Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I’m so grateful today that my face hurts from going to bed and waking up to happy emotional tears because my son got his first client yesterday as a registered therapist in Dallas. You cannot imagine, well hopefully, no one can imagine, or hopefully no one has had to go through, the horror my son went through 7 or 8 years ago with a dual diagnosis to get where he is today. The horror he never intended to put his parents through 7 or 8 years ago. The hell he went through and the mountains he climbed to get where he is now. If y’all recall just last Tuesday I was grateful he rented an office for $75.00 on Tuesday’s so he could start his therapy business. I’m grateful my son even liked his first client. I guess? And his client booked him again for next week. Thinking of my son is going to make me cry all week.
I’m so grateful I couldn’t wait to get on here and share it with you all. I been thinking about it all morning. If we were all at a meeting I would have been the big guy walking in with his own box of tissues today.

I’m grateful to God for my son and my daughter and my niece/daughter and my wife.
I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to God I’m not going out to buy a couple of bottles of Cristal to celebrate.
I’m grateful to be able to share this with y’all.

***Even though I walk through the valley ***
Of the shadow of death
Your perfect love is casting out fear
And even when I’m caught in the middle
Of the storms of this life
I won’t turn back; I know You are near

And I will fear no evil
For my God is with me
And if my God is with me
Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear?
Mat Redmond
You Never Let Go


Grateful i found Yoga which teaches me so much.
Grateful I am still sober.
Grateful snow will be over tomorrow.
Grateful I didn’t binge.
Grateful my holidays were approved. Will see what is possible then.
Grateful I am healthy somehow.
Grateful I have all the material things I need.
Grateful I can change my mind every minute bc I don’t have to please anyone.

Grateful for being able to walk wherever I need in town.
Grateful I don’t need a car.

Edit: i go to bed rather than stumbling or falling. Waking up knowing where i am. Not stinking through every pore. Can look myself in the mirror and see my eyes instead of swollen whatsoever.


@Dazercat I’m so pleased for you, and your son. Thank you so much for sharing. It’s really lifted my spirits too :hugs::pray::hugs::pray:


Today I am grateful for:

  • my renewed energy for sobriety after being lost for months during lockdown.
  • still being healthy enough to make this my decision and not yet something a doctor has told me to do.
  • for all the others who post in this thread. It’s often completely changed my mindset and reframed my outlook on the day coming here and reading your posts.
  • for Eric @Dazercat and his wonderfully infectious gratitude for life, his love for his family and furry friends. Never get tired of reading your posts my friend!
  • for sunnier days and the Robins, Blackbirds and finches in my garden.
  • for audiobooks and early nights.
  • for my Fiancé agreeing to go for a walk/run with me in the morning, even though I’m the worst runner in the world (imagine a bright red, sweaty sack of potatoes with legs).
  • for the blessing of energy in the morning now that I’m not drinking.
  • for salted caramel (anything - part of the reason I need to run!)
  • for God, and for putting up with me.

I am grateful I’m sober.

I am grateful for TS.

I am grateful for coffee!

I am grateful that when my dog woke up in the early am to go for a pee I immediately got up to let him out. I didn’t hesitate in an alcohol daze wondering if I could make him wait a bit. He wouldn’t make me wait to pee if the roles we reversed - why should he have to wait!

I am grateful for my dog and his wonderful love.


I am grateful that I am sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that I have legs and arms and the ability to exercise.

I am grateful for the strawberry pound cake candle that I have lit that smells amazing. :two_hearts:


@Dazercat, that is simply amazing and I am so happy for you and your son!


Good evening all,
Today I’m grateful for laughs at work, and the spirit of teamwork.
I’m grateful that my kids are happy and healthy.
I’m grateful that I will hopefully see my sister and parents this weekend.
I’m grateful that because I am sober I can make evening appointments and keep them- that’s pretty cool!
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful to be alive, to have food clothes and shelter. Grateful to be sober


Grateful for day 14 sober.
Grateful to God for food… Home… my dog…my job and all my blessings.
Grateful for my health.


Today I am grateful for waking up sober
For planning a sober day
For spending time with my kids
For still having my job
For not having picked up yesterday due to my anxiety
For this amazing bunch of people on here


Today I grateful for many things! I’m grateful

  • for my life! I live a blessed and beautiful life and even though it doesn’t feel like that every day, it is the truth.
  • for this community. Without it I probably would not have achieved the past 646 days sober!
  • for my friends and family
  • my house and living situation
  • for school holidays
  • to be able to teach
  • for my job
  • for @Butch and his Motivation and Meditation thread! Thank you !



I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today. I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday. I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know that I love you. I’m grateful for my recovery and that I am reminded and have learned to remind myself that it is the most important thing I have, outside influneces and opinions be damned, learn to gaurd and protect your recovery as much as it protects you, from yourself and a great many people, places and things. I’m grateful for all my family and the unconditional love they continue to show me. I’m grateful for my friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that I slept well and have developed a routine sleeepwise that is slowly starting to stick. I’m grateful that it’s nice enough today for a relaxing 3km walk listening to my music en-route to cook. I’m grateful that my weekly schedule keeps me busy with attending three 12 step meetings and volunteering in the kitchen four full days a week at the moment. I’m grateful that I get to have alot of laughs while I’m volunteering, playing cards and chess while things are cooking. I’m grateful that they have started allowing me to take some of the guys for “mindful” walks, they are just happy to get out of the house. I’m grateful to God.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. you’re doing great I believe in you. ya you!!


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful we got our second shots yesterday. So far so good.
I’m grateful my son is scheduled to get his first shot.
I’m grateful for peaceful mornings. This one seems more peaceful with no wind, no birds chirping, no wind chime noises. Just the quiet tic of my clock and the slight ring in my ears. And now if I listen carefully the slight sound of Minnie breathing. But even she isn’t breathing that loud this morning.
I’m grateful for my hearing, my eyesight, my memories, my health.
I’m grateful I offered to talk to my sister yesterday when we were texting. We talked through my whole 3 1/2 mile walk. I couldn’t believe it. I’m grateful our relationship has healed.
I’m grateful for the advice I get from close friends on here.
I’m grateful my kids are all grown up. Some of the shit parents and children are dealing with these days seem so difficult to me. Plus the fucking pandemic :grimacing:
I’m grateful God gives us the strength we need for what we are dealing with at the time we are dealing with it.
I’m grateful for my wife and kids and house and home and pets and for all the blessings in my life.

I’m grateful I like sober me better :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m so grateful for your post. It filled my cup of gratitude yesterday overflowing! :pray:

I’m so grateful you put words to this. :point_up_2: I feel this too (the restlessness) and now have come to trust it will pass too. Thank you!

Oh, I so get this. It’s like sobriety gives me - somehow - the right, the duty, to protect my boundaries. I’m grateful I’m finally learning this.

I’m grateful for this thread and all the gratitroops and gratidudes, your words and wisdom, and for the shelter from the storm that this thread feels like.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I’m grateful -
-for my TS amigos and amigas who support me through strong emotions and challenging moments. It’s the best feeling to know other sober pals are in my corner.
-for video chats with my family and friends! It is remarkable that time can pass but the bonds are strong with my people.
-I’m grateful that I am a passionate, feeling person and I accept and embrace that about myself instead of tamping it down and numbing with substances. I’m also grateful for my commitment to learning from life. Making mistakes and gaining another lesson. Trying new approaches and keeping what works and letting go what doesn’t.

Always grateful for this thread and you all. :heartpulse:


I’m grateful for beeing sober, going to bed, knowing tomorrow will be an early rise and I will manage it fine :heartpulse:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that i have carved out 30 minutes each morning for quiet reflection and prayer.

I am grateful that in this moment everything is okay. :two_hearts:


I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful I’ve had a good day at work and have no desire to stop to buy alcohol on the way home.

I’m grateful my sleep schedule has started to regulate and I get good night sleeps.

I am grateful the sun is shining. :sunny:


I am grateful that I made it through this very difficult day. I struggled from dawn to dusk. But the good thing is I did not drink. I did yoga. I meditated. I am grateful that I am alive. I am grateful for my senior dog Jackie and my new puppy teddy. I am grateful my spouse still loves me and is still with me. I am grateful to still have my job. I am grateful that my siblings still love me and want to hang out with me. I am grateful that I made it through today.