too.

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Yes to those too… I love my TENS unit but didn’t think to use on my legs :thinking:…a compression thing may be a different item …I’ll look into it . thanks for this

The benefit of keeping legs elevated helps to make sure you don’t get popped veins (especially in old age).

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Ill see if I can find a picture of it

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Oh wow…these are next level and so cool. Thanks for sharing :pray:t4:

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I’m walking lots and lots, over 15k steps up and downhill and thru bogs every day. Did twenty minutes yoga yesterday as well and Pilates stretching. I am on holiday so just a lot of walking for me this week. :v:t2:


Todays ladder down arm focus… they are spent!


You’re welcome

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I definitely need to do more stretching and mobility stuff

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Today’s dialed in superset that will stick for winter. I’ll either increase weights, reps or drop time between as I go, we’ll see.


Thats a good looking workout

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Thanks brother. I got 4 different routines dialed in now for winter. I like it to be easy pleasy. Walk down to gym and just do, no thoughts… those 4 should carry me for 3 months at least. Of course I’ll amp up reps and or weight as required. But these are the exercises.
Each takes approximately an hour.


I like it. All i do is supersets so I’m all for it

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