Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

Welcome to the forum and congrats on your 3 days. You landed on a great thread hope to see you here lots. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful tonight that 6 months ago, I made the decision that this fall, I would step down on the org chart at work and reduce my work week to 4 days. It’s taking a little longer for work to organize this, but I’m grateful they’re supportive! I’m grateful I’m sober, and in a position to make plans for my life, to decline some power and wealth (not that I have much! but these alone aren’t huge motivators for me, I’ll admit) to do the work I want to do, and take better self-care too.

I’m grateful that I’m happily inclined to the single life. So I was caught unaware when a fellow from work came a-calling recently. A nice enough man. I admit, I fell into old ways of thinking - two very opposite knee-jerk reactions: First, it would be so easy to outsource the job of loving me to someone else! And second, run away, now, and fast! Instead, we had some nice conversations (um, almost entirely about him, which revealed we have almost nothing in common :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:). I’m grateful I’m sober, and can make decisions about relationships like an adult now, and with compassion and kindness to others. I’m also grateful I’m still single, because oh, I have a crush…

We met online. Not a dating site! But the real estate listings. A scrubby patch of land, in the middle of nowhere, not a tree cleared yet - just a few acres by a lake, one that’s not suitable for motorized sports but full of noisy waterfowl. I drove by to check it out (and a few others) on my long drive on Monday. I’m making a date to meet it in person in a few weeks :wink:. I’m not sure this is the one, or that it’s the right time, but oh I’m grateful I can let myself dream my dreams and actually turn them into sooner-or-later plans.

I’m grateful I’m sober, or I would likely be boozing, unquestionably working too much, and - while masquerading my real self behind a wine glass, saying yes to dates with ill-suited suitors. I’m grateful I thrive off the company of gratidudes. :pray:

This is a lot. I’m grateful if you read this far!

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Welcome Luanne, pull up a chair if you can find one. Gratitude is always on and the coffee is always flowing.
I hope to see you around some. Congrats on 3 days of freedom.




I understand this excitement! You just say it a whole lot more succinctly than I do! :laughing:
Congrats, Donut! Good luck with the move! I’m sure we’d lend a hand if we could! :orange_heart:


Welcome Luanne! Glad you have joined us - on this forum and on this thread. Brave step you’ve taken - and I know you’ll find all kinds of people here to join you everyday.
Looking forward to seeing more of you around here! :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for change, hope, my future, new adventures, stability and kindness


I’m grateful to God thank you for loving me and know I love you. I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through another day clean and sober. I’m grateful for finding recovery. I’m grateful that I stuck around detox, AA ,NA, CA, TS, treatment centers long enough to find people who believed in me and me in them so I would actually take there advice as they showed me it works. I’m very grateful to have been a part of @Sunflower1 journey, and her mine for over a year, that’s incredible, congrats again and thank you so much for being here. I’m grateful to see @M-be-free49 is posting, hello dear one, pets for the dog girl. I’m grateful that I am back in a good mood and have been for a few days now. I’m grateful that I refuse to allow the depression that is running rampant throughout the entire world, it seems at times to control me, its hard, it tries to get me and keep me but I work too damn hard to earn these good days ain’t nobody and nothing taking them from me. I’m grateful that I have shared that sentiment at treatment today and at an incredible AA homegroup tonight. I’m grateful for the really great phone call I had tonight with a support from my old home, even though the call was to discuss issues involving one of our recovering friends who’s struggling. I’m grateful that Kelley and I are talking and texting and supporting eachother and working on a plan to visit again soon. I’m grateful for my family and that my sister is doing well and my parents are maybe coming to visit me this weekend.
I’m extremely grateful to have gotten a call from my employment counsellor today. With her help and some coaxing by friends, family and councellors I started the process earlier today and applied for assistance for a second career. I have finally conceded that its time to start this Social Service Worker program specializing in addictions I was going to take a simpler course but God willing with help I can complete this program, eventually, one day at a time.
I’m grateful that I am here reading all your gratitude and so proud of us we are doing pretty fucking good us gratidudes, even when we aren’t doing well, we’re showing up and talking about it it, that’s how it works, love you guys. @Dazercat lets keep this shit going buddy swears and all . I’m grateful for music, excersise and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are absolutely incredible, that’s right . Ya you!!


