Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful to be tucking in to bed sober. It was a bit of a day, and I came home at lunch - not to eat but to let myself have a little stress cry. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to do that, but we are back at the office and there are some tensions. I’m grateful though that I know more about myself now that I’m sober, about when I’m sensitive and what pushes my buttons. I’m grateful I let myself have my little cry. And then I’m grateful I saw @I.cant.We.can’s post reminding me about my post about clouds. Perfect timing, friend! Grateful for you.

I’m grateful for the lovely nap I took when I got home. In the before time, I would have made sure there’d be an array of beverages at just the right temperature when I got home from a day like today. Grateful to be going to bed sober instead.

I’m grateful to see @Singtone. I didn’t want to fret, as I know I’ve gone through times of posting less. (Around 9 months was quirky for me, for some reason.) I’m grateful we all share our recoveries, and I’m also grateful our journeys are all uniquely our own. So much fodder for learning… On that, I’m grateful too for @Irisees919 insightful comments on the checking in thread. More perfect timing!

I’m grateful for small indulgences - my fave bath salts, tea, my yummy scented candle. All the fresh fruit! The coffee beans I will grind in the morning. I never would have enjoyed these as much while I was on a wine drip.

I’m grateful for today, and for another one tomorrow. :orange_heart:


That is great news about your dad sunflower. That must be some good relief in a very uncertain situation.


Aww thanks. I’m sorry I didn’t see this 6 days ago.
Your so sweet. I was actually still looking for that book :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: and I came across this post that I must of missed. Sorry.
And I also wanted to mention to you about my predictive text. Most of the times it works in my favor. But if I’m trying to spell alcohol I always get alchemy or alchemist :rofl::rofl: 2 words I don’t think I’ve ever purposely written in my life :joy: I thought it was funny since you mention the predictive text on the check in the other day.
Grateful you’re here. And I’m not just trying to stay on topic.
And grateful for my pill minder box. I haven’t missed a day. Yet.


Thanks for the encouragement Eric and yes, removing booze from experiences as a parent and fun things like listening to music is truly making life so much more enjoyable and less anxiety-ridden.

So I’ve talked about 2 books lately and a podcast. The first book is “The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober.” I got A LOT out of it and enjoying the simple parts of life is discussed in the author’s recovery. (She even talks about becoming fascinated with trees, which I can sort of relate to). There is a lot of focus around finding your own individual method of sobriety as opposed to a one size fits all approach.

My interest in the 2nd book, which I am listening to now, stemmed from an interview on a podcast – Dr. Anna Lembke was interviewed on The Huberman Lab. Both are professors in the Stanford School of Medicine, and Dr. Lembke’s book “Dopamine Nation” was recently released and focuses on the relationship between pleasure and pain and how addiction relates as well as finding balance in the age of indulgence. It is incredibly ineresting and you could listen to the interview first to see if it is something that interests you before getting the book.


This morning I am grateful for the big things, like being sober, healthy, and having loving friends as well as the little things like living so close to a Starbucks when I’ve run out of coffee :wink:. I am grateful for today being one that is not hangover-ridden, allowing me to enjoy my day off, car purchase and art class. I could have fucked that up royally last night and with the help of you guys, books, music and my comforting dogs and cats, I didn’t drink and feel great.

Wishing you all a healthy day (or night) ahead and appreciate you!!


