Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Good afternoon family.

  • grateful for the early morning beach time I had with Nugs
  • grateful to be of sound mind to help my daughter with her school work during this crunch time
  • grateful for the two new plants I bought
  • grateful for my daughters therapist and how she has somehow managed to make a connection!!!
  • grateful for fresh veggies from the garden and the amount of amazing flavour they have.
  • grateful for being able to recognize when people/places and things don’t fit me anymore.
  • grateful for the hilarious text messages I wake up to from people in different time zones, its always an awesome way to start my day. :heart:
  • But today I am the most grateful for a conversation I had with my daughter yesterday where she told me that she never knew how sick I was, that she didn’t realize how much i drank and how bad my mental health was. That was one of the things I was going to apologize to her for in my amends, and something I have felt so much shame around. First off being sick at all and then not being able to hide it from her. I always tried my best and I guess my best was good enough. I am so, so damn grateful for that. :slight_smile:

Big huge congrats on 11 months!

Yep, I gave moderation a few “penalty laps” just to be sure. And you know how that goes is right!

I’m grateful you are here. :orange_heart:


Oh, you put this so well! I’m grateful for it too, and also grateful for sobriety - because without sobriety, I don’t know that I got to the same level of acceptance…

Much better this way. And it is okay. :wink: :orange_heart:


I’m on a roll! :smile:

I’m grateful for the day I had - an early start at my desk and the beautiful quiet morning.

I’m grateful today was mostly sunny but still cool enough that it was comfy for the dog girl to hang out outside, mere feet from my desk. She loved it. I’m grateful I can hear the birds from my desk.

I’m grateful I overindulged in those amazing melons (must be a northern thing!). Just ate my fill of them before peach season starts. I’m grateful I have an appreciation for all of those things now that I’m not looking ahead to wine o’clock.

I’m grateful for old pals, near pals and far pals, and new pals too. I’m grateful for all the fellow travelers I’ve met on this sobriety journey and this gratitude thread too, It fills my soul to cross paths and share our lists. I picture it like a bunch of hikers on a water break, taking in the view, sharing our trail mix…

I’m grateful for the evening I’ll have away from my desk for a few hours, puttering in my patio garden, listening to the birds wind down.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am thankful that I am still clean but most of all I thank God that even in my addiction he has never left my side and when I cried out for him he was their. For my family who has always been with me and never turned away when I was in trouble and I’m thankful for you my brothers and sisters it’s you that’s called me on my b.s. and cared about my soberity their are still good people in this world God Bless you all. :latin_cross:


Sharing our trail mix :heart_eyes:
That is how I will forever think of this thread!


Ooo I haven’t looked at that thread much but definitely will! :baguette_bread::cake::mango:

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I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful for the inner calmness and peace that comes along with being sober.

I am grateful for hot tea and morning prayers. :two_hearts:


Today I am grateful for sobriety and the wonderful new perspective and way of living it has afforded me. I am grateful for the comforts of home and a job that I enjoy. I am grateful for new beginnings and experience from which to learn. I am grateful for my health and the opportunity to make changes before too much decline occurred. I am very grateful this morning for fresh coffee!!


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful I didn’t get all liquored up yesterday so I wouldn’t feel scared.
I’m grateful for how TS works. I admitted I was scared about my appointment today and the support I got has really helped.
I’m grateful I admitted to my wife that I am scared.
I’m grateful I’m learning to accept and share feelings that I would usually avoid with booze. And then really feel like shit.
I’m grateful I got my dogos around me this morning.
I’m grateful my daughter received her Effen Birds cups and she loves them.
I’m grateful my son had his 2 year wedding anniversary.
I’m grateful for my kids and my wife and friends and pets.
I’m grateful the door man came and installed the upstairs deck door yesterday without any hassles.
I’m grateful I feel pretty good this morning.
I’m grateful to get caught up on here with more support from others that really do care about me.
I’m grateful for my gratitude practice each morning and all the gratidudes checking in with their gratitude. It works if you work it and your worth it :heart:

It’s OK to be scared, but don’t let that fear overpower your mind and control you
share it with someone :+1:
I like to quote .com


Grateful i can be more easy about not being able to catch up with every thread here. No problem as there are so many wonderful people to cheer and support every person willing to get help.

Grateful being sober.
Grateful having reduced my working hours. And I’ll for sure adapt to the reduced amount of money. Already looking forward to September to feed my brain with some new stuff to learn.

Happy that I was lucky and got home dry after the first storm. To be continued later.

Grateful for TS.


Going to keep it simple today.
It wasn’t hard for me to “find a power greater than myself” , there had been so many times that were unexplainable. I walked away from a lifestyle where I should have done jail time and OD’d so many times but I did not.

  • I am grateful that I have ALWAYS had a higher power watching my back whether I believed it or not. Whether I had faith or not…
  • I am grateful to be alive.


I’m grateful for my wife and kids.
I’m grateful a sunny day.
I’m grateful to be able to beat down the voices of addiction in my head today.
I’m grateful for my health.


So true. So very true.
I often wondered why.
Why did I get away with so much shit?
I like to say, and maybe you’ve heard me say it. Write it. “God is up there tap dancing away giving us exactly what we need.” Earnie Larsen
Just grateful.


I’m grateful for so much today, but keeping it simple, I’m deeply grateful for my sobriety, this thread, and this view


I’m grateful for a warm swim in the river tonight. And for telling someone I’m not drinking and finding out they are 18 months sober. It felt good to know that others (who I admire and see as fun) don’t drink either. Grateful for my health and for the sun today.


Good evening all,
Grateful for my kids today. Grateful for some delicious spaghetti that my daughter made for dinner. Grateful that I have kids who can do things like that. Grateful for rest today. I’m grateful that my daughter wanted to try softball, so I took her to a practice last night. I had such memory overload of sporting events and practices and such when I was a kid- I would pretty much try any sport. Never liked people to watch me, but I loved the challenge of learning and getting as good as I could. She is a badass by the way- no fear of the ball (yet). Anyways, enough reminiscing, I hope you all have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you for helping me have a productive, clean and sober day. I’m grateful that I am home safe in bed after a wonderful A.A. meeting. I’m grateful that I made a delicious chicken dinner and fixings for about 18 of us. I’m grateful that I get to be around people as much as I do, isolation and I don’t mix well. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful that I read through all of your gratitude at different points throughout the day. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s.you are doing great. ya you!!


Today I’m grateful for change, perspective, hope and love.


Today I am grateful for

A good nights sleep

Good healthy food

Advice from a fellow

Not being in loads of debt anymore

Bettering my piano skills

Being in more control of myself