Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

the place we got the pic taken had the jackets and medals as props.


Aw…. I thought we had an Olympic medalists in our little fam :joy:
Where were you the night of July 27th 1996? :thinking:


Grateful to wake up sober after a third consecutive night of good sleep. It’s another beautiful day here in Singapore.
Grateful that my kids, particularly my girls, have become inspired by the Olympic Games. They are exercising every day, either swimming, walking or running. I can see that it is making them happier and healthier. Really love this. :blue_heart:
Grateful that the boys continue to be almost too active. :woozy_face:
Grateful for the mixed nuts and dried fruits that I am about to enjoy for my breakfast.
Grateful to have over 200 days of continuous sobriety. I actually cannot believe that it is happening. It is the longest period of sobriety that I have had since I took my first sip over 30 years ago.
Extremely grateful to this community for helping (enormously) to make that happen. :blue_heart:

Edit: I am also interested in a Fitbit community thing - although I have no idea how to make it work.


Today I’m grateful for a steady job and feeling stable. Grateful for a chance to have something I want so much. Grateful I’m strong and have strong mental ability. Grateful for my husband and family. Grateful for my amazing body. Grateful for hope! I’m filled with hope!


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that I have a job. I’m grateful that it rained and thundered some on my drive home. I’m grateful that we made and ate dinner together tonite. I’m grateful that this school year looks to be off to a better start than last year for my kids. I’m grateful that my dogs are always so happy to see me. I’m grateful for all the gratitude I see on here.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful for the time I had today to get caught up on some paperwork in between work and zoom meetings. As I continue my adulting (thank you, sobriety), I’m unfathomably grateful for doctors and lawyers with sensitivity and senses of humour.

I’m grateful for the opportunity I have at work right now to deal with a challenging colleague. I am reverting back to the serenity prayer several times each day, and find I have more positivity in my day when I don’t make her stuff my stuff. It’s not without effort, though.

I’m grateful for the lovely walks I had today, in between all the rain showers and the thunderstorm. Everything is so fresh and recovering after the heatwaves of earlier this summer.

About walking… I would be so grateful to be in a sober Fitbit community! @anon27760155, @Its_me_Stella, @Singtone, and any other Gratidude or otherwise! I would be grateful for anyone who could explain how that “share” part of this little machine works! :joy:

I’m grateful for the pics we share on this thread, the stories of parts of our lives. If there was an Encouragement Olympics, I think @I.cant.We.can would take home the Gold for all he gives. (ya you!)

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I am grateful for

  • A good meeting last night
  • Another day sober
  • Not having to wake up early to be somewhere, but waking up early on my terms
  • Morning coffee
  • Peaceful mornings, no dogs barking
  • The no. of daily covid cases decreasing, fingers crossed it continues

Grateful for a full week of sobriety :sunrise_over_mountains::cherry_blossom::pray:


Today I am grateful for a healthy sleep following another day of sobriety yesterday. I hope for the same tonight. I am grateful for clearheadedness and momentum in progressing in my life. That was not possible woth booze - it was truly like a climbing out of a hole and falling back down again for years and years. I am grateful for the re-budgeting I did yesterday for the rest of 2021 and the reminder that taking alcohol out of the equation has a ripple effect in my finances for the better. I am grateful for the Olympic games and the excitement and support that surrounds individuals that have worked so hard for their dreams. I am forever grateful for TS and the gratidudes. May each of you have a peaceful day.

P.S. - I would enjoy a fit bit thread too…just need to get a fit bit.


Grateful for the support on here. Thank you :blush:


I’m grateful the first thing I saw on TS is @KellyKelly getting her 5 day TS chip. We all know how hard it is at the beginning. Just for today we can all reach another milestone together and not drink or DOC today. Welcome Kelly. :pray:t2:
I’m grateful to God I’m not drinking today.
And I’m grateful to God I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.
I’m grateful I got Benson and Daisy on my lap.
I’m grateful for Minnie grunts.
I’m grateful for my quiet time in the morning.
I’m grateful I got to pull weeds for 30 minutes yesterday and my back doesn’t hurt today. Much :neutral_face:
I’m grateful I got in a 4 minute plank yesterday. Ya I’m bragging :crazy_face:I Never thought I could do it. But ya know. I never thought I could quit drinking either. So I just tried to do my best and it happened. It may never happen again. But if I don’t try it certainly won’t happen again.
I’m grateful for all the little stuff and errands and appointments we are knocking out so Kelly (my Kelly :blush:) will be all set to hold down the fort while I’m gone to Cali.
I’m grateful I have lots of pictures of my pets on my devices because I realized yesterday I won’t have Alice, or Maverick or Daisy or Benson to convalesce with In Cali. :cry:
I’m grateful the old dog girl and the old cat girl are doing well.
I’m grateful for the plethora of gratitude and gratidudes :heart:
Your addiction doesn’t take a day off.
Neither can your recovery.


