Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Just now I’m grateful for a lazy morning. It feels so good just hang around and enjoy cats, life and a nap :sleeping::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush:


I’m grateful to be on day 525 AF.
I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful after seeing the cardiologist yesterday we got a plan. I don’t like the plan. But it seems to make sense. And it’s the least invasive plan for right now.
I’m grateful my wife came with me because I’m terrible at shit like this. Listening to doctors and retaining the info.
I’m grateful we like the cardiologist.
I’m grateful for Benson and Minnie in the morning in their respective spots right next to me.
I’m grateful I’m up too early naturally even though I wanted to sleep in. But I got not place to go so I can get caught up on here.
I’m grateful for the AMAZING chocolate truffle cake for dessert last night without zucchini in it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: M
It was the best piece of chocolate goodness I’ve ever tasted.
I’m grateful we enjoyed our time at the new trendy snooty pretentious restaurant we went to last night. Now we don’t have to wonder about it or go back to it. At least the waitress was nice. We’re just too old for that shit. And I’m grateful for that too.
I’m grateful for dog heads :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Everyone has a dog in Santa Monica and it’s so dang cute when you see an unsuspecting dog head pop up in a window or over a balcony or in a baby carriage or pram or in some ladies purse or even as an accessory like the cute young lady had last night. Although I’d prefer she left her dog at home I don’t think he was enjoying himself.
I’m grateful for everyone at TS and their concern and support for me and my health and well being.
I’m grateful @RosaCanDo made it home safely and her beautiful nose.

I’m exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Grateful for your post about the dog heads this morning!! Made me LOL … :dog:
Glad to hear your appointment went well and that your wife was there for support. Also that you like your cardiologist! That’s awesome!


Grateful being sober.
Grateful that today, all is for today, I work to live and can enjoy this.


I’m grateful for my early walk and evening pilates in my garden (joined by my cat). I’m grateful for healthy food. I’m grateful for my sister. In grateful that I really like the tenants who will be moving into my home soon. I’m grateful for my peaceful garden. And though I’m sad to be leaving my home here, I’m excited for new adventures and willing to sit with the sadness.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to be going back to work tonight with a kind coworker… a little kindness really does go a long way. :purple_heart:

I am grateful for ibuprofen. I have been off nights for the past 12 days so my head hurts thinking about having to be up until 8am tomorrow on little sleep. :upside_down_face::confounded: :two_hearts:


I’m learning to be grateful for tough things that can teach me what I need to learn. I’m grateful I don’t have to run from these things anymore by going directly to the liquor store. I’m grateful to be feeling like I’m doing life a little better because of that…

I’m grateful that - because things are tough - I wasn’t even stressed about going to a new dentist yesterday. I didn’t really want to post about it (after the whole root canal episode!) until I could report it went well, but it went great. And the hygienist may as well have been a comedian. Gotta go back to have a filling replaced but otherwise - no cavities. :wink:

I’m grateful I had some gelato after the dentist. But I’m even more grateful I’m losing a lot of that “reward” mentality. Mostly, a good reward now is time to do something I want to do.

I’m grateful work is busy (well, no, not really) but/and I’m grateful I’m learning to cope with stress wayyy better and also just not get as engaged in outcomes I can’t control.

I’m grateful for the rainy day today, the rainy night. A hunker-in-after-walking-the-dog kind of night. Suits my mood.

I’m very grateful to be sober and not adding a few hangovers to the week and whole bunch of bottles to take to recycling. I’m grateful to be able to process my feelings about things without the fog of hangover and shame. I’m grateful for the gratidudes, for shared trail mix!, for chocolate cake (even without zucchini!), and for all the support we share to be our best sober selves.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful for my family. Grateful for chats with my son at dinner. Grateful for movie time with my daughter. Grateful tomorrow is Friday.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m sick today the flu or something I feel like crap but I’m greatful for just being alive and clean


Right now I’m grateful some rain should be ahead this afternoon and tomorrow. The first little shower started right when I finished planting my last 6 chilli seedlings. And I hear rolling thunder in the distance :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Spares me watering the whole bunch (tomatoes, chillis, corn, artichoke). Now everything is out on the field for this season :muscle::+1::pray::heavy_check_mark:
Oh yeah, I’m happy, grateful and tired. It’s definitely worth getting up at 4 o’clock to catch the cool morning hours for fieldwork :blush:

Edit 1 h later: summer rain. The plants say thank you God. I hope the little bit of hail remains little bit …

Edit another hour later: Just little hail, now sunshine again :blush:


Grateful to be alive and sober.


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I grateful I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for my God given strength and support here to be sober.
I’m grateful for my alone time at the beach yesterday just sitting there with my music.
I’m grateful for my little beach chair.
I’m grateful I saw this mom and her toddler baby girl just having a grand time at the beach together. So precious so cute. I think I got caught staring at them a couple of times but I just couldn’t help it.
I was also grateful for all the silly funny looking dogs walking the beach too.
I’m grateful for yet another sober selfie I took of myself at the beach. I don’t look half bad for an old geek :rofl:
I’m grateful I didn’t do shit yesterday and that’s ok.
I’m grateful I think I might get some shit done today around the condo. Need to find a handyman and get some minor repairs done.
I’m grateful it’s going to be a gorgeous sunny day.
I’m grateful I discovered Stracciatella. Where have you been all my life you gorgeous hunk of chocolate chip?
I’m grateful my new “fuck it!” go to is dessert and not a bottle of Hanger One Vodka.
I’m grateful I’m dealing with the feelings of being scared and or afraid instead of getting hammered and asking for help and support.
Mind you I don’t want to drink. But I don’t want to be scared either. I’m grateful feelings come and go the fun pleasant ones and the shitty shit ones.
I’m grateful for y’all right here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Still exhausted from trying to be stronger than I feel


Good morning family.
I am grateful that today I have choices in my life.
I am grateful that I have control of my recovery and nobody can tell me I am doing it right or wrong.
I am grateful that I am gaining self confidence and fear is slowly evaporating in certain parts of my life.
I am grateful that today is fri-yay.
I am grateful that my daughter finished English yesterday with 97%!!! So proud of that kid, she has worked her ass off.
I am grateful that I was enrolled in “self accupressure” course that happens at the begining of July.
And lastly today I am hopeful I will feel well enough to make it to my meeting today.

Happy Friday everyone.


I love this! It’s like a garden version of an action movie! :laughing:

Rain here - no hail. Happy weekend to you and your fields! :seedling:


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for a whole bunch of supports. I’m grateful for trust, that I can give and receive it now, it was always important to me but hard to earn back as I’m sure alot of you know. I’m grateful that I have two official temporary sponsees now. I’m grateful that my sponsor has helped push me to say yes if someone asks. I’m grateful that I believe I have learned enough that I won’t feel like a failure if it doesn’t go according to my plan, because who am I to plan for anyone else anyway. I’m grateful for the nature walk I took by myself today. I’m grateful that I have the day off from cooking, pizza delivery later maybe :thinking: I’m grateful for music and excersise. I’m grateful for humor and laughter, even at myself. I’m grateful that I pushed through the this feels weird feeling while going on a nature hike , like being alone with myself, nature and my higher power wasn’t enough. I’m trying to be gratefully single and most of the time I am but there’s times it’s really hard, us humans crave conection and what not. I’m grateful for the spiritual principles that I try to follow and the blessings that can accompany them. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star, shine bright, smile and breathe. Ya you!!


Grateful to be alive and sober. Grateful it’s a nice still calm and clear morning. Grateful to be home with my family and have the opportunity to earn some money.


Grateful for the good laugh at work today. Had to take a picture of that and when I look at it I find it still hilarious. Unfortunately few would understand here.

Grateful being sober, working on sobriety and somehow feeling it. Cannot really describe it.

Lots of pressure and stress from the last year, I let go or can let be what it was, learning. Just another piece in the puzzle what will be my life in the end.


I’m grateful that I’m 8 weeks sober today.
And that tonight I went for drinks I’m the same area (not same place exactly…not ready for thst yet) where my last binge was 8 weeks ago and that I didn’t crave wine or Prosecco tonight. I had a few ginger ales, drove my friend home and am now I’m the bath with hot chocolate ready to be made to have in bed to finish the series I have been watching this week. It’s a simple, calm sort of Friday night happiness and I’m so, so grateful for it.


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that I was able to get 7 hours of good sleep. I had some wacky dreams but some of them were actually fun so yay :blush: :zzz: :sparkles:

I am grateful for this community and for the daily hope, strength and inspiration I find in reading everyone’s posts. :two_hearts: