Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I am grateful to be sober and hangover free. If I had drank during this past week off i’d def be feeling like absolute shit tonight… nausea, anxiety, massive fatigue… nope, not today!

I am grateful for everyone’s inspirational, insightful, and thoughtful shares. I have been around TS for awhile and this truly is my favorite thread. Thanks y’all.

I am grateful that I was able to get some sleep today for tonight’s shift. Thankful for a cool dark room to sleep in that is quiet with a comfy bed.

I am grateful for my kitties, my family, that i can see, hear, walk, and make decisions for myself. :two_hearts:


Day 32. Grateful to not be drunk. Grateful for my meeting this evening and the fearless women in my group that call bullshit and hold me accountable. It is painful and getting honest really sucks but a must for sobriety to work for me. Grateful I chose not to drink today. Grateful I’m going to bed sober.


I love this. :heart: You are so much more than a drunk. I’m grateful to hear you say this.
I totally get what and why you are/were saying that about yourself the past 32 days. And it’s working for you. Im grateful for that.
I’m grateful when I finally came out and said I’m an alcoholic and @jenn…… she just left us. Told me. I was so much more than an alcoholic. That lady will never know I’m keeping her words in my head forever. Because. She was right. We are so much more than a drunk. Or an alcoholic. You are a beautiful human being.
Keep up the great work.
Stick with us kid :hugs:


Good evening all,

So many good lists today! Lots of gratitude, and milestones! @I.cant.We.can 600 well deserved days, and @emc2018 800! Wow and congrats to both of you!
I’m grateful to read about gratitude for the little things. I really love this, especially because sometimes I struggle to find gratitude, and sometimes I feel that I am not profound enough. But you know what- Im grateful I don’t have to be! Im grateful for a less stressful day at work today. Im grateful that I got a workout in after work. Im grateful that I will enjoy a giant BLT for dinner tonight :joy:. Im grateful to be an day 366, and putting the milestone funk behind me. And always grateful for you guys.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful for sleep. Goodnight…:sleeping:


I’m mostly grateful I’m working from home again. August was meant to transition to the office full time, and now we’re transitioning back home again. (I gotta do some serious chores around this place this weekend!) Grateful I get to spend my days with the dog girl and eat lunch on my little patio, and work away with the CBC on…

Yes, Singtone, I am grateful I’m not trying to work while hiding the (likely blatant) fact that I am epically hungover. I can’t imagine it went unnoticed, as I notice it now in some colleagues…

…and I’m grateful I’ve done enough stuff in my life, and honestly - had to pay little price for it, that it makes it impossible for me to judge others. Like my hungover colleagues. And myself/others for way worse. The more I sit with this, there is less and less “other”, or me and them. Grateful for that.

I’m grateful for the soup I made tonight from the week’s neglected veggies. Simple, yummy, fitting for this Fall evening. Might sound goofy, but cooking a weeknight meal, since being sober, feels like I’m having myself over for dinner. The novelty of sober self-care has not worn off!

I’m grateful for all of our shared abundances, for this thread, for all you G’dudes.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Well, this is the stuff that has us baking virtual cakes galore! :cake: :cupcake: :pie:

Huge congrats on 800 fantabulous days @emc2018!
…and 600 marvelous ya you days @I.cant.We.can.!

Grateful for others’ milestones and days. Sharing them puts more spring in my sober step, you know? Sure makes it a lot easier to keep stepping when we walk this walk together! :orange_heart:


Grateful i am awake. Had dreams leading me back 4 years ago and I didn’t like it. Grateful, though, as I am presented with it as I can deal with it. It won’t drag me down to a bottle of wine. I am tired and sad but that’s okay.
Grateful Dora sleeps next to me although I thing my head and her full body on my pillow is too much.
Grateful when I am out of balance I come back towards some kind of peace faster.

Grateful the waiting came to an end. I got my date for surgery. Doubts come up. Doubts are a well known companion in my life.

Grateful for coffee and the mindset to read.
Happy I’ll get a new haircut today. :speak_no_evil:
Grateful I have enough. Grateful I got the two girls.


Today I’m grateful for loved morning procedures: cats tapping on my chest, purring me out of bed for breakfast; doing the kitchen while tea’s brewing time; enjoying a shower; beeing happy with the beautiful autumn weather; coming here to read around. congratulations to the milestones all!
Also grateful for another morning to realize my marriage is just crap and I don’t see any future in it anymore. Grateful to feel the exhaustion that the non-communication and ignorance from my husband causes in me. Grateful I know this feeling will pass as soon as I’m doing chores, mowing the lawn, happy again being at home and living a nice life, caring for my mom and enjoy the little things :sparkling_heart::pray:


Good afternoon, all.
I am so grateful for this thread. I have had to get myself home from work right on the dot today, and the first thing I have done is jump in here for some oxygen. Work itself is fine. I am grateful that I love my job, my students and my colleagues. Unfortunately the covid situation is getting me down. Pretty much everyone in Singapore is double vaccinated, which is fantastic - but unfortunately, the government are still keeping everything locked down. It feels like it is never going to end. :pensive:
Grateful that I can recognise my cravings today as just a reaction to this. Grateful that I have a bit of time under my belt and some incredible support in here. You may not feel it, but I’ll be leaning on it hard today. Every instinct in my body wants to run to either the airport or the pub. Grateful that I will do neither.
Grateful to be on the same wavelength as a lot of you good people. It matters to be understood.
Grateful for my beautiful family. I will snuggle up in them tonight. I need some comfort. We may get a takeaway (despite them currently being banned in our house :thinking:) and play a board game, because that’s when we are at our best together.
So unbelievably grateful that I have stumbled (or rather been nudged, Eric :wink:) upon this incredible tool. I feel so much better already for spending this time in here.
Grateful that it is the weekend.
Grateful for the little things. The food in the fridge, running water, Netflix, our car, and so much more.
Have a great day, all.


Day 33 and am grateful I’m not hungover or looking to get drunk right now. I’m grateful I went for a walk this morning. I’m grateful I found Father Martin’s Chalk Talk series on YouTube last night. I’m grateful I’m starting to get honest with myself. I’m grateful for a new day to practice not being manipulative, controlling, or a victim. I’m grateful for this day with lots of opportunities to not drink.


Good morning gratidudes- I am grateful for a little extra sleep this morning, although I dreamt about turtles, so perhaps that is a way of reminding me of how sluggish I was being. I am grateful my sleep-in was due to needing to catch up and not a hangover. @Singtone and @M-be-free49 referred to hangovers at work and looking back. I too have looked back several times and thought…wow…how could they have NOT known. I was so gross. In one job, I’d submitted my resignation with 1 month notice and asked if I could miss an event that night. My boss said, “Yes, go home, rest, or whatever it is you do.” At that moment, I knew she knew. I am grateful for @pinkcloud 's new comedian recommendation - I too love stand up and even read a bunch of their books/memoirs because I feel like a life leading to stand up is incredibly interesting and requires a certain level of intelligence, grit and humility- all things I admire immensely in individuals. I am grateful my son is staying an extra night before going to his dad’s allowing me extra dinner and discussion with him. I am grateful the weekend is upon us and hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful day!


Today I’m grateful to be here writing this now, feeling better and with genuine hope :pray: What hasn’t killed me made me stronger :muscle:


I’m grateful for nature. Nature is my church, higher power, my spiritual place, my connection to something bigger that knows so much more than I do and offers me everything I need.
I’m grateful for clean air.
I’m grateful for clean water.
I’m grateful for my baby bug.
Full of gratitude today.