For some reason I wanted to find my post from my day 5. Maybe I just wanted to look back and see how far I’ve come. I’m grateful I found it.
Well it’s almost bedtime now and I haven’t checked in with anyone so I thought I would. I made it 5 days now. I thought today was easy. Yesterday, not so much! I’ve complained before but wifey is NO HELP as she made patron martinis this afternoon. I was drinking my green tea and then La Croix water. I kept busy, meditated, got in a workout, vacuumed, walked the dogs. Not in that order. I find hitting the gym or walking or even just meditating to start you day off really helps, after a good cup of fresh ground coffee in the am without a hangover of course. Coffee taste better fresh ground without a hangover.
Everybody stick to it the best you can. Drink lots of water. Pray. Take it one day at a time. :pray:t2: :heart:

Edit. After thinking about this for a few minutes while I made my tea:
Damn ! I’m a fucking bad ass!! Wifey is making Patron Martinis on my 5th fucking day :scream: and I’m drinking green tea and LaCroix. I fucking rocked this shit :clap::clap::clap:


Have I told you lately that I adore you, and I am so very grateful you are in my life.

I am also grateful for

  • quiet mornings.
  • cheaper car insurance due to less car accidents!!!
  • healthy food.
  • patience.
  • books
  • quality time with loved ones
  • my recovery

… and so much more


Today I’m grateful I did all the things on my checklist :muscle:
Grateful for an old grumpy cat who nags all day for other than provided food. Sorry, he has to stick to his diet. Tomorrow will be better. Or I put him in the shower with me. THEN he can complain :grin: Always fun with them.
Grateful for a good call with a nice colleague. Grateful my husband is home, he works to much. Grateful I will hit my bed soon, I’m drained from the heat.


Today I’m grateful for being able to recognize my emotions. Letting those emotions be okay. Feeling chill and tired. Good night sleep.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful I was able to help my Mom after work this morning and was still able to sleep for 8 hours before tonight’s shift and get some exercise in.

I am grateful to be alive and working towards building a happier and healthier life. :two_hearts:


Good morning all.
Today I’m grateful for a fourth consecutive night of good sleep. I still feel a bit tired as I lay in bed this morning, but I’m sure I’ll be ok once I’m up and about.
Grateful that I have no hangover, but particularly no anxiety. Living with anxiety is awful.
Grateful for the food that I ate yesterday and the food that I’m going to eat today. My diet is so much better now because I have so much more headspace to think about it, and enough self respect to make me want to eat well. I also don’t have 4/7 days a week of comfort eating to try to get myself out of my hangover.
I am grateful for my beautiful family who bring me joy (and a little bit of pain) every day. I love interacting with them authentically, and having the time to just be with them.
I’m grateful for the Olympics. They are bringing our family together and giving us daily entertainment and inspiration. My kids have never been so active.
I am more than grateful for this thread, and for the understanding of what it does for me/us. My younger self would have dismissed the idea that conscious gratitude could be so powerful, but what did he know? He drank most days, too.
Have a great day, all. :blue_heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know I love you. I’m grateful for my family and that I just got off the phone with my Mom and after called my sister. I’m grateful that I talked about, wrote about and prayed enough to reach a decision to stay where I’m living and accept I can’t go back to my hometown this is my hometown now. I’m grateful that I can continue to make the most of my supportive living home. I’m grateful that also means its time to find some more local services such as a new doctor and bank. I’m grateful that I have a new counsellor to work with that is helping me apply to school as a peer support worker or social service worker depending on availability and price. I’m grateful that I have alot of different supports and feel comfortable enough with asking for help that I can take on these new challenges. I’m grateful for all of the gratitudes that talk about there experiences with going back to school or taking courses, it helps to motivate and inspire me, thanks friends. I’m grateful that I home in bed resting as it’s been a busy week and it’s only Wednesday. I’m grateful that I took a nice 5km bike ride at the end of the day while listening to some tunes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You can do anything you set your beautiful big heart on. Ya you!!

p.p.s. the previous ps made me think of you Eric, in my prayers as always


Today I’m grateful that I did not hurt myself when I fell last night. I’m also grateful to be alive and clean. I am grateful for the TS group. I’m grateful that I have a stepfather who comes and talks to me or I’d be a lot lonelier. He is a great friend. I need him as much as he needs me, since my mom passed away. I don’t know if I tell him enough how important he is in my life. He is much better of a father than any father I have ever had. He is truly my best friend :purple_heart: my only friend. And I am so grateful he is here in my life. Without him I would spend 14-15 hours a day alone 6 days a week. Those few hours he’s here each day I’m very grateful for. I’m very grateful for the three cats and three dogs for they keep me busy, or I would probably cry more than I do. I just wish they could talk a language that I could understand sometimes. Still I am grateful. I just want to tell everybody good night and to stay safe and keep your family safe. I don’t go nowhere so I’m not sure but I’m hearring there’s a lot of bad viruses still out there and even worse. Good night and I’ll say a prayer for all of you. :hugs::heart:


Grateful I’m sober and won’t drink because I don’t drink. Rough couple days at work and home, but I’m grateful to know that tomorrow is a new day, and I will feel better- and I’ll post a proper list then.
Grateful for you guys and this thread❤️