Daily Gratitude List #2 (Part 1)

Grateful that I have this thread to read through and count on when the rest of TS seems wild and overwhelming. I’m grateful that there are people who are working on finding gratitude, and for the reminders of all the things I’m grateful for too. I’m grateful for dinner out with my family, and conversation about movies( my 14 year old son’s favorite topic right now). I’m grateful for the beautiful sunset we saw driving home. Small, simple things to be grateful for, but I am definitely grateful for them.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful to be alive sober warm and awaiting a hot homemade meal. Grateful I got a full week of work in despite an injury. Grateful to have my family around. Grateful for work tomorrow and an aa meeting tonight. Grateful for the break up I’m going through, how that provides me the opportunity to recently my life and bring out some primal fire to get me moving in a better direction. Grateful to be home in the holidays, to be doing a degree programme and to be safe and healthy enough


This morning I am grateful for a lovely day outside that I can enjoy in sobriety. I am grateful for my son amd my mom as well as loving friends. Grateful for our dogs and cats and the nice walk we took this mor ing. I am grateful for a job that supports us and for time to read and reflect. I am most grateful today for minimal stress as compared to most of my years passed. What a blessing.


Thank God for another grateful good morning.
I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m especially grateful I’m not numbing my worrisome feelings about my week to come.
I’m grateful I don’t even have an urge to drink.
I’m grateful I recognize I don’t even have an urge to drink but that doesn’t mean I’m cured. I don’t know…:thinking: It’s kind of scary. I hope some urge doesn’t just come out of the blue and hit me over the head.
I’m grateful I feel confident in my sobriety but…… I don’t want to get cocky. :thinking:
I’m grateful for my competitiveness, which probably got me to be an alcoholic in the first place. Because there’s no way I’m giving up all these fucking days to start over. I just know I cannot “drink like a gentleman.” Credit @JasonFisher
I’m grateful drinking just makes things worse and I really really know that now.
I’m grateful I don’t get hangovers anymore.
I’m grateful I’m finally not cold and I can walk around here without a hoodie. It’s really starting to warm up.
I’m grateful for all the compliments I get on TS and that I’ve been such a good support to others on here. It really makes me feel good. Thank you.
I’m grateful @Rockstar24777 is having his 1 year celebration today and I can’t wait to join the party. I know he’s earned it and he is worth it :heart:

I will breathe.
I will think of solutions.
I will not let my worry control me.
I will not let my stress level break me.
I will simply breathe and it will
be ok because I don’t quit.

Shayne McClendon


Grateful being still sober.


Awwww thank you very much Eric, love you brother! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Ah, am I ever grateful it’s the weekend. I didn’t want to complain yesterday, but I slept like garbage on thurs and had that hangover-headachy feeling again yesterday (probably from so many zoom work meetings :expressionless:). I am now bizarrely grateful for the very occasional one of those headachy days, reminds me what I put myself through, (sigh). But I’m grateful I slept long and soundly last night, and ta da! - good as new this morning.

I’m grateful I have a day of catching up on weekly writing assignments, sprinkled with a couple of chores, puttering in my wee garden, walks with the dear dog girl. I’m grateful to be sober, or I would want all of those things but not be able to really have them - not the same way I do now.

I’m grateful for early morning quiet walks with the dog girl - how much I enjoy them now instead of beating myself up all walk for drinking too much the night before. We met this little guy this morning - just enjoying a moment in the sun too… :point_down:

I’m grateful I know now too, @Dazercat, that drinking really really really does make things worse. I’m grateful Eric’s reaching out honestly and letting us know how he feels about this week. I dunno if he’s gonna get this, but even that is helpful and supportive to us, because that’s how this place works. He’s giving us the opportunity to be there for him. And it will be ok. :relieved:

Me? I’m always grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Today I am grateful to be alive and well. Grateful for a lazy Sunday


I’m grateful for sun. Some frustrating things happened today: I’m grateful I have perspective and gratitude to calm my emotions and let this pass. Goodnight all x


Grateful for a day of not doing much. I’m grateful that I took some time to rest. Grateful for the group text with my Dad and sister where we send each other “Song of the Day”. It makes me smile :blush:. Grateful for the calabacitas I made for dinner ( yellow squash, zucchini, corn, tomato, green Chile, and cheese sautéed together). Grateful to have this community.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful to God thank you helping me have a clean and sober day. I’m grateful for this thread, someone mentioned
( @Sunflower1 actually ) the calmness of this thread and I agree, it is currently the only one I use. I’m grateful for my family and friends and all you gratidudes. I’m grateful that I had a really nice day of walking, praying, reading and chairing an NA meeting. I’m grateful that the sun was shining on my walk with my music playing. I’m grateful I got to make ammends while being a support for a ex-girlfriend who is struggling six months into her sobriety. I’m grateful that it’s time for a disney movie and bed. I’m truly grateful that I try to find some time everyday to read all your gratitude and post mine, somedays I don’t know what I would do without it. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are an inspiration thank you for being here. Ya you!!


