Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Today I’m grateful for:
-Meetings with varying topics and perspectives.
-Screen doors to let the fresh spring outside air in
-My cat and her dumb affinity for eating bugs
-Recovery outreach partners who get all your weird feelings and experiences
-My life, connection with God, and another day Sober from my bottom lines


Today I’m grateful for the sunshine hearing the birds chirp every thing coming alive flowers blooming having the energy to work in my yard after work!


Today I am very grateful that I am not hungover. I am grateful for the opportunity to rest today. I am grateful that I am not feeling like drinking.


I’m grateful for the few short hours of sleep I had, and that today will include a nap!

I’m grateful for the webinar I have this morning for my writing class, and that being sober gives me the opportunity to do things I love. I’m grateful for activities that, when I’m doing them, I lose track of time and the world around me. In a healthy way. Not like a too-many-glasses-of-wine way.

I’m grateful Mom has apparently been moved to her new room. I’m grateful I can see progress in how I handle situations in my life - things I used to think justified a drink (read: drinks) are so much more manageable when I’m sober.

I’m grateful I have this weekend ahead of me. To walk, to rest, to clean my wee home! To check in with the Gratidudes, to chat with some pals, and enjoy some silence too. To play with words and read some too. To be present. To be sober.

M and D? tomato seedlings soon. you know what this means to me… :wink:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to be taking things one day at a time. So what if it’s cold and snowing and I’m stuck inside and I’m laying around most of the day. It’s ok. I got my workout in :nauseated_face: or I will today. I shoveld or snow blowed some yesterday. Enough not to hurt my back. Watched an old movie. Cooked a couple of meals. It’s a day. That’s all. I’m grateful for the day.
I’m grateful today should be the last day of the winter mess around here. Sorry you guys. I think your getting it next if you live east of me :cold_face:
I’m grateful for my el gato blend coffee beans.
I’m grateful for the delicious black bean and burger chili I made last night.
I’m grateful I got gumbo for lunch today.
I’m grateful all my necessities in life presently are met.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for all the travels I’ve done in my life. I’ve been to some really cool places.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for all of you on TS.
Peace is accepting today; releasing yesterday, and giving up the need to control tomorrow


I’m grateful for your profile picture. Funny!!


I am grateful to be sober today.
Grateful for a nice walk in the storm.
Grateful I have a relativ good sense of orientation.
Grateful for my warm apartment. Grateful for online library and endless access to all kind of books and audiobooks.


I’m grateful to God please help me stay clean and sober just for today.
I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday.
I’m grateful for my recovery.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for my friends.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for TS and the grati-dudes.
I’m grateful for the twelve steps.
I’m grateful for music, humour and excersise.
I’m grateful for my housemates and grateful we came together and are helping one of them to the hospital and detox today.
I’m grateful that I got a really good rest after a long night of talking and sitting with my friend and housemate Andy.
I’m grateful that I can go to Wayside today and cook a nice pizza dinner and chair a NA meeting.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. you are incredible, remember that. ya you!!


This morning I am grateful for the birds singing on my walk. For crocuses and daffodils and a VERY fragrant lilac bush.

I am grateful for this maple donut.

I am grateful that my mom was finally able to get her first vaccination shot and schedule the second.

I am grateful that I am feeling no urges to drink alcohol. Waking up without a hangover for the past 8 months has been a major relief during a really shitty time.

I am grateful for my cat, my buddy, who is sitting on the arm of my chair keeping me company as she always does.

I am grateful for this thread and will post more often.



Today I am grateful:

  • that my husband and I had a good chat this morning about sobriety and his drinking, how it makes me feel and how we can navigate that in the future to both our benefit, individually and as a couple.
  • that we had a productive morning together, visiting our big box home improvement store early early to miss the Saturday crowd. We got back and took Lupe for a walk on our 2 mile loop, (haha, makes me start thinking "Lupe loop! We do frequently call her “Lup,” pronounced, “Loop”). And we’re both started working on projects around the house - all before 11 am! It feels good to have active weekends and feel good.
  • and that my mom got the first shot of her vaccine today, and my brother got his J&J single dose vaccine on the same day I did. He had an intense reaction with flu-like symptoms and had to take a day off work, but he is feeling much better today. I’m so grateful that the President announced all adults will be eligible for a vaccine by May 1. Can’t come soon enough.

Grateful for my TS amigos, especially @Jennajen @Tommo and @Dazercat for their responses to my post about last night and my thoughts on my husband drinking. It really helped me to get my mind back on the right track, focused on my own sobriety and not worrying about what my husband does when it really is not a problem.


Tonight I’m grateful for my bestie who set up a virtual pub quiz that we’re going to start in half an hour or so, together with a group of old friends with whom for years we went to festivals, holidays and bars together. I’m grateful I can do it from my home and don’t have to go to any bar for it. Well they are closed anyway and tonight I am sort of grateful for that too or this virtual event wouldn’t happen.
I’m also grateful to the couple of participants who are showing each other and the rest their special whiskeys and competing who have the best in the pre-quiz chat. Grateful for the way in which I was triggered by that, grateful for the sense of loss for not having my own bottle, the longing for a drink I felt for a moment.
I’m grateful to know I feel these feelings and that at the same time I feel a much greater gratefulness for being sober, for not needing that drink, for having a big glass of Greek mountain tea with honey, for being sober and clean, very grateful to you all who help me each day in staying that way. One day at a time. I’m grateful these bottles shown on my screen make me realize I’m an addict that has freed himself of his active addiction. Never again. Love to all the gratitdudes.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free on my weekend off. Saturday was always my biggest drinking day. I’d always wake up Sunday feeling like complete shit and then proceed to do it all over again. Yuck. :face_vomiting:

I am grateful I have time to exercise today and that I don’t have to rush to be anywhere.

I am grateful to no longer be spending money on booze. I have been enjoying buying some new healthier items like nice soaps, candles, and a few clothing items… self care is important. :two_hearts:


Thank you so much for this. I have spent a lot of my own therapy time on not disallowing feelings (by any means) and yet not being controlled by them. Trying to integrate that into sobriety is interesting. I sometimes get the sense that any thought of missing it, (like a fleeting longing to sit on a patio in spring and sip a glass of wine), must be purged right away. Evidence of not being strong in sobriety!
But honestly I think it helps (me) to mourn it a bit when I feel like this. To allow myself to be wistful for what could have been but clearly wasn’t. (Like any relationship that starts out hopeful but ends up parting ways!) And when I allow myself to do this, I always end up where you did: grateful that I don’t drink. Grateful that I don’t want to. Grateful for feeling renewed in that.
So thank you. :pray: :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for my family my sponsor and being clean and sober and my son trusting me to keep my grandson over night


I’m grateful to God.
I’m grateful that my friend got into detox
I’m grateful I had a good day
I’m grateful for @Mno post as I too have had those thoughts lately as I’ve been pouring out my housemates bottles. It is hard to watch and hard to want to admit that sometimes it makes me want tojoin in and then I think about how hard it was to get to a point where I have the strength to pour it out and be grateful for it.
I’m grateful that my friend and I are about to watch a movie and enjoy some snacks.
God bless you all. :v:&:heart:

p.s. I believe in you. ya you!!


Today im grateful that ive made it through the weekend and that its not one big blur. Grateful that i didnt spend copious amounts of money on alcohol and cocaine :zipper_mouth_face:


Good morning all,
Grateful I made it through the grueling work week and didn’t respond to some rude comments from the doctor I work with. He’s tired, I’m tired… better just to leave it alone.
I’m very grateful to have a week off with my kids. There was a time not so long ago that time off like this would terrify me because I knew how I would spend that time- wasting it drinking way more than I wanted too, then feeling very down and depressed and disappointed in myself. Now, I have plans for some work on the house, hiking with the kids, I have a journaling project, small vacation planned… this time will be greatly enjoyed!
I continue to be grateful and amazed at phone calls that I choose to make to my parents in the evening, just to chat and check in. Wouldn’t or couldn’t do that before.
This is getting long but, lastly I am grateful for TS Gratidudes. You guys do my heart good, and always lift me up.
Everyone have a wonderful day❤️


I am grateful to be 50 days sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to go to my parents on Sundays and to watch our local church service on TV with them.

I am grateful to be enjoying a hot cup of coffee. :two_hearts:


I grateful to God that I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for the snowblower guy who drives his cool snowblower tractor to do my driveway early in the morning.
I’m grateful for kitty jumping bashes to my legs while I make coffee.
I’m grateful I was so calm and cool when the snowblower guy came and his tractor scared the cats and ruined our morning feeding routine. It wasn’t a big deal to make adjustments, sip my coffee, and wait for him to finish. With six pets, morning feeding routine while coffee is brewing, should never be interrupted. The old hung over me definitely would not have been so calm and cool about it.
I’m grateful I don’t get hangovers anymore.
I’m grateful after 3 days of snow, we got abundant sunshine :sunny:
I’m grateful for the stillness and total quiet of the moment.
I’m grateful the ponderosa pines look like they’ve all been frosted like frosted oatmeal cookies. They all look so delicious :yum:
I’m grateful I can see the beauty in all the snow but; who needs it? :rofl:
I’m grateful I filled my bird feeders yesterday in the snow and today there is standing room only for breakfast.

I’m grateful I read this this morning :point_down:
I knew I was an alcoholic by the way I felt sober
Really made me think :thinking:
I’m so grateful for the way I feel sober!


I love this quote!