Daily fitness check in 💪

Started off as a June 2024 fitness challenge but now we are all checking in daily with our fitness goals and daily activities. Let’s stay active my friends :muscle:t4:

June 2024 fitness challenge

30 day challenge

Feel free to improvise as needed.

Full Body Workout 1:
Goblet squat x 10
Shoulder Press x 8
Lunges x 8/side
Rear Delt Fly x 8
Plank x 30 seconds
Repeat 3x

Workout 2 (Recovery):
Foam Rolling + 30-minute walk

Full Body Workout 3:
Romanian Deadlift x10
DB Chest Press x10
Split Squat x10
One Arm Row x8/side
Mountain Climbers x8
Repeat 3x

Workout 4 (Recovery):
Runners Lunge x 30 sec
Child’s Pose x 30 sec
Bird Dog x 30 sec
Downward Facing Dog x 30 sec
Repeat x 5

Full Body Workout 5:
Lateral Lunge x 10
Lateral Raises x 10
Goblet Squat x 10
Front Raises x 10
Glute Bridge x 30 sec
Plank x 30 sec
Repeat 3x

Full Body Workout 6:
Squat Thrust x10
Walking Lunges x10
Arnold Press x10
Biceps Curl x10
Triceps Extension x10
Mountain Climbers x12
Repeat 3x

Workout 7:
Romanian Deadlift x12
Split Squat x10
Chest Press x10
One Arm Row x10
Hammer Curls x10
Triceps Dips x10
Plank +Mtn Climbers x12
Repeat 3x

Workout 8:
Lat Lunge x10
Goblet Squat x10
Glute Bridge x10
Arnold Press x10
Lat Raise x12
Front Raise x12
Plank x60s
Repeat 3x

Workout 9:
Goblet Squat x10
Romanian Deadlift x10
Walking Lunges x10
Shoulder Press x12
Biceps Curls x12
Triceps Extension x12
Plank +Mtn Climbers x15
Repeat 3x

Workout 10:
Squat Thrust x10
Split Squat x10
Chest Press x12
One Arm Row x10
Hammer Curls x10
Triceps Dips x12
Plank +Mtn Climbers x15
Repeat 3x

Can go to the 30 day fitness challenge to check out the exercies

Any changes or additions are welcome – hope to work out in June with you all
@SinceIAwoke @Jesile @Runningfree @50ber @hidden @Jasty2 @Mischa84 @Tragicfarinelli @Becsta @TrustyBird


@Mno @Chevy55 @MrFantastik @HakeemOsman @Lezourez @HeatherTheGreat
hope you can join in on the June challenge


I’ll give it a go this month. I’ve taken some time out from the challenges. It’s time to get back in it :blush:


Oh I’m absolutely game.


Great idea👏


I’m gonna jump on this train. I do a lot of home workouts. So I’ll do my best with these workouts with what I got, and just try to keep up with the daily month goal :muscle:. Give me something to focus on to kick of summer strong and sober


I love it – great to see you on board @Runningfree @HakeemOsman @4u2c2day and @jbaldwin84 Gonna be an exciting month :muscle:


I’m gonna try to give this a go! Lord know I need it.:smirk::two_hearts:


Yeah… great to have you with us …I need the motivation too…got a great bunch here to keep us active :wink:


I’m in! I might have to look up most of the exercises but I like that.


I will give it a go.


I’m adjusting to a new exercise routine at the moment. I’ll be cheering for you all from the sidelines :muscle:


I’m in! I’ll pick up kettlebell this weekend. :muscle:


It’s probably going to be a no for this month I’m recovering from tennis elbow in my left arm! I’m right handed and I don’t play tennis with either arm. Physio recons it’s been caused by single arm bicep curls and not using a wrist brace, so totally my own fault another manifestation of my favourite ISM, I Sabotage Myself, doh. Hopefully I should be up and running for July :crossed_fingers:but definitely August :innocent:&:smiling_imp:


When you click on the link to look at the rest of the days, they have images of the exercises. :blush:


Go on then, I’m in this month. I’m averaging about five to six exercise classes a week so might use this as an excuse if I need to drop a day out. I’m already doing yoga, Pilates, body conditioning, body balance and weight lifting class. :yum:

Edited to add, I’m running two x 5kms a week on this. Maybe a swim. It’s a lot, but I’m in.


Are you doing Body Pump from less mills as well? I used to love it when I was going to gym. Body Balance, Body Pump and Attack - my favourite workouts from less mills. I also liked music they are using in their workouts, although it is not kind of music I’m listening myself. But for working out perfect. I miss those workouts.


Yes exactly. Les Mills Body Balance and Pump. The music for balance is SO GOOD. Very relaxing and chilled and unusual, I’ve researched the artists to listen to art home. You will often find me in child pose or the frog even at home.

I’m on season 103 of balance currently, it’s a three month rotation. Body pump is hard for me as I don’t have very good shoulder strength, but I’m working on it. I hate barbells, they hurt my neck and shoulders. These classes rock. I used to do attack as well for two years, but I take my cardio in running now. It’s a great programme, my instructor Mara is AMAZING.

She truly presents and feels like a personal trainer and takes personal interest in us all, like a real true person. I’m very lucky, and I love it. She’s super invested in our form and getting the neck and body placement right for results. I’m starting to see clavicles and my waist has shrunk. Maybe one day I’ll do a transformation pic… :joy:


I’m sorry man… hope you have a easy and quick recovery. :pray:t4:


@TrustyBird @Mischa84 @SinceIAwoke @Tragicfarinelli

Excited to have you all on board… looking forward to June.