Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Tonight I is grateful for:

  • an early night, a warm comfortable bed and the opportunity to take time to read all my favorite threads on here before I go to sleep.
  • for Harry Potter repeats on the telly.
  • the knowledge that even though I’m back to work tomorrow, I won’t have a hangover in the morning.
  • my cat who will join me for a cuddle in the night.
  • for second chances to live a better life.
  • for harsh lessons, that can be turned into something positive if you really want to.
  • for roasted parsnips with honey (Sunday lunch leftovers that I can’t seem to leave alone).
  • good bank holiday weather in the UK for a change.
  • my fellow gratitroops. Love the vibe on this thread.
  • did I mention the parsnips with honey? :grin:

:hugs::pray::hugs::pray: xxx


i’m not a huge parsnip fan… but omg, the honey… you got any leftover leftovers? :smile:
glad you had a good bank holiday and good weather too! :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for a new fresh day!
I’m grateful that I’m continually growing, changing and learning.
I’m grateful to not fear feelings as much anymore.
I’m grateful for hope and change.
I’m grateful for fresh air and spring flowers. Honey bees and lady bugs.
I’m grateful for all the cycles in life happening all the time that I’m unaware of.
I’m grateful for my partner, kisses, laughter and routine.
I’m grateful for my health and my amazing body.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for others support.
I’m grateful for love


Good evening all,
I’m grateful that today was a pretty good day at work in spite of having all the necessary makings for a crazy and terrible day.
I’m grateful that my daughters new safety gear arrived and she will now be covered pretty dang good should she go flying off her skateboard again😄
I’m grateful for my kids who make me laugh, and all my crazy animals.
Grateful for this thread and all of you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful to God for all the blessings in my life. :pray:. Grateful for a new beautiful day again. Grateful for feeling strong and focused again. :sunrise_over_mountains::cherry_blossom:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday. I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery and the support and routine it has given me, not to mention a renewed sense of strength, self, spiritually and hope. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes and all the ways that you teach, challenge and Love me. I’m grateful for my health and that I feel fairly fit physically, mentally and spiritually. I’m grateful for sunshine coupled with music for nature walks and bike rides, its very rewarding.
God bless you all. :v:& :heart:

p.s. it’s a beautiful thing you’re doing, keep it up. ya you!!


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful it was just a dream last night when I had a beer.
I’m grateful that in my dream I was so upset.
I’m grateful Daisy is on my lap.
I’m grateful @JasonFisher mentioned listening to the big book chapter 3. I don’t like audio books. At least I thought. I don’t want to give up my music on my walks. But I can listen to one chapter of the Big Book on my 3 1/2 mile walk and the listen to music for the rest of the walk. I smell a new routine cooking.
I’m grateful for sunny windy spring days.
I’m grateful for stuff to do around here to prepare for our trip to Santa Monica.
I’m grateful we get our second shot tomorrow.
I’m grateful we got comfort food ready to go in case we get sick.
I’m grateful for the extra meditation I will be doing before the shot. It’s so weird knowing the chances of us being ill Wednesday night and Thursday are pretty high. I’ve never had to prepare for something like that. I’m grateful I can just turn it over to God. I get sick. Or I don’t get sick. It is certainly out of my control. At least I don’t have alcohol poisoning my body anymore and I’m at a good weight and I been taking care of myself. There’s literally nothing else I can do except get a few extra meditations in before hand to keep the body relaxed.
I’m grateful for all Gods blessings. Especially the ones I don’t deserve.

Doubting yourself is normal. Letting it stop you is a choice.
Mel Robbins


Grateful being sober lying on my bed.
Grateful having a roof and everything I need around me.
Grateful for being sad and feeling it.
Grateful for being sober or at least not drinking. Maybe I am off recovery. I don’t know. Probably not.
Grateful for giving less *** about many things. Grateful for a good laugh at work.
Grateful I can walk. Grateful I have a rather good train connection to home now.


