Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful to have my cat Will cuddled up with me in a comfortable bed with Ice water on the nightstand.

I am grateful that everyday provides a new opportunity for a fresh start filled with endless possibilities. :two_hearts:


I am grateful for this day to be over! I’m grateful I’m sober I’m grateful for the spring I love watching every come alive I’m grateful for staying on the right track with my journey. I’m grateful to be alive :tulip: :rose:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my recovery and that it’s been 431 days since the last time I did my drug of choice, somedays it feels like less and others like more. In reality though I spent 25 years being addicted to drugs, nicotine and booze in that order. So 431 is barely a start on the road to mental, physical and spiritual wellness.
I’m grateful for my family and the love and support I’m able to give and receive from them. It lends some purpose and fulfilment to my life.
I’m grateful to be up early after a good sleep and working on adjusting my sleep routine (again)
I’m grateful the weather is nice, it brightens my mood and others moods (bonus)
I’m grateful for music and the way it can totally fit or even change my mood.
I’m grateful that I have alot of support through TS and the grati-dudes, my family, different twelve step rooms, a couple of treatment centers, and supportive housing.
I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Never forget how bad ass you are, I’m proud of you. Ya you.


Thank you Brian for the reminder. How often do I expect changes over night, after some days or weeks when it took me 20 years or more to learn them. :sunflower::pray:


I’m grateful that I took some time this morning to just wake up, get up, slowly. It abruptly turned back into winter again here (-26C? -15F? wha…?). Not time to emerge from hibernation just yet, and so I let myself hunker in for a bit.

I’m grateful for the quieter day at my desk - (only one zoom meeting!) - and the chance to just get caught up at an even pace.

I’m grateful for this opportunity to bring so much change to my life so profoundly - by simply not doing one thing. I’m grateful to have so much support when it doesn’t feel simple - to work through whatever has arisen and all the other parts of this sobriety journey.

I’m grateful for the real and honest and gut-and-heart-wrenching posts and stories and thoughts and questions that are shared here. This is a true bunch of heroes right here and I’m proud I can walk beside you.

I’m grateful for the mail. Usually it’s just an occasional bill. But this last month for some reason little cards and notes came and even a small package from a pal who lives away. And then yesterday the little homemade postcards from my friend and the homemade mask. Maybe tonight I will make some return mail and forget the adult list of things to do. :relieved:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I am grateful that I’ve made the past two weeks sober. Grateful that I worked my ass off today at work. As normally monday and Tuesdays work would be carried over to wendesday, as that was only when I started feeling better :roll_eyes: sober life is great


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for my wife and the support she gives me.
I’m grateful my wife is still not drinking gin. Yes we she still has her wine every day after lunch. Sometimes falls asleep on the couch. But it’s so much better than it use to be.
I’m grateful it’s not suppose to snow much :cold_face:
I’m grateful I’m up early for my chiropractor appointment and my wife is coming so we get to have drive thru burgers again at Mommas. I’m grateful I’m going to remember to pass on the butterscotch shake this time. It tasted so good but I really physically didn’t feel great after it. And that made me feel mentally unwell. So why have it? I can always get it next time.
I’m grateful I’m still at my goal weight.
I’m grateful I think I got this weight maintenance thing down. I’ve got a weight loss goal range of 5 pounds. If I stay in that range I reckon I’m good. It sounds so simple but I always had a weight loss goal. A number. I think working a 5 pound range is the ticket. My wife thinks 195 is too thin. I think 200 is to much. Bam. Weight loss rang. 195-200.
I’m just so grateful that after a year I have not put all the weight back on like I’ve always done before.
I’m grateful this weight loss thing or whatever is only possible because I’m sober.
I’m grateful I don’t pork out anymore because my inhibitions have be trashed with booze.
Grateful for y’all.
And like @Lisa07 said last night, grateful for the new comers. Something about connections and or just helping newcomers really helps me on this journey.

Three empowering words. I. Don’t. Drink.


Good evening all,
Today I’m grateful to be done with work and home relaxing. I’m grateful that I spoke up at work about something that was bothering me instead of bottling it up and letting it fester. It didn’t change anything, but gave me some peace that I said something about it.
I’m grateful for the good things in my life that I enjoy now instead of being drunk or hungover or planning my drinking. Books are amazing- especially when you remember what you’ve read! Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I am grateful for the sunny day! Worked in my yard! I’m grateful my conference meeting for work went very well! I’m grateful I feel better than I did yesterday! I’m grateful my fury boys annual check went well and they are healthy and happy boys! I’m grateful for another day of being joyous happy and free!!