Cat’s plugged in. Coffee is on. What are we grateful for today folks? :pray:t2:
I’m grateful I really look forward to this thread in the morning. I’m grateful I’m thinking about what I can put down here while I’m stepping over cats and dogs to make coffee and then feed them.
Sometimes I even blow through my devotional readings so fast that I’m like “what’d it say?” And I’m grateful I go back and read it again.
I’m grateful for when Daisy jumps and rubs up my leg so high while I’m making coffee and bashes into me. I’m grateful I haven’t tripped over her yet as she seems to really try her hardest to trip me each morning.
I’m grateful I don’t have a plumber here this morning :crazy_face:
I’m grateful my wife likes to watch football games with me. Not all games but enough of them. She can be such a rabid fan. 2 plays into the game and she’s already screaming. Like she’s doing the work for both of us and I can just relax and watch it. Or try and relax.
I’m also grateful we can take it or leave it. Sports that is.
I’m grateful our walks, especially with the dogs, in the hood are nice and quiet now. Haven’t seen a soul on most of the walks now.
I’m grateful I can got to the fitness center today and there won’t be anyone around. Or maybe just 1 or 2. And that dang :grimacing: news channel that was getting to me the other day. Serenity now Eric. It’s just that 2 of the big TV’s face 2 of the machines I use frequently. :grimacing:. It’s a good test to just let it go :grimacing:.
I’m grateful for the little conversations I have back and forth once and while on different threads It’s fun.
And I’m grateful I can be available sometimes when the conversation isn’t as fun and maybe, just maybe I’ve helped someone. If not that person, then maybe someone indirectly. You just never know who’s out there reading this.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for you. Ya you!
Don’t look now-but someone is watching.
Believing In Myself


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and that it’s working. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for another e-mail from my mom today. I’m grateful that it’s one of my day’s to do chores at home and there aren’t many to do. I’m grateful that means I will have time for a bike ride or hike if I want. I’m grateful for music, excersise, humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:


I’m grateful I finally got caught up on this thread.
I never ever thought I would have to make time to get caught up here. And I’m grateful for the feeling that I’m not obligated to get caught up here but that I want to. Geeze we never had to do that before Brian. We got a beautiful gratitude monster spreading out into the world :hugs:
I’m grateful to see @emc2018 got 800 days.
That’s amazing. And thanks for the stand up list.
And I appreciate Ricky G for all the work he does protecting animals @pinkcloud that’s about all I need to know about someone. Not sure what he does but he’s very pro animal rights.
I’m always grateful when I get to have a BLT. Putting that on the menu for lunch next week. Kelly will actually let us eat at home for lunch if I make BLTs and I’m grateful for lunches at home. Glad your milestone funk is behind you @Sunflower1
I sorry and I feel so sad you are feeling your marriage is crap @erntedank I pray it’s just a bad day. That must feel awful. I don’t know what’s going on in your world, but I do like to share this. It helps me a lot sometimes. I shared it before, yesterday even, so forgive me if y’all have seen it.

And I’m grateful I’m not hung over at work anymore too guys because it was easy for me to fix that problem. Just get a drink at the bar where I was working. I’m sure no one knew. Hiding and sneaking drinks at work was really exhausting. The freedom of not worrying about my next drink? Fucking priceless.
I’m grateful I’m all caught up. And it wasn’t because I’m out of memes :joy: that’s just a coincidence :crazy_face: or Gods way of being anonymous. I’ll always go with God on that one. I’m grateful for each and every one of y’all’s gratitude every day. Every moment :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
This shit works.
Swears and all Brian.


I’m glad you are all caught up, that the plumbers gone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and you got a Blt. I agree this thread has grown so much over these past 14 months and its awesome. I am very grateful to be a part of it and for you being a part of it to Eric. Its nice to read that Kelly is still watching the games with you. I like that post you re-shared (I have read it but thats not a bad thing) about loved ones limitations, its always a nice refresher and reminder to discuss these things and not just internalize them and that we can always try to let them go.
edit… swears and all Lol


This evening I’m grateful for powerful lawnmowers. The grass at my mum’s has grown high :woman_facepalming:
Thanks @Dazercat for your quote, I read it in the morning and I’m grateful you reposted it :heartpulse:. Unfortunately not only a bad day, more of a repetitive timeloop I’ve been stuck in for years. Never mind, NOW I’m grateful!
Grateful for delicious dinner delivered home so I could take a shower to change from grass-monster to human again and rest a bit before dinner. Grateful for a good talk with my mum in the afternoon. Grateful for a good book to read until I fall asleep :pray::sleeping:


I’m grateful for M who caught on early with her eloquent words of gratefulness. We needed that boost. It’s probably why everyone has joined in. I know I love getting tucked in with her gratitude and calling it a night.