Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

I’m grateful to God I do not drink.
I’m grateful to God I do not depend on booze.
I’m grateful it’s snowing out this morning because it makes my wife happy.
I’m grateful it’s almost spring. That makes me happy.
I’m grateful I took my coffee out in the snow to fill the empty bird feeders this morning. There were tons of birds and no bird seed for them. I even poured another half a cuppa when I came back in. :coffee:
I’m grateful for my new El Gato Breakfast Roast. :coffee:
I’m grateful I am really going to try to live just for today.
Can we truly live just for today?
I’m grateful for the joy my pets give me all the time.
I’m grateful I had Daisy on my lap.
I’m grateful I got no plans today. Except burgers :hamburger: I’m grilling burgers for lunch. Looks like in the snow. Should be delicious :yum:
I’m grateful for another day.

If you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse.


I’m grateful I woke up with the sun this morning with no hangover.
I’m grateful this morning on my day off I was able to stay in bed relaxing and cuddling my cat. I didn’t feel the need to jump up and check my phone for negative and mean messages or posts or the need to stumble around the house cleaning up empties and messes from the night before before my husband gets ready for work.
I am grateful for all of you!
I am grateful for all of the reading I have been able to do on TS for the last month.
I am grateful for the hot cup of coffee I am about to pour for myself.
I am grateful this day is completely wide open to me.


I’m grateful for the reminder to continue this practice this morning.
I’m thankful for the guidance I am receiving everyday and the sanity it brings.
I’m grateful for my sponsor and the fact that he will help me through the litany of issues I bring to him and point me towards the Source for my solution. I’m grateful for the daily reprieve that brings.
I’m thankful for the opportunities to learn and grow each day.
I’m thankful for the six months of marriage counseling that we are getting free of charge through our employer.
I’m thankful I have a roof over my head and a woodstove keeping the chill away.
I’m grateful for the bright and enthusiastic people I get to help through the process of building their dreams.
I’m thankful for the small place I live.
I’m grateful for this place and all the wonderful people I get to stand shoulder to shoulder with.

:v: :yellow_heart:


Welcome Donna. We’re glad you stopped by for some gratitude. Hope to see you around.
Gratitude is a great recovery tool.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for music and excersise as they are, but combined…genius.
I’m grateful that the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.
I’m grateful for my health, any day where my back isn’t hurting is a win.
I’m grateful for the twelve steps.
I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
I’m grateful that I get to make dinner today and attend an in person NA meeting.
I’m grateful for TS and the grati-dudes.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. you are a star, shine bright. ya you!!


Hello all, today I’m grateful for a day off work. I’m happy a free day is no longer an excuse to get drunk and waste the day. Got lots of stuff done today!
I’m grateful for the beautiful journals my sister gave me- I finally used them.
I’m grateful for a clean house.
I’m grateful for family and love and forgiveness.
Everyone have a great evening :heart:


I am grateful to be sober, hangover free, up early for prayers, devotionals, and excercise before work tonight.

I am grateful for the warmer weather and I am looking forward to having a nice little garden in the yard this year. :seedling:

I am grateful for my growing candle collection and for the soothing scents and warm lighting that they provide. :two_hearts:


Today I’m grateful for the sunshine and being able to work out in my yard with no alcohol


I thought this morning, I think I am simply grateful to be alive when I think of all the stupid things I have done over the past 15 years. I am grateful that I got to speak to my father and brother yesterday which is often very rare. I am grateful for this feeling of hope and positivety I currently feel.


Today I grateful that I am feeling strong with no desire to drink. Grateful for ‘this naked mind’ a book that has changed my perspective a hell of alot. And im grateful for music :headphones:


Today I am grateful to wake up sober. To wake up without guilt. To make sober plans for the day. To have found my way back to TS and these wonderful people. To be alive and healthy


I’m so grateful it’s Friday and there’s a weekend ahead of me.

I’m grateful that I put plans in place to dial-down/switch up my work in the foreseeable future. (This week was just more confirmation that it’s the right decision!) I am grateful I have opportunities to do this.

I’m grateful for the feeling of expansion that sobriety brings to my life: a deeper exhale, more bandwidth and patience and tolerance - and more awareness when I don’t have these and need to retreat and replenish. Greater interest in exploring my interests, which I never had time for before. This doesn’t feel like “going without”.

I’m grateful for this place and the openness I feel to express myself here, and how supported I feel on this sobriety journey. I’m grateful for others’ words and stories to companion me on my journey.

M and D? Grateful for the phone. Remember the one that used to be attached to the kitchen wall? There was a good chunk of a decade I tied that thing up. Sorry about that. Grateful that Mom has a phone she can work most times now.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful we have a nice man as President.
I’m grateful for my cat gently sitting on me purring in bed this morning. And the other fat boy walking on me telling me it’s time to get up.
I’m grateful for my soft ice pack.
I’m grateful I’m a good cook.
I’m grateful for another day.
I’m grateful for the support I get on TS.
I’m grateful for memes :rofl:
I’m grateful for my calm attitude in general in when shit happens. I don’t know if it’s my sobriety or because my wife gets worked up enough for the both of us.
Even though Minnie stole my chair this morning I’m grateful she can still jump up and steal my chair. Apparently she was just warming it up for me because she got out of it when I got my coffee and finished pet clean up.


I’m grateful to God, help me to be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful I woke up early today and got right to cleaning my room, started laundry and went for a walk to purchase new headphones and some breakfast.
I’m grateful that I can afford to do these things.
I’m grateful for TS and the grati-dudes.
I’m grateful for my housemates, Dear God grant me the patience and the correct words so I don’t flip out on one of them today as I’m cleaning there mess and turning off the stove they left on when they left the house ahhhhhh please I want to live and be happy, healthy and strong, help me to do that and maybe even spread it to others. Amen.
I’m grateful for all my family they helped teach me to be happy, healthy and strong.
I’m grateful for the relaxing music I have playing in the background and the food I just ate, helping to calm me.
I’m grateful for the twelve steps.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. it’s not catastrophic, breathe, smile love. hugs to all. have a great day. ya you!!


Happy Friday, gang!
I’m grateful:

  • that I did not have an adverse reaction to the vaccine on this occasion, just a slightly sore shoulder, like @Dazercat. Also, that the vaccination clinic was so well organized and staffed by amazing volunteers. It functioned like a well-oiled machine and I felt safe, even though there were probably over 100 people there in some stage of lining up, getting vaccinated, and waiting for 15 min afterward. Nicely done.
  • that the medication I am taking has gotten my blood pressure well within normal range and I really am feeling better.
  • That I am feeling the love with my husband, feeling in love, and loved. He says that now that I am feeling better, he is feeling better, too. He is not stressed out worried about me, he is able to focus on work and he says everything is easier and more enjoyable. We laugh together and have our silly jokes, we are affectionate, and we have dreams for the future. It is the best feeling. I feel like myself. Not sure what that means, but it’s true. I am so grateful.

Always grateful for the TS amigos! :heartpulse:


oh, and I forgot to add!

i’m grateful for so much gratitude on this thread. i missed it yesterday, missed you grati-dudes. ya you, all of you! :orange_heart:


It’s hard to be grateful for me today. I am grateful for the support I got today at work and here.
Grateful I had some insights this afternoon like a click. Maybe not new new but another drop, another piece I took and put in the right position. The body has to follow.
Grateful I felt my body talking to me and I was listening.

Grateful I fixed my toilet alone with the help of doctor YouTube. I love them. Grateful I did it.

Grateful tomatos, basil and thym is starting to grow. Waiting for bell pepper, chili and sth else I forgot.

Ah and I found the book again I am to read. It was/is at my mom’s and she is going to send it to me.
I try to be grateful I have to.


I am grateful to be sober, hangover free, and well hydrated.

I am grateful tonight is my last night of work. I am looking forward to spending time with my family, bf, and cats and cooking some fresh foods.

I am grateful for the practice of having gratitude and often catch myself identifying things that I am grateful for all throughout the day now. It is such a better mindset to have. :two_hearts:


Hello all,
I’m very grateful the day is done and I am home relaxing.
Grateful for the pretty mug to drink tea from.
Grateful for the cloudy, rainy weather today because we don’t get it much.
Grateful I have one more killer day tomorrow and then off for a week!
Everyone have a great night❤️


Grateful for another sober day!
Grateful my timer just turned to 7 days!
Grateful this is the last time my timer will be at 7 days!
Grateful I booked a flight to go to visit my nursing home bound Mom in April!
Grateful I still have my Mom on this earth. She is my favorite!
Grateful I booked a vacation to the Florida Keys for my SO and I. We got canceled last year. I have never been to the Keys and I am very excited.
Grateful when I go to the Keys on vacation I will have 90 days! (I know, I know . . . I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. I am just creating new truths for myself.)
Grateful Spring is in the air and it is going to be a warm weekend.
Grateful I made dinner for SO ever though I was tired AND I have a UTI (rats!)
Grateful for TS and everyone who is on this sobriety journey!
Grateful for daylight savings time beginning this weekend!