Grateful for this peaceful Isle here on this thread.
Grateful for the last cool day before ‘canicule’.
Grateful being sober.
Grateful I decided to take it easy today. And for the upcoming vacation. I feel stress coming up on what to do. In the end I will probably make everyday long bike trips. So what?
Grateful for another day.


Posting for the second time today because gratitude has clearly taken a back seat in my life. Grateful I attended aa tonight especially because there was a new member who I worked with previously and had shared the message with in that capacity, and she said I gave her hope and inspired her to come. Grateful for a lovely roast meal in the table when I got home courtesy of mum. Grateful to have my family here to hang out with. Grateful for another day sober. Grateful for work tomorrow even though I have a weird undiagnosed muscular injury in my arm. Grateful to be willing to plan to call the doctor tomorrow and book an appointment because that’s important for the acknowledgment of my wellbeing in a lot of ways. Grateful for this thread.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to stay clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and all the challenges and blessings it brings. I’m grateful to have went to bed early and slept well. I’m grateful to be enjoying my first coffee of the day. I’m grateful for my family. I’m grateful that I have an NA homegroup meeting tonight. I’m grateful for my housemates and sober, supportive living. I’m grateful that I feel less sore this a.m.
I’m grateful for humor, eg. An Italian chef died. He pasta way. ok one more… How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles. Tee Hee… I’m grateful for all kinds of music. I’m grateful for excersise. I’m grateful for all of the grati-dudes. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Never give up, I believe in you. Ya you!


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful that even though I had a shit nights sleep and a stomach ache last night at least it wasn’t from drinking.
I’m grateful for my 72 year old girlfriend in London and the she learned how to record a song on what’s app. She sent me Witchy Women be the Eagles and every once and awhile a little narration of the heat wave over there. But how dang sweet is that? She wanted me to wake up with some beautiful music :notes: I really needed that this morning. She’s just so sweet and thoughtful. We have the strangest most wonderful long distant relationship :heart::heart::heart:
I’m grateful I dreamt about my mom. I never dream with family in it and I never remember my dreams. She still had Alzheimer’s but there was a peace and calmness about her. I guess she was checking in on me as today starts the 3 procedures off, with a COVID-19 test at the hospital.
I’m grateful we had a lovely time eating Polish food at my daughters request last night for her 33rd :scream:birthday. Her birthday isn’t til the 14th though. And she had us watch The Conjuring 3 The Devil Made Me Do It. :imp: :scream: Very unlike us to watch that kind of a movie. But it was her birthday. And I couldn’t say no. And we had a lot of fun. And spoiler alert! It’s a good spoiler alert. No dogs got hurt. That’s very important in a movie.
I’m grateful to get this day going and get my medical stuff started.
I’m grateful I can go walk on the beach anytime I want. Or I can walk at Palisades park above the beach. Or just sit in my beach chair sober and just enjoy sitting and being.
I’m grateful for naps.
I’m grateful for y’all and this thread.
I’m too am very grateful for hangover free dog walks. I know they deserve it. And so do I.

Your anxiety is lying to you. You are loved, and you’re going to be ok


I’m grateful for quiet quiet early summer mornings.

I’m grateful for the sun today, the early morning longer walk with the dog girl (while it was still cooler), and for the time I could spend on my writing assignments.

I’m grateful to be able to enjoy the quiet now. Of course I love music and listening to things, but sometimes, I just enjoy the quiet. That never happened when I was sober (unless I was hungover - and nothing about that was enjoyable).

I’m grateful for in season fruit! And flowers. And the smell after it rains. And today’s treat: watermelon. :blush:

I’m grateful for this thread, for the companionship of the gratidudes (yes, especially when the main forum is overwhelming and full of dynamics), and for all the support to be and stay sober.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful for coffee, and to be alive and sober. Grateful for a meeting tonight. Grateful for the people in here and this thread.


Grateful for starting the day with a walk and ending it with a swim. Grateful for my body. Grateful for dark chocolate. Grateful for my healing. Grateful for the acts of kindness from strangers. Grateful to be myself, now, with everything that has been on my path to bring me here.


Good afternoon family.

Grateful for new interpersonal skills
Grateful for morning coffee with my mumma
Grateful for the 10 min breathing exercise I did this morning
Grateful for new shampoo and bouncy hair.
Grateful for the fridge cooler full of beverages my kiddo refilled before bed last night.
Grateful for the conversation I had with my girlfriend yesterday, was nice to hear her voice.:heart:


I’m grateful for routines - relatively new routines, but I can stick to them when I’m sober. Earlier bedtime, waking before alarm, coffee and time before the work day starts - all takes the ugh out of a Monday.

I’m grateful for my job - I mostly like my work, and I get good practice setting work/life boundaries too!

I’m grateful for my peaceful little patio garden. A little oasis of calm. And hope - all those seedlings flourishing… :seedling:

I’m grateful for yesterday - catching up on my coursework, tidying up my little abode, filling the frig full of yummy fresh food. For clean sheets. :relaxed:

I’m grateful for the day ahead - i imagine there will be lovely dog walks, petty work stressors and/or other hiccups, some laughs too, and I will lay my head down sober tonight.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: