Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Today I am grateful…

…for the clean, wet, heavy snow that fell last night, and the early morning walk with the dog girl. Once we got past the main walk, our prints were first on the path - except for the deer tracks that crisscrossed here and there…

…that I’m getting better at setting boundaries (with not-so-close-friends, with work people, with work, etc) that are good and healthy for me, and that I don’t feel as bad I used to that I have “let others down”. Learning to do and be me, and set my boundaries with kindness, and let others do themselves.

…for the week I have ahead and the little projects I got started on yesterday.

…that I got my hair cut and highlighted (to welcome the greys!) last week. After 9 months! and a few failed attempts and rescheduled appointments.

…for fellow gratidudes and all of the support to be and stay sober, to work on my recovery.

…for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday. I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and all you gratidudes. I’m grateful to be relaxing at home today. I’m grateful that there’s all kinds of sports to watch from the comfort of my couch. I’m grateful that even through some pretty serious back pain today I’m still trying to stay positive and not mask or ignore the pain. I’m grateful for music and laughter.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. You can get better, keep trying. Ya you!!


I am grateful to be sober I am grateful for the sunshine yesterday for my grandson 1st birthday party I’m grateful for my sponsor and my friends I’ve met through zoom AA meetings. I’m grateful for my decision to give up sugar but not until after Easter lol I’m grateful for all the podcasts I’m learning so much listening too


Good morning all,
Today I’m grateful for coffee and that the sun is coming up earlier these days. I’m grateful that I had a lazy day yesterday, even though I felt I SHOULD be cleaning or working out or whatever. I needed to rest and feel better for it. I’m grateful for TS and especially this thread.
Everyone have a great day :heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for my coffee.
I’m grateful for warmer sunny days.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my kids.
I’m grateful, because of my wife, I never have to do laundry or cat litter chores.
I’m grateful our house never smells like cat poop.
I’m grateful I’m getting my 3 1/2 mile walks in now that the weather is nicer.
I’m grateful I already got a roofer coming to look at my roof this morning :grimacing:
I’m grateful for where I live.
I’m grateful God is good.
I’m grateful for y’all
I’m grateful for my house and home.

Drinking is predictable, sober is full of surprises


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and the opportunities that I get to learn and grow. I’m grateful for my family and the nice video chat I had with my sister yesterday. I’m grateful for the twelve steps and the treatment centers.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to breathe and smile. Ya you!!


I’m grateful that I found my gratitude list that I started about 17hrs ago! (And that I’m learning to roll-with-life a little better, and keep myself grounded at the same time.)
I’m gonna save it and see what I can add to it after I get some sleep!
Spoiler alert: I’m grateful for all you gratidudes. :wink: :orange_heart:


la la la la la i can’t hear you!! :hear_no_evil: :joy:

we have the same inner voice. grateful we’re learning to ignore it! :orange_heart:


Morning everyone,
I’m grateful for the track by my house that I take my dog for his morning walk on. In the countryside, quiet. It’s a great start to my day.
Also for the ‘Fabulous’ app that gets me motivated.
I’m happy I decided to hand in my notice, even tho I have no job to go to…
My first gratitude list :grinning:
Have a great day x


I am grateful for day 5. …waking up feeling good instead of rotten and foggy. I’m grateful for God and his blessings and a new day. :pray::sunrise_over_mountains::slight_smile:.


Today I am grateful for:

  • a day off from work and spring sunshine.
  • spending the morning walking around Stourhead in England. It’s a stunningly beautiful and peaceful National Trust place.
  • not stopping at the shop on the way home to buy wine.
  • a yummy lunch and a full belly
  • tasty vegan food.
  • getting to practice taking pictures with my new camera.
  • 2 & a half weeks sober.
  • time alone to think (not to drink).
  • no work pressure
  • maybe an afternoon nap soon, now that I have a full belly :sleeping::zzz:



I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I grateful to see new people post here @Frandango it helps reinforce the gratitroops M? @M-be-free49 :thinking: the more gratitude the better.
I’m grateful I don’t need a reroof.
I’m grateful the roofing guy showed up on time and saw me with a mask on and he pulled up his bandana to cover his face. He seemed so nice.
I’m grateful I just made a decision to not stress about other people wearing or not wearing a mask. I’m going to wear mine. If they work in my house though I’m going to ask them to please wear a mask.
I’m grateful my window cleaners are coming today. We’ve had to reschedule a couple of times because of snow. I love having clean windows.
I love having clean floors too. I’m grateful I’m learning I don’t get to have clean floors since I have six fur baby shedders. This has been very hard for me.
I’m grateful for the long ass conversation with our best friends from Austin last night while we ate dinner. We had Chicken Shawarma they had pancakes. WTF :flushed: they’re weird. We love them. :heart:
I’m grateful for my long walks with music. I had my oldies playlist on yesterday. It was so cool and memories from the 60’s and 70’s kept popping up. I’m grateful I’m such an old fuck. :scream:
I’m grateful I still got that part of my memory. What I had for lunch yesterday? Who the fuck cares!
I’m grateful for my attitude adjustment the last few days. I’m grateful I know that the feelings come and go and I don’t need shooters of schnapps to adjust my attitude anymore.
I’m grateful for all you Gratidudes on here whether it’s a part time pop in or a regular shift. It works if you work it and you’re worth it. “Ya You :facepunch:@I.cant.We.can

It’s not happy people who are thankful,
It is thankful people who are happy.

Lighthousetreatment .com


I’d be pretty grateful to see pics of England on the “post inspiring pic of nature” thread. When you’re willing.
I’m grateful for all the time I spent in England. I love that country so much.


@Dazercat you got it my friend. Thank you for a new word too - gratitroops. Genius. I have missed you :hugs:

I’ll see if Captain Kruger of the Starship Fluffy Bottom is feeling photogenic too.

:hugs::pray::hugs::pray: x


Today I am grateful…

…that I woke up hangover- and headache-free, after drinking tea late into the night and beating my iPad against scrabble. But hey - the day didn’t go according to plan and I needed to let loose a little! :joy:

…that I, too, am learning to chill more about the floors. I like to think I’m so “breezy”, but in truth, I’d like my floors to meet the standards of a yoga studio or a surgical suite. Both. Talk about setting myself (and the dog girl’s paws) up for failure. Yep, @Dazercat, I’d take the gritty, hairy floors and the company of our shedding pals any day.

…for the day ahead and the fun little projects I’m gonna get up to. With breaks.

…for my little home and the time to take care of it.

…for my family of friends, long-time friends, and for the gratitroops, yes! and TS pals - sober soul friends, really. Sharing this essential part of our journeys, supporting each other, and really seeing the rich potential in each of us.

…for another day. :orange_heart:

ps even if I don’t tell you you’re an inspiration to me? you are. ya you! :wink:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free. Up early for prayer and meditation.

I am grateful to have God in my life, especially during trying times. My faith is something that is always steady and that brings me peace.

I am grateful to be reading ‘Codependent No More’. It is helping me to underatand myself better. :two_hearts:


I am grateful to be sober today. I am grateful to finally feel some what normal and not in a depressive episode. I am grateful not to be crushed by withdrawal.

I am grateful for my job. I am grateful for my two dogs. I am grateful that my senior dog Jackie is healthy enough to come home from the vet. I am grateful that my puppy teddy is active and loving and playful. I am grateful that my sister reached out to me today and is still talking to me. I am grateful that I are healthy today. I am grateful for the walk I went on. I am grateful for my best friend down the block and also my husband who is still here and loves me. I am grateful that so far I still have my health. I am so grateful to be alive. I am so grateful to have this support system.


Hello all,
Today I’m grateful that work is done and I am home.
I’m very grateful that I am off tomorrow- work has been kicking my butt lately and I’m tired.
I’m grateful that when I ask my kids how their day was they both say such positive things.
I’m grateful for the people on here, who try and find the good in life. Sometimes it’s hard, but I know I can come here and find something good. Everyone have a wonderful evening❤️


I am grateful for for the sunshine I was able to go out and mow the lawn. I am grateful for I finished buying all my grandkids Easter baskets gifts. I love Easter it’s my favorite holiday stuffing eggs with candy and watching the kids find them and look so excited and happy! I’m grateful to be sober! I’m grateful for this community! God is good! :tulip:


I’m grateful to God, thank you for another productive and sober day. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful that I am finally posting my gratitude, sometime in the last month I got a congratulations badge for posting on 100 consecutive days and I’m grateful for that streak and don’t want it to end. I’m grateful that I spent the day cooking, reading the AA book, listening to music and got to play cards, some chess and a board game. I also got a solid 5 or 6 km walk in it was a beautiful day. I’m grateful for the messages my Mom sent me today just to say she was thinking of me. I’m so very grateful for TS and the gratitroops(nice) I’m grateful that people enjoy my p.s. and ya you stuff it feels good to be appreciated . I love you guys.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. never forget you are capable of greatness. ya you!