It’s a specific HIIT class based on mixed martial arts.
It’s brutal. Like nothing else.
Obvious that it is good for the lungs
Thermal bath day
25 minutes thermal bath
Few hot-cold switches
15 minutes steem bath
5 minutes ice Sauna sea
15 minutes finish sauna with herb infusion
20 minutes pausing
10 minutes finish sauna
20 minutes thermal bath
5 minutes very hot tub
Long shower
18k steps✅️
See y’all on Wednesday
Today’s program
Lying Windmill 3 x 10
Face Pull 3 x 10 x 36kg
Barbell Incline Bench Press 3 x 10 x 50kg
Machine Seated Chest Fly 3 x 10 x 50kg
EZ Bar Cuban Press 3 x 10
Dumbell Hammer Curl 3 x 10 x 24kg
Bike 8 mins
Late training today due to hormonal issues and pain
But it got done.
115 zone minutes. In the for a Monday I didn’t think I could manage.
550 push ups
550 squats
250 bench dips
180pull ups
Great day. Last 3 sessions, no headaches.
Cable Extension Rotarians 3 x 20 x 16kg
Side Lying Powell Raise
3 x 10 x 4kg
Machine Seated Reverse Fly 3 x 10 x 37kg
One Arm Barbell Row 3 x 20 x 15kg
Chest Pull 3 x 10 x 37kg
Skull Crushes 3 x 10 x 16kg
18,278 steps
Around 2000 meters of swimming.
5 minutes kind of whirlpool massage
60 minute yoga class with my very strict russian teacher
1 round 95 degree sauna
1 round 65 degree sauna
Honey-natron face and body scrub
(another woman gave me!)
February 5th
Finally felt good enough to move … Worked on the Feb challenge Fabulous february 2025 challenge
Day 1-4 of the fabulous challenge
Day 1-3 of the ultimate challenge (day 4 is rest thankfully)
1 round of 10 min workout challenge that @Raspberry posted
20 min treadmill walk 4% incline and speed 3
8000 steps
Les mills Body balance course.
Trainer was in a brilliant mood.
I was melting…
Deeply connected with my body.
Feeling beautiful.
This is the outro:
I’ve not been to Body Balance yet this year, I’ll do it next week.
500 push ups (last 150 reps with a 5 kg vest on)
500 squats (last 150 reps with a 5 kg vest on)
185 chin ups
40 hammer curls
Wow, that’s impressive