Good evening, all.
Feeling very grateful to be sober today. Work is so much easier now - although the start of the year can overwhelm the best of us. I am finding that I just get things done instead of procrastinating all of the time. I’ve stopped bugging my wife about how great life is now, but hopefully she just sees it in the day to day. We need to do this…nope, I’ve already done it. We need to get that done…nope, sorted already. Love it.
Grateful that I find the idea of drinking completely repulsive. Instead of going to the things that I previously enjoyed, my mind goes straight to the heartburn and the horrible headaches and hangovers. It shows how it really wasn’t serving me at the end.
Grateful to still be finding joy in the simplest of things. My daughter bakes and sells cakes as a kind of a sideline whilst she is at school. (She is only 16). She baked one on Sunday and was a bit worried about how to get it delivered. I just picked the car keys up and took her to deliver it…at 7pm…on a Sunday…a time that I would have been absolutely battered in the olden days. The joy and pride that I felt in that 40 minute drive was more than I can express.
I’m grateful that things are getting better and better in sobriety. I’m learning more about myself every day. My clarity of thought is better every day. My ability to manage my emotions is improving every day.
I’m really grateful for all of your posts. This is like meditation for me. Whatever speed life is going at, it stops when I’m in this thread and I read each message thoughtfully and mindfully. I then force myself to be still long enough to consider what I’m grateful for. I think that’s what chased me away for a few days. It’s really time consuming to do it properly, and work is insane at the start of a new school year.
Grateful for all of the good stuff in my life. My beautiful family. Our apartment. Our car. Our running water. The food in our fridge. The clothes on our backs. All important things to remember and not to take for granted.
Grateful for the shout outs and the whispers whilst I was away. They matter.
Goodnight all.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and all the blessings and challenges it brings. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that the sun is shinnig and its time for a bike ride. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Good morning :sunny:
I’m grateful for the wonderful PM that started my day. I almost never ever look at anything on TS before my gratitude list. I have no idea why I did that today. Gratitude first or I’ll get distracted. Today I’m so grateful I did. :pray:t2::heart: And I did get distracted. It was totally worth it.
I’m grateful for you all :hugs:
I’m grateful I got Benson on my lap. Not anymore. He’s barking at an unseen predator probably half a mile away. :joy:
I’m grateful I can get up and get my tea now 🫖
I’m grateful for all the different silly traits all my pets have. Except for when we can’t find B :grimacing:
I’m grateful I got a good workout at the fitness center and most people are gone now so I have the place almost to myself.
Oh and I’m so grateful and can’t stop patting myself on the back for this one :joy: I’m grateful there’s a certain so called news channel always on most of the TVs at the fitness center. It rhymes with :package: :joy:Well I would always waste 5 or 10 minutes of my time trying to figure out how to change all the channels because I drives my crazy people watch this shit. And I was doing it yesterday and thought. “Eric your the only one here!” Every time you change the channels it still ends up on this channel when you come back. I can’t control what people watch and I’m here to workout. I just focused on working out and Damn the TV’s. Anyway it doesn’t bother me anymore. There’s no volume. I got my music. I’m in tuned to myself now. And fuck them!!
Sorry for the gratitude rant. But this is a big deal for me.
I’m grateful for gratitude.
Grateful for my wife. Grateful for my life.
Grateful for my family.
I’m happy because I’m grateful.
I choose to be grateful.
That gratitude allows me to be happy.

Will Arnett
Got to love those Canucks :hugs:


Bookmarking this. Thank you.

Omg :scream: This is me.
It reminds me of one my many happy early sober days, stopping in the middle of my walk, getting down and lying on my back, looking up at one of the huge ponderosa trees here and just enjoying it’s beauty. And then taking a pic. And posting it here. With the caption. “Only God Can Make This Tree,”

BTW. I just search for a gif. Save it to my photos. And attach it to a post like a regular pic. Beware of gifs where the file is too big.

Have a grateful day. Thanks again for your share.


Happy I am in vacation.
Grateful being sober and healthy more or less. Grateful for my two new buddies at home so I no longer talk to myself. Haha
Grateful I had I good day despite getting soaking wet on the bike whereas my friend 5 km away where I left some minutes before told me there was no raindrop at all. Grateful I dry fairly quickly as it is still warm (19 degrees).
Happy I finished the wall sit challenge and dived into my little challenges. That will be hard.
Grateful being part of this thread.
Grateful I don’t have to live in fear and my life is not threatened. The only one in my way is myself.


Incredibly Grateful tonite for going to bed sober. Knowing i will wake tomorrow without hangover. Had to stop on my way home from work at a grocery i used to stop at back when i drank…there’s a liquor store in the shopping center. The thought more than crossed my mind to go grab some vodka and bring it home. But it’s never one drink for me and the hangovers would continue thru til the bottle was done and the next bottle would begin. I know this. And i did manage to get what i needed at the grocery and skip the liquor. So tomorrow will be day 42 by the grace of God. I am grateful to have the insight that all i am grateful for can go sideways with the first drink and that i have the choice to walk away. It’s good practice at well…there’s been casual talk at my workplace about going out on Friday eve’s as a group…something i will need to also walk away from with no explanation. I’ve never been one to go out and hang at a bar with co workers but the offers always come up and the mild pressure to go along. I admit the thought of it coming up again creates some anxiety in me. But I am grateful to have remained sober today…to take one day at a time…and to be committed to remaining sober going forward. :pray::heartbeat:


Hahah you two make me laugh.

If they only knew.


I haven’t been here for a while, feels like forever.
I am so very grateful that I took some time for myself tonight to regroup and just relax. I saw a post somewhere yesterday about free time and availability not being the same thing and I am really grateful I saw that. I have been feeling like anytime I have spare there are just a million things I could be doing, none of them has to do with slowing down though. Grateful for my comfy bed, a show to binge watch and my super cool kid to keep me company tonight.
I am grateful for the nurse who I spent some time with yesterday, for her suggestions, guidance, honesty. I am grateful that when she stated she was worried about me and my mental state that I, for the first time ever, was able to say that I am not suicidal right now. I am grateful that recovery has helped my mental health in such a massive way. Oh God am I ever grateful I am not in that darkness anymore, that my life is now full of light. I am so grateful for my new sponsee for her willingness to learn, put in the work and reach out when things go sideways. I am grateful for her story, I am grateful for her courage, I am just grateful.
I am grateful that my daughter is home safe with me, and I pray that she escapes the clutches of this horrific disease. :pray:


I’m grateful to God for helping me have a good, productive, clean and sober day. I’m grateful for the long bike ride I managed to get in today. I’m grateful that my sponsees are talking to me again and that one of them sat down with me to start work on step one today. I’m grateful that I got called in to speak, for the first time ever, at the last second, at the mens detox NA meeting tonight and I pulled it off, so I’m told. I was nervous but all the sharing here, and at different meetings and treatment helped. I’m grateful I got paid today and don’t have to stress about finances. I’m grateful that I have Kelley to talk to and sure theres some pressure learning to navigate these waters again but I believe if I practice my honesty, spirituality and work on not having expectations its worth having some positive type stress. I’m grateful for all your shares, each and every one of you, we tell eachother this alot but I believe it is with good reason, please keep going friends because all your gratitude and attitude helps me.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful I got to get together with my parents, grandmother, and sister for lunch. We laughed a lot and probably to loudly for the restaurant, but it was so fun. Being around them recharges and refreshes me. I’m grateful that I have more patience since I stopped drinking. I’m grateful that me and my husband got rained on during our bike ride this evening, but it was fun and made me feel like a kid again. I’m grateful to read about @Its_me_Stella using time to relax- I also struggle with feeling like there is always something I should be doing. I’m making a conscious effort to take time to do things that relax/recharge me, and not feel like I’ve “wasted” time.
I’m grateful to have little glimpses into the lives of the gratidudes, and to find similar struggles and victories.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Just experienced this the other day as well, awesome. The meal sounds fun too.
@Its_me_Stella nice to see you back and well rested you have earned it


I’m grateful today was a calmer day than yesterday.

[Sidebar: I’m grateful I can see Brian’s face, getting his post all ready to post. So much fun when we all bump elbows in the kitchen!]

Yes, today was calmer because I was calmer. I’m grateful for the good sleep I had, the interrupted sleep due to the most magnificent thunderstorm. The natural world is powerful and tough to argue with. Time in it tames me, in all the right ways.

The storms outside continued today. A dark dark sky! Grateful for the storms. They teach me that age-old lesson (isn’t it biblical? a time for everything?). A time for thunderstorms and a time for sunshine. A time for work and a time for rest. I didn’t get all my work done today (there is always too much), but nor did the sun shine. I had my evening with my book and tea and the rain instead of going into overtime hours at my laptop. I will rise early and work when my mind is fresh. I’m grateful that the idea that I’m good enough is starting to percolate into me, and I don’t have to try to earn or prove my worth, by going over and above, especially when it’s not reasonable or warranted. (Oh, and I would reward my efforts with you-know-what, copious amounts, which would induce shame, which I would make up for by working overtime. Gak.)

I’m grateful for this thread, this space, and this forum too. For the support to be and stay sober, with gratidudes who know something of where we’ve all come from, and where we are now, today. I’m grateful for my cozy blankets, my wee home, the kitchen I love to clean at night and wake up to looking the same way. (That last one is huge!)

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


yesssss! I must find this post. Grateful for your words too, friend, and the strength they share with all of us, when we are strong enough to be open to change. :orange_heart:

EDIT: and now I see @Sunflower found the same thing! I’m so grateful when we find these commonalities. I’m especially grateful Sunflower’s dad is doing well, and she had such fun with her family. Heartwarming! :relaxed:


i noticed you preparing to wow us with your words and it brought joy to my heart seeing your little heart avatar too… glad you had a better day. rest well. dear one


This morning I am grateful for time and space for reflection and to breathe in the day before it rolls along. I am inspired by the people here and enjoy the clever, insightful and oftentimes funny looks into the paths of recovery. Picturing Eric running around the gym changing the channels and giggling at @Bootz regard for mid-run grapes as “all of the polyphenols and none of the remorse” truly brings additional brightness to the morning. I appreciate @M-be-free49 's poetic regard for the natural world as “powerful and tough to argue with. Time in it tames me, in all the right ways.”

Such a special place we have here.

I am also grateful to see my mom today and to take my son to a dental appointment and sign off for him at the gym so he can start going in the mornings with his buddies. Maybe he’ll run around and change the channels on the TV’s as well!

Wishing you all peaceful days and nights.