Tonight I am grateful for:

  • a busy but good day at work that seemed to go by in a flash.
  • for the extra unusual British weather today. We had wind, hail, some snow and then bright sunshine again. All beautiful and very entertaining.
  • for my warm, comfortable bed.
  • for my cat who will join me later for treats and cuddles.
  • for waking up this morning with him lieing on the pillow above my head and happy purrs.
  • for having the money to go to the supermarket tonight and buy my favorite strong coffee for tomorrow.
  • for having the strength to buy coffee instead of alcohol.
  • for another Harry Potter rerun on TV tonight.
  • for another early night, and guaranteed hangover free morning tomorrow.

Goodnight fellow gratidudes!

:hugs::pray::hugs::pray: x


I am grateful to be sober.

I am grateful to be setting better boundaries with people around me. It isn’t easy letting people you care about know that you don’t want to be around their drinking anymore, but it needs to be done at this point.

I am grateful that I got some sleep today before work. :two_hearts:


Today I am grateful…

…that I had a pretty ok work day. (Guess what? So much of what people think is stressful is really not worth getting that stressed over… shhhh!)

…that even though I didn’t sleep so well (I usually sleep so good! could practically put it on my resume!) I didn’t get all worked up about it, and I even took a little nap in the middle of the work day. :grin:

…for the teensy buds on the trees and the nice temps outside.

…that I still don’t really know just how good sober life can be, but that I know I don’t want to go back to the other life.

…that our government imposed the necessary restrictions again. Needs to happen and hopefully it will keep people safe. (And that I’m less freaked about what other people do. I can only answer for me.) That I have enough things and can get more of what I need safely. That I’m better at realizing what’s really in my control compared to this time last year, and what I should do about it. (Hint: not drink.)

…for another day. :orange_heart:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for this day. I got a lot done. A lot of little things that would build up and stress me out when I was drinking. Today I could work my way through them with, and had very little stress.
I’m grateful for documentaries on TV to distract me when I get restless in the evenings. That has gotten much better since my very early days of sobriety, but I still get that uncomfortable, restless, agitated feeling sometimes in the evenings. I’m grateful that I can recognize it for what it is, and that I know it will pass.
Grateful for TS and you guys!
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful for my sobriety
I’m grateful for the sunshine
I’m grateful for my health
I’m grateful for all of you and the support you give me
I’m grateful I’m going to bed sober
I’m grateful I have a god of my understanding to lean on and that gives me peace


I’m grateful to be alive and sober today


I’m grateful to wake up sober today
I’m grateful for my healthy family
I’m grateful I have a roof and money to buy food for my family
I’m grateful to be on this app again and to make baby steps to stay sober throughout the day


:sunrise_over_mountains: Grateful for another sober morning :slight_smile:
Grateful to be connected to God to help work thru shaky moments to get to another sober morning. :pray: :hibiscus::hibiscus::hibiscus:


right now, I’m grateful that the institution I was part of the management in heavy storm for quite a while now is under a new management and I feel like retired, so happy I am :hugs: No more stress for me, no more meetings, just some court sessions I agreed to finish for good. Very grateful I passed on these tons of responsibility to new, fresh and professional folks :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday. I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for mindful walks in the sunshine that feed my soul and release those endorphins. I’m grateful that I slept well and could afford a coffee on my walk. I’m grateful to receive word from mom yesterday that her and dad are getting there first vaccines next week. I’m grateful for easter choclate that found its way to me sonehow.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to take a moment to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


I am grateful for family and friends and support teams and God and grateful all kool people in community fourm


Today I am grateful…

…to be doing my gratitudes in the morning, with a delish coffee beside me, (and a disgruntled dog who wants more morning cuddles before the day gets started!)

…to feel a wider bandwidth of feelings, and yet not be ruled by them and make choices based on them (like drinking).

…to be sober, to have those moments when - after I realize I really don’t drink, and nor do I ever need to again - I feel so hugely relieved and excited. (And I’m grateful for all the people who post honestly about relapses - whether after 4 days or months or years. I read these posts and think that would be me if I tried it again…)

…for the camaraderie on this thread of gratitroops of gratidudes! and TS in general. and all the support to be and stay sober in my life, and to truly recover.

…that I have the means and energy to make some small changes and touch-ups to my little home last week and this - so that I love being in it (which is where I will be, for another good stretch of time!)

…for another day. :orange_heart: