Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful for Benson on my lap.
I grateful for how well I felt yesterday and had a great day. And how quickly it can change when you wake up with a headache again :grimacing:.
I’m grateful I guess it works both ways.
And of course grateful it’s not a drinking hangover.
I’m grateful to be sleeping with the windows open at night and I was able to hear the rain when I woke up in the middle of the night a few times. It would have been nicer without the headache that was building :grimacing:
I’m grateful for my childhood and my parents and how I was raised and that they did the best they could. Me being a drunk was all on me.
I was talking to Kelly last night about amends and my past 45 years of drinking. We got nothing. I got nothing. I been thinking about it on my own for awhile now because that’s what your supposed to do. So I shared it with with my wife. I’ve made amends to myself. It has help. But there is still something missing.
I’m grateful the longer I’m sober I’ll figure it out.
I’m grateful for Gods guardian angles that must of worked overtime to protect me all those years.
I’m grateful for all my blessings especially the ones I don’t deserve. Or maybe I do deserve them. :thinking:
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful to be able to share here with you all and read all your gratitudes. And I think it’s pretty cool that we do that and just mention each other’s name without using the @ for some of us because we know we got each other’s back. And we’ve become pretty close on here.
I’m grateful I took Tylonol right away this morning and maybe it will help and my headache won’t ruin my day. And if it does, God willing we will always have tomorrow. And I will not drink about it either way.
Remind yourself of the things you did right.
Let go of the things you could have done better.
Be patient with yourself.

Cherry picked from some mental health meme I got and I don’t know who the hell said it.


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and, hot damn, one year seven months and two weeks without drugs, sometimes it just seems like yesterday that two weeks clean seemed impossible. I’m grateful that I have a full day ahead of me cooking chicken and rice and then an AA meeting at my sponsors. I’m grateful for the texts with my Mom and Kelley earlier helps me mentally set up for a nice day. I’m grateful I chose to listen to an upbeat song to start the day. I’m grateful for humor and laughter and its healing power. I’m grateful I went down to the basement and woke up Andy who sadly has to move today and hasn’t even packed a thing. I’m grateful I can allow the feelings of wanting to help or yell or cry and let them pass and continue to do my best and focus on myself and what I need to do. I’m grateful for the start of a new month and all the wonderful changes the fall season brings, Happy September friends. Ok i gotta stop i have things to do… Lol…
I’m grateful for support and connections with all you gratidudes.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


Grateful to be sober and alive today. Grateful to be in university working towards something.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a good day at work. I’m grateful that I cooked dinner tonite and we ate together ( even though the dinner wasn’t very good) and talked. I’m grateful to be relaxing on the couch after bike riding with my husband. I’m grateful to see all of the milestones people are reaching.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful for the fun day I had today. We had a staff retreat, out of town for the day - cooked and ate and gabbed and did crafts, lol. It was good to get out of the office and dial down some of the tensions. I’m grateful I catch myself better when I’m adding mental fuel to petty work resentments. Why bother?

I’m grateful I’m not triggered by colleagues talking about and inviting me to boozy events. I will consider these invites on the basis of the event, not the booze. Why? Cause I don’t drink. Simple as that.

I’m grateful I went for a short walk by the lake today and heard a loon call. Beautiful.
There were also plenty of geese starting to head south, honking away at us from their V in the sky. And I winked at those geese today, because some months ago - when they were flying north, they honked “we believe in you!” to me. :wink: Thank you, geese. I’ll see you again, in sober spring 2022! I’m grateful for you, honk, honk.

I’m grateful for one day at a time. Not just for sobriety, but when life throws other uncertainties my way. One day is doable. Especially in the company of the Gratidudes. :pray:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful for my at home lockdown workout and for my higher power


Good evening I am grateful that my computer is running smoothly after a new water cooler and tune up. I am grateful for the lunch date I had with a friend, for her very large personality which gives me permission just to listen. I am grateful that I can notice when my behavior is off. There is this beautiful question in step one of the step working guide " How has your disease been active recently." I ask myself that everyday as a check in, part of my step 10. Most days it’s the usual; perfectionism, obsessing, not letting stuff go… then today I “checked out” for about 4 hours into a video game. Somedays I feel so blessed that I have lived such extremes in life so that I have a good gauge of what is dangerous and what is ok. I am grateful that today felt dangerous to me, it was uncomfortable and although I didn’t stop I was aware what I was doing. Four hours n a game wasn’t dangerous before when I was spending all day and night on my PC. I am grateful that tomorrow I am opening my homegroup because I have not been to a meeting all week and that doesn’t work for me. I am super grateful that slowly I am learning to be kinder to myself, that it didn’t even cross my mind to berate myself for " wasting time" tonight… maybe I needed it.

Finally I am grateful to be able to go to bed early tonight, thanks for always being here.


Im grateful for every day I wake up sober.


Grateful being sober and grateful for being part of this thread.
Grateful that finally we have some days of sun, late summer, good air.
Grateful for the presence of the two girls.
Grateful my glycemia is good despite being off the loop. Actually it’s better which is strange.
Grateful I found some inner peace to my question yesterday. I do not have to stick to my plans under all circumstances just to please others or not disappoint them. Or me?


Grateful for my beautiful beloved dogs who are demanding enough to keep me going through the days but gracefully sleep in with me when I can’t make it out of bed early. Who keep me in loving company while I’m alone and my heart is heavy.
Grateful for hope and optimism in small doses.
Grateful for general health, so my body can come back from binge eating and depression.
Grateful for my therapist who is so good at her job of meeting me in the mind.
Grateful for friendship from unexpected sources.
Grateful to be alive and sober. Grateful for the greys. All this would have been pitch black a few years ago.


Im Grateful that Gratidudes are seeing greys instead of black, seeing more light than dark, seeing hope and less hopelessness.
Grateful @anon74766472 has her kitties and @Faugxh her dogs.
I’m grateful I have my kitty who is doing great after everyone sent her good wishes after her June ER visit and the vet saying she had 2 1/2 months to live.
I’m grateful that for today she’s doing great. ODAAT
I’m grateful I got safely home after I made a short road trip today that I was anxious about because the hospitals are all at capacity with Covid patients.
I’m grateful I haven’t made an iron clad declaration that I’m going to Cold Turkey off coffee today.
I’m grateful for all of you and your gratefulness.

I’m grateful my kitty made an amazing 5-6 foot leap and I caught the beginning and end en camera because she looked so cute.


I am so grateful this morning to be sober and home and safe. After a difficult drive home from work last night from Hurricane ida remnants I am so grateful to have woken up in my bed. With my dog. And everything generally in good shape. Minor roof leak however that is nothing compared to what some people have suffered. Grateful to God for letting me keep my wits about me to get home through many many flooded and closed roads. And the ability to have a good car to get through that type of weather. Grateful for a conversation with my brother. we have not spoken in many years and just started to reconnect. So we chatted while he was watching a leak in his basement and I was trying to get dinner together after 8pm. It was a good healthy conversation and I was glad to talk with him. I’m grateful also to have power this morning. again …something that many people don’t have today but I’m lucky enough to have it. Grateful for friends that checked in on me last night to make sure i had gotten home. Onward and upward …sober and serene…ODAAT…have a good day everyone…:sunrise_over_mountains::heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:


Good late afternoon, all.
Today I’m grateful that it’s almost the weekend. The last couple of days have been loooong.
Grateful that I have been sober and clear headed enough to handle a couple of tough work days. Imagine them with alcohol in the mix?!
Grateful that every day is getting better and better, and that I am understanding myself more and more.
Grateful that my days look a lot more like my plans than they used to. Previously, I’d have lots of good intentions but virtually none of it would get done because I’d be out of shape and lacking the mental capacity or energy to do anything.
Grateful that my anxiety has diminished so much. It fell away a lot as soon as I stopped drinking. There was definitely a chemical element to it. The great thing now is that I can trust myself. If something does pop into my head that would have gone around and around before and derailed me, I can now be calmer and know that I can deal with it. Know that I WILL deal with it because I’m not incapacitated by booze. Self respect is priceless.
Grateful for all of you gratidudes. I’ve never felt able to use that term before because in my mind it is reserved for the established members of this thread. Not wanting to sound like I’ve got ideas above my station, but I now feel like I have as much right to be here as anyone else.
I had to really force myself to write that last bit.
Have a great sober day, all.


I am grateful to be able to come here each morning and learn about where the light is shining in your lives all over the globe. I am grateful that “sleeping in” now is a healthy and natural act that doesn’t last far past 730am. I am grateful for the confidence that is building with each day of sobriety as it has forced me to look inside, feel and recognize the pain, and work on letting it go. I am realizing the release of some of my insecurities and know with 100% certainty that would not be happening if I were drinking. I have always been in awe of people in recovery since I was a young adult. I went to a family week for my mother’s rehab stent in my early 20’s, and felt so very much at home. Not only because she was acting like my mother again after so many years, but there was such a feeling of peace and resolve in the place even though so many were struggling, me included. The vulnerability came with ease and I was able to see glimpses of vulnerability in my father as well. I have always found being in the company of those in recovery very comforting and now I know why. Grateful!! Hope all of your days and nights are peaceful.


I am VERY grateful Tony feels like he belongs.


This is beautiful, I am very grateful you found us.


I’m so grateful to wake up without a headache and enjoy the calmness and peace of the beginning of this new day with Benson on my lap and Minnie snoring away post brekie nap :zzz:
I’m grateful for the change of seasons even though I’m not thrilled about shorter days and longer nights and the cold.
Grateful I’m already on the priority snow removal list.
Grateful for the little conveniences my little community offers us and how it just gets billed to my HOA dues.
I’m grateful for the nice little dinner I cooked up last night without using a recipe. It’s been a long time since I been creative in the kitchen. Kelly doesn’t do creative :grimacing:. And she liked it :yum:
I’m grateful for all my favorite threads at TS that continue to somehow keep me sober. Especially this gratitude thread.
I’m grateful I get to work out at the fitness center today and I won’t be running 🏃‍♂ around changing channels anymore. :rofl:
I’m grateful I’m actually liking my new 3 day workout routine so far. Power walk the 3 1/2 mile trail one day. Fitness center one day. Pilates Reformer one day. Then repeat. And take 1 day off when I want to.
I’m grateful for this because I really hate working out :grimacing:. It’s never been my thing and I’ve always force myself to do it. And you know, not once after working out have I ever felt mentally worse off.
And of course I’m grateful to God I don’t drink. I’m not a drunk. I don’t depend on booze. And my competitive addictive self that never ever wants to ever start the recovery process over again. I’m here I’m sober and it’s a wonderful thing. Just like you :hugs:

You have dug your soul out of the dark,
You have fought to be here;
Do not go back to what buried you.

Bianca Sparacino


Once a gratidude always a gratidude :hugs:

My predictive text is now a gratidude too :upside_down_face:


So glad you guys are ok Lucky. And your dog too. What a mess down there. God Bless.
Be safe. And clean and sober today.
Glad your here.


I love coffee but have a very low tolerance for caffeine. I drink only decaffeinated coffees. Sorry coffee aficionados. :coffee: