Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Grateful for Day one
Iam grateful I did not completely loose myself in the dark world of addiction I’m grateful everyday is a new day and there new and better blessings coming my way iam grateful that iam a truck driver because of sobriety grateful for this app :muscle:


I’m grateful for the nice cool spring breeze.


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me and my recovery. Please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful that my mom and step dad came for a visit today, it was awesome, it helped us all. I’m grateful that my buddy Phil is coming for a visit at distance. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful for TS and the grati-dudes.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. It’s a beautiful day at least here it is. Enjoy yours. ya you!!


Grateful to be alive and sober. Grateful for the opportunity to study. Grateful for a quiet day off to do just that.


Hello all, today I’m really grateful for this thread and all of you on here. I can get overwhelmed with all of the content on TS, and some of it really brings me down. But I can always come here and be lifted up, and reminded that life is good ( mostly).
I’m grateful for sunny weather, and the sent of Jasmine drifting into my living room from the backyard.
I’m grateful for all of my crazy animals and the love they show me. Except the turtles- they didn’t give a s*** about me but I like ‘em😊.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Lmao I love turtles. Maybe it stems from as a kid liking the teenage mutant ninja turtles, or the tortise and the hair story. See I like turtles Lol Grateful
Grateful I had a good day. I’m grateful I went to my home group for the first time in over a month.
I’m grateful to God please help me rest well tonight and thank you for today.

God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I am grateful for people on this site that show me the way I appreciate it very much


Grateful for:
Another sober weekend
No cravings. Go figure, but I’ll take it
My SO. I got VERY angry at his adult (25 going on 12) daughter for taking advantage of him. She and I worked it out…sort of…and he just let us. Smart man.
Pets…just always a blessing
Walking in my neighborhood. Beautiful pond. Ducks are having ducklings. Swans are a swimming.
Grilling for the first time in years. SO got delayed so I just did it. Chicken, eggplant, salmon. Nailed it.
Youz guys


I am grateful I have made it two weeks. I am grateful for the people on the app, you all definately helped me through some crazy moods during weekend two. I am grateful I have work. I am grateful I am still studying. I am grateful for supportive friends.


I’m grateful for the restful weekend I just had.

I’m grateful for the week ahead and that it isn’t as goofily busy as last week.

I’m grateful I’m sober, hangover-free, and that the longer I go - the more I see just how little it did (and would do) for me. Nuthin’.

I’m grateful for all the gratidudes, for this forum, and for my supports to be and stay sober. I’m grateful for all the people on here I think of throughout my day - all connected in our common goal, all supporting one another.

I’m grateful I will get to travel to see my Mom at Eastertime, and a few pals in that place too - outdoors and socially-distanced.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God
I’m grateful for my recovery
I’m grateful for my family
I’m grateful for my friends
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for some financial stability
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. I’m grateful for you. ya you!!


I’m grateful for realizing that everything happens for a reason.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful the little headache I have this morning is not from drinking last night. But I still don’t think it’s fair. :grimacing:
Grateful for my coffee.
Grateful for my wife.
Grateful my wife won’t let me touch the laundry :basket:
I’m grateful we got our vet appointment done yesterday. Although my Daisy Cat is not eating that much this morning. And not sitting on my lap :pouting_cat: Maybe it’s because of her 3 year rabies shot. I’m grateful I’m not panicking yet. She did eat a little of her crunchies this morning. And she was purring and bashing into me.
Grateful for all the joy all our pets bring to all of us. All the time.
I’m grateful Alice gained 2 ounces and seems to be doing pretty good on her new drug Onsior. But of course the vet is out of stock so we have to hunt it down from an outside source. :grimacing:
And I’m grateful Benson got his butt reamed yesterday too. “Tails and nails” :joy: they called it. He got a pedi too.
Even though it seems like we don’t do much around here I’m glad there is nothing on our schedule today. Walk the dogs and hopefully get my 3 1/2 mile walk in after. More snow tomorrow :cold_face:
Grateful my window cleaners are coming Wednesday . Hopefully there won’t be much snow tomorrow.
Grateful for another day.
Take a second to think how blessed you are.


Grateful I am sober.
Grateful I am going back ‘home’ tomorrow morning.
Grateful I can go to work on Wednesday.
Grateful my grandma was clear and determined in hospital and they seem to respect her decision and will. Hopefully she can go although I think somehow, idk. Praying for her she can go. This is what she wants.

Grateful being on my journey although I am feeling lost, ugly and bad.
Grateful being sober. I said that already.


This is true. Although whilst in the middle I am often still blind to what the hell is the big plan :eyes::grimacing:


For the briefest of moment’s I was a bit pissed today. I quickly became aware of how I was feeling and reflected on it. I can’t force things to happen because shit will just come out fucked up. So, I’m going to let that run it’s course and keep being who I always am, every day. I’m going to make my plan happen eventually. All I need to do is keep exercising patience.


Today I’m grateful for friends. Grateful to my bestie who has stuck with me for 30 years while finding it just as hard to trust others as I do myself, a friend who I was afraid of losing dozens of times but always our friendship rebounded and now it is stronger than ever.
Grateful to Len and JP who I shared a meal with tonight, both guys I’ve also known for many years and often have thought about breaking up the friendship with, because we are too different, our friendship is too shallow, I don’t feel a true connection. yet true friendship it remains and when needed I know they’ll be there for me as I am there for them. Grateful for the two other true friends I have in real life.
And also and always grateful to you all here. Some of you I know pretty well by know. Some not so. But I consider you all my friends and I feel honoured and privileged to know you. In my heart. All of you.



That the wind didn’t blow so hard that it knocked me over (WTH?)
For another sober day
For warmer weather
For my life
For my family
For my friends

Good night, sober friends!


I’m grateful you and your giant heart have joined us gratidudes Menno.

I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for another clean and sober and productive day.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

P.s. still grateful for you. ya you!!


Good evening all, today I’m grateful for one more day off before it’s back to work. I’m grateful the kids had good days at school. I’m grateful for friends and family and sunshine. Everyone have a great night❤️