Its been a hot minute since I have shared my gratitute with my gratidudes:-)

Today, very simply, I am grateful for just being here. Noticing the space I am in, how I feel, what thoughts are streaming in and out. Checking in with myself and holding myself accountable for what I say and do today.

Peace and love to ya’all♥️


I’m grateful I’m flexible. Someone took my chair this morning. :cry:

I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful Daisy still found my lap over here this morning
I’m grateful for my new perspective this morning.
I’m grateful for my welcome crew every morning in bed.
I’m grateful I woke up thinking of gratitude again.
I’m grateful for my different view out the front windows this morning.
Grateful my window cleaners are coming today. If the snow stays stopped.
I’m grateful we can help my niece/daughter with her dog at the ER this morning. They went there AGAIN in the middle of the night. Why does this shit always happen in the middle of the night for her. She might have to put little Guinness down :cry: She’s never had to do that before. I wish I could do more.
I’m grateful we made plans to go to Santa Monica. We actually picked a date. May 1st or 2nd. I can’t wait to get out of here. I’m blessed to live where I am but it will be nice to have a change of scenery and see my daughter for the first time in over a year.
Grateful my daughter got her first Moderna shot yesterday.
Grateful for the long video call with my son yesterday. Oh I almost forgot.:scream: Sorry this is so long.
I’m grateful my son called us from his office. He got an office.:scream: It brings tears of happiness to my eyes. He’s come so far with his dual diagnosis 7 years ago. He’s rented the office for 75 bucks on Tuesdays and will start giving therapy sessions. He just needs a client or patient. The shit he’s over come in life makes me so proud of him. I’m crying just typing this.
Love you guys :cry:


Ugh!! That hit home Made me chuckle Thanks for that.


Grateful for:
My lunch hour spent outside.
Leftovers from last night for my lunch today.
Warm, sunny weather.


I am greatful for:

  1. God being in my life and helping me be sober today.
  2. Having yoga to help relax my agitated mind.
  3. Having a good friend who helped me pick up the pieces after my latest relapse.
  4. This nice weather.

Good day my friends. Today I logged on late and was surprised to reveive a TS badge. Grateful to say I have been a part of this forum for a whole year… time flies… especially since I stay pretty ubusy.
I’m grateful for my recovery and that it is the most important thing I have. They are days when it doesnt feel that way and I’m tempted to give up but then I think how bad it got for me and how far I’ve come and how much more I still want to do. I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and continuing to grant me strength when I need it. I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful that I can come and volunteer cook almost everyday and learn new receipes and not be stressed that I will screw it up. Partly because I have a combination of more confidence in the kitchen mixed with the addict dont give a fuck attitude Lol It saves me money, I get to stay connected with the staff and clients and get to give to give back. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I’m grateful for the all of you, thank you for being here you’re awesome. ya you!!

p.p.s. I’m grateful for @Cottontail posting full disclosure my last name is Cotton so I feel drawn to those type of monikers. … ohhh word of the day “monikers” Lmao


Congrats Brian… I know I have appreciated you being here during my journey!


Grateful I will hit my pillow sober in some minutes.
Grateful I found the diary of my grandma that she gave me 9 years ago with her summary of her life.
Grateful I could talk with her in hospital thanks to videocall. Grateful she is fine w/o pain.
Grateful the three of us, my mom, my brother and me agreed on not giving her additional treatment. My mother or whoever can visit her any time in hospital. This means she is going to go, leave.
Grateful for being sober and sad. I can cry and I can let her go. I will miss her.
Grateful what she thought me.
Grateful for the unconditional love she gave me.
Grateful I can feel the sadness, my jaw tight and aching. But not numb. Drunk. In self-egocentric pity.

Greatful for this community.

Bonne nuit.


-soccer season is just around the corner and i cant wait. last season/indoor had been called off so i havent seen/played w them in a while and really looking forward to it
-the weathers been great
-my coworkers are pretty chill and helpful
-my friends, family, girlfriend. i just love them all
-new enamel pins arrived


I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful to be working with kind coworkers and to be helping patients.

I am grateful for getting some good sleep. :two_hearts:


Tonight I’m grateful my four day weekend that just started. I’m also grateful for my work or I wouldn’t have the free time. I’m grateful for the group therapy I’m going to tomorrow and grateful for my bestie who gave me some honest, not so easy to hear, but still very good and useful feedback on some of my blind spots in my coping mechanisms. That I can use in therapy. I’m grateful for a place to call my home, for the cute cat that is living there with me, for the few real friends I have in 3D life, and for you who are my real friends too. And I’m always grateful to be clean and sober.