Congratulations on 3 days! :+1: and welcome!


So proud of you.



Grateful for a good night’s sleep. I let all technical devices out of my bedroom except for my small phone that I need.
Grateful the girls seem to find their rhythm and I get some sleep.
Grateful I can have some coffee in bed and read a bit.
Grateful for being alive. Grateful and happy I made the decision to move, yet another time, and I really feel good in this apartment.
Grateful I have enough.
Grateful for this thread and all you that inspire me and open my mind toward the good things in life.


Good morning gratidudes! Today I am grateful for sobriety showing me the important pieces of life to smile about and enjoy as opposed to my life in active addiction where almost every single day I was “white knuckling” my way through each responsibility, be it a meeting, or preparing dinner or driving my child to practice. Everything was stressful and late and fuzzy headed. My day to day has slowed down, partly due to working remotely and my son being old enough to drive, but also because I am able to prioritize what is important appropriately, and the rest can go f*%$ right off. I am so very grateful for that.

Welcome @Luanne! We are so glad you found us and hope to see you often!

@M-be-free49, it sounds like you are making decisions and placing the focus on what is right for you and brings you peace and joy – that is wonderful and thank you for sharing with us.

Best wishes for an amazing day/night everyone!


Good evening, all.
Grateful to be sober and clear headed today. I don’t know how I ever did my job hungover. I can’t imagine being in work feeling exhausted and nauseous and fuzzy headed. Even worse was wondering if anyone could see what a state I was in, or even worse, smell what a state I was in. I’m so grateful not to have that stress in my life anymore. I have a couple of colleagues who come in fairly regularly hungover and it is blindingly obvious.
Grateful to see so many new contributors to this thread. I almost didn’t post any gratitude of my own because I was so filled up with everyone else’s, but I love doing it, so here I am.
Did conscious gratitude in all of my classes today. Seeing the mood lift is amazing.
Grateful for the dinner I am about to eat, and for my cosy bed that I’m going to get to fairly soon after that. I sometimes hesitate to post the little things, but then I realise that they are the most important things. The things that we usually take for granted.
Have a great sober day, all.


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful when I come on TS and the top post I see is @RosaCanDo all ready posting or cooking up a storm on the foodies thread. It just makes me smile. Too early for that for me though.
I’m grateful I’m up too early before my alarm at 6 since my plumber finally squeezed me in a 7:30 this morning. :scream::scream::scream:. 7:30 WHO DOES THAT :grimacing: He’s a really good plumber. I been waiting almost a month for him to change all the filters in my house. And the new calm collected sober me is like he’ll get here when he gets here.
I’m grateful I won’t be waiting around all day for my plumber. Enough with the plumber already :joy:
I’m grateful when Benson parks his 20 pound butt on my lap in the morning. It’s always the same way with his half turn and so sweet and predictable.
I’m grateful for everything else :crazy_face: I get to power walk today or go to the fitness center. I get to have a smoothie later. I get to have extra time alone this morning because I know Kelly isn’t getting up until Patrick (the plumber) leaves. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I get to have my cats and dogs. I get to have lunch. I get to sit on my deck in the afternoon with all my guys.
And most of all I get to be sober today and enjoy my little boring mundane retired life one more day at a time. That right there :point_up_2: I’m really really grateful for.
I’m grateful for all the excitement I’ve had in the past. I’m grateful for all the excitement I got coming up in the future.
And I’m grateful for no excitement going on now for awhile. Grateful for my life. Grateful for my wife.

Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside
Barry Neil Kaufman


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery from many things but today particularly this…

I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m gratedul for my Mom and this email she sent today. I’m grateful for the part entitled something to think about.

I’m grateful for my sponsor who is a plumber @Dazercat enough about plumbers. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful to have time to walk to my volunteer cooking assignment and enjoy some music. I’m grateful there’s a 12 step meeting everyday and how it helps me and many others to live a better life.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I believe in you because you rock. Ya you!!


Grateful your in the 600 no drugs club buddy. I know how hard you work every day. And it’s paying off.
Thanks for the reading. Pretty cool. I like it. I might have to look that up for next year. I’m going to need to replace two of my daily readers that I have.

I’m grateful my plumber got here right at 7:30 on the nosey :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: he’s such a nice guy. And a great plumber.


Grateful I just found them on Twitter. I wanted to share the first quote I saw. Pretty cool.



Good morning, although I did my gratitude later in the day I woke up full of gratitude this morning. I am grateful for my child’s work ethic and that I can leave her while she is working on schoolwork and return home at the end of the day. I am grateful that I return to a teenager who has applied themselves all day to their various subjects, handed in assignments and asks if she is finished for the day. I know that COVID has reeked havoc on the teenagers in our country and many of them have not returned to school. I am so grateful that mine was able to settle into being schooled from home and actually thrived.
As I drank my coffee in bed this morning I was so grateful for books, words and all the different ways people can put them together to express themselves. I have been reading a lot of poetry and I just think it is so beautiful when someone can empty their soul on a page in words. I am grateful people share that with me. I am grateful for my new desk and chair in my bedroom, after my computer crapped out on me and I had to have it repaired I decided to rework my tiny house a little and it turned out quite cute. Grateful for small spaces furniture and the support that I receive that enabled me to afford the furniture. I am grateful for this thread and that sometimes people post exactly what happens with me or what I think. Like today when Tony said that he almost didn’t post his own gratitude because he was so full of gratitude from reading everyone else’s. I am absolutely guilty of doing that. I am grateful that after years and years of thinking that I was terminally unique. That nobody in the world could ever think thoughts as dark as mine, be as completely fucked up as me, or that nobody’s lives were as unmanageable as mine. I am grateful that everyday I come here and I am surrounded by people who are just that, exactly the people that I thought I was alone in being. That gives me hope everyday when I see you all slaying your 24’s. I am grateful for that. :heart:


I’m grateful that so far on my sobriety journey I’ve only craved chilled apples and crisp lettuce, tomato, and cucumber salads.

I’m grateful that I’m retaining much more information from my aromatherapy courses than I did when I was drinking. I have clarity of mind and more of a willingness to complete them.

I’m grateful for my daughter who encourages me every day to keep going.

I’m grateful for y’all’s stories, which let me know I’m not crazy and not alone. :purple_heart:


Good Morning all :sunny::hugs: woke up feeling very grateful today, for so many of the blessings in this beautiful life. I’m grateful for the gorgeous day, it’s blue sky and sunshine here today! I’m grateful to be 800 days sober today :raised_hands: I’m grateful for my comfortable bed. I’m grateful for my family, I love them dearly. I’m grateful for my boss, my job, my income, my opportunity, my colleagues, my students, my passion for learning and my curiosity for all things. I’m grateful for the support I receive; I’m grateful for funny tv shows. I’m grateful for good music. I’m grateful to determined and creative people, thank you for creating what you love for others to enjoy. Never could of imagined that I’d be 800 days without alcohol! What a trip. I’m so proud of myself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@pinkcloud I love SO many stand up comedians! Here are some of my favs to name a few -
Dave Chappelle
Eddie Murphy
Kevin Hart
Ricky Gervais
Jim Jefferies
Carl Barron
Billy Connolly
Bill Burr
Trevor Noah
Michael Che
Michael McIntyre
Gabriel Iglesias
Jim Carrey
James Acaster
Amy Schumer
… and many more :relaxed: