Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I hope i can catch up today with all the posts.

Grateful i don’t have to. You will probably be here tomorrow.
Grateful my grandma can soon go peacefully. Actually i dont know how this works. It is the first time i hear of this process so near.

Grateful for being sobee, having a job that pays my bills, a roof over my head.
Grateful it’s weekend and only 3 days next week. Grateful i won’t have to have over easter.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I have been sleeping well lately. I’m grateful to wake up to a clean house and a choice of clothes since I got my laundry done. I’m grateful for meditation and calming music. I’m grateful for a lot of music. I’m grateful that I get to go enjoy lunch and then make pizza dinner and chair an NA meeting. I’m grateful that I’m working the twelve steps to the best of my ablility and that it’s enough. I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God I got 450 days of sobriety.
I’m grateful to God I got 451 mornings without a hangover.
I’m grateful for one fucking day at a time.
I’m grateful for the 450 and hope the depressive funk I’ve been in will lift. I don’t know if it’s a milestone funk. I don’t know what a milestone is anymore after a year. But with the cold snowy weather. Crappy news. Voter suppression laws. Stupid fucking politicians. The uptick in shootings here. The racial hate. The fucking pandemic. My wife constantly watching the news on Twitter or her podcasts or tv. I’ve just been feeling like fucking shit. Trying really hard to “serenity now”. Maybe with a 10 day forecast of sun and 50’s and 60’s temps and getting past 450 days I’ll Snap out of it!
I’m grateful for this thread. I kind of been using it as my daily checkin. I haven’t posted much in the real “checking in daily” thread. I’ve been thinking about that a lot. And what others think. But probably no one notices. Or cares. And it really doesn’t matter. But sometimes it does bother me that I “should” be checking in there. There’s that word should I hate to use. I don’t know. I reckon it’s my sober journey. And if I hit the pillow sober each night then what I’m doing is working.
Thanks for being here.
Love u G-Dudes :heart:

Quitting drinking is an opportunity not a sacrifice


My son
My wife
Supportive family and friends
You all
The sunshine during my day of sobriety


Aw, pal… let me just say this…

  • You don’t need to post check-ins to please others. You’re always on the other threads showing support and cheering people on. You give so much. (Stop should-ing on yourself! my mom would say to you.)

  • No matter what thread you post on, we would, I would, notice and care if you weren’t here. But that doesn’t mean you should stay to please us! But, stay, please, for as long as it works for you. :wink: :pray:

  • You don’t have deny your feelings, or snap out of it. From what I can tell, I think you do a pretty fine job of acknowledging your feelings without letting them take over. And finding the stuff to be grateful for (the stars! :point_down:) among all the other things going on…

It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.
Richard Evans

You’re one of the stars. I’m super grateful for you, and I hope the clouds clear soon. Shoulder seasons, anyway, can be a bit funk-y for me. A shoulder season in a pandemic? Jeepers, yer killin’ it. :orange_heart:



Grateful you are always :point_up_2:

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Stooooop watching news. News depress people, they spread fear. What is valid today,won’t be tomorrow. Fast news,more news, more news to catch up with. Vicious circle,I feel. And it changes nothing except of high blood pressure maybe.i get a little better at not watching news. I prefer the memes or documentaries or good movies. I heard I real good book about news addiction.

You are important here and everywhere on other threads. Don’t make yourself small! Ahhhhhh, bad English, hope.you get what I mean :pray::blush:


I’m grateful I woke up early this morning feeling grateful…

…first, because the dog girl didn’t need to get up and go out in the night.

…because it’s saturday and there’s a weekend and i have most of next week off too, to work on assignments and putter away at home stuff in a gentle way before going to visit Mom for Easter.

…that i had time to take my first cup of coffee to back to bed and look at the sky getting light, and I was thinking about the dog girl turning 10 soon. And about this time 10 years ago. Wow! So much can happen in 10 years. But I just felt so grateful to be here now - that I got excited about the next 10 years, and I hope that wherever I am - I am waking up, 60 years old, grateful. And sober.

…for stories - real and made up - and what they mean to me.

…for all of you.

…for today. :orange_heart:


Thanks. I don’t need to watch the news. I got my wife :rofl::rofl:
She talks news and I talk about dinners and meal prep and you guys.
It’s just hard sometimes. And it’s such shit right now but I guess it’s better than it was.
The sunny weather will help. I can get outside.
Thanks buddy.


Some of the guys moved to a bigger apartment, bell pepper and chili are somehow reluctant to grow. Tried new seeds.


I am grateful that I am sober and not hungover. Enjoying coffee on an afternoon off. :coffee:

I am grateful that this weekend is started off better than last and that I have my 3 little sleeping cats nearby.

I am grateful to have shelter, food, water and electricity. :two_hearts:


hey buddy you’re doing great(my dime store diagnosis) I too have been using this thread as my checkin slash journalling slash gratituding spot… and im …wait for it …grateful …to be learning ever so slowly to not give a bleep about the shoulds regarding the check in thread and otherthings


Today I am grateful I just passed some urge without relapsing, and after passing it I realised I was just in some depressive mood, and once it passed (at least partially), the urge also passed.

I am grateful I am doing the current study I am in, and enjoying it, although it is putting me in some bad pressure (and thus bad mood in a sense).

I am grateful I have some great friends and family, although living away from them. I am grateful I am alive and healthy. I am grateful I have a nice desk on which I can study.

Turned out more of a journal than a gratitude list, but anyway, I am grateful I am in here :slight_smile:


I am grateful for prayer and my daily readings.

I am grateful for my family and their loving support and kindness.

I am grateful to be on a journey towards self-improvement rather than self-destruction. Progress not perfection. :two_hearts:


Today I am grateful:

For my higher power

For this coffee this morning

For the writing assignment I did yesterday although I’m still working on it but I have to say it was a good reminder of my insanity…

For a place to live even though I’m not working that’s one of the things I realized in my insanity is my rock bottom… I was listing down all the things I’ve lost and that feeling of hopelessness and giving up I’m grateful I’m not there and I’m still shocked that I have a nice place to stay food on my table clothes on my back a car friends family

For room 62 AA meeting it’s a hoot. I was thoroughly entertained people there weren’t taking it seriously and they weren’t messing around per se but they were just trying to show how not to take life so seriously and that recovery isnt always so serious

For Day 6 of my sobriety

To be alive, healthy (questionable), and I would say happy


Good morning!!

Today I am grateful:

For my higher power

To wake up in a really good mood for some reason

For feeling 100

for last night’s West Hollywood young people’s meeting although a friend pointed out that I’m no longer young T.T

For the coffee this morning

For my 10:00 appointment for iadarp intake

To have functioning limbs I don’t thank God enough for that

For one week of sobriety today

To be alive regardless of my situation


Today i am grateful:

For my Higher Power

To wake up even though I’ve been having hard time sleeping or having restful sleep

For my health

For today because I get to cook lunch for my sister

For 8 days sober and counting

For being able to attend pretty awesome meetings this past week

To have aching sore muscles this morning because it means I’m growing and actually staying fit

To be able to breathe in air

For my doggo Cody


Grateful today for feeling my feelings. Sometimes I hide from my feelings. Sometimes I think alcohol took me closer to being able to laugh and cry, to get through my reserves and repression. But today I felt lots of feels and that’s good. I’m very sad about my eldest growing up, going to college soon and how she’s distancing herself from the home, and how she doesn’t feel loved properly by my partner. Today I had a good text conversation with her about it all and I cried a lot. Later I totally cracked myself up while I was chatting making dinner. I feel so glad and grateful to feel I can feel fully alive in my truth without drinking.


I’m grateful to God I do not drink.
I’m grateful to God I do not depend on booze.
I’m grateful for the nice Sober Saturday evening I had with my wife.
I’m grateful I didn’t have to cook or clean up.
I’m grateful we watched a movie. The Chicago 7 nominated for best picture. It gets my nod. 4 down 4 to go. Then we watched a stand up comedian on Netflix.
I’m grateful for the sunshine.
I’m grateful for you all.
I’m grateful for my gratitude list yesterday and the responses I received.
I’m grateful to be on day 451 and the sunshine and a nice Saturday night to put me in a better mood.
I’m grateful I got a roofer coming out Monday to look at my roof. :grimacing:
I’m grateful my window cleaners are rescheduled for Tuesday after 2.
I’m grateful after pet chores in the morning when I’m sitting with my coffee that Minnie comes over to check on me before she jumps up on the couch to lie down.

Take a step back today look at all the beautiful things you have


Grateful yeah,I cleaned my bathroom this morning. Always have to wait for the motivation. Then motivation, sun, moon and other things have to fall in place and theeeeeeennnnnn.

Grateful I had an okay talk with my mom on the condition of my grandmother. Her system shutting down. She didn’t put guilt on me which I am grateful for.

Grateful for the nice and relaxing day,biking, having coffee with a nice colleague at her beautiful house.

Grateful having the day off tomorrow. Last one. I could have got used to that.
Grateful being sober.