Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through another productive clean and sober day. I’m grateful for my recovery and that it continues to bless me as long as I work on it. I’m grateful for all my family and that my parents are coming for a visit on monday. I’m grateful for my friends, TS and all you gratidudes. I’m grateful I chose an AA home group tonight. I’m grateful I get to read all your gratitude. I’m grateful that I got to the stage of my recovery that I focus my energies on real life recovery more than the many threads of this forum, it does have a lot of value but it can easlily become overwhelming and I don’t think anyone is actually doing step work or legit therapy so I caution not concerning yourselves overly with virtual life recovery.
I’m grateful that I can express that and hope it is not offending anyone because that is not my intention. Find a sponsor, work the steps, or attend sessions with a licensed therapist. Once you’ve done these things help others do the same.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are so worth the work, so do it. Ya you!!


I’m grateful it’s Friday and the weekend. None too soon…!

I’m grateful working from home again makes me see just how much I gotta work on my time management - including working on not working. On not trying to make every minute count for something. On giving myself decent, fun, restful breaks. Not time waste-y, procrastinate-y breaks where I feel like I should be working.
Gonna work on taking breaks this weekend. Probably mostly on the trails. :wink:

I’m grateful for seasons, that I love the changing of them. The mornings are dark now, when I wake, and quiet and very peaceful. Moonlight on my windowsill.

I’m grateful I’m sober and can go back to loving mornings, a trait that pre-dates my long, troublesome relationship with wine. Keep your wine, world - I’ll take the mornings.

I’m grateful I get one of those delish mornings after a good long sleep.
Turn the lights out for me, gang.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for:
Hiking and nature
Feeling connected
My healthy body


Im grateful for so many things. Im mostly grateful for this place at the moment.

This place helps keep me grounded. It has for the last 679 days. It did for seven months before that.

It was available 24/7 when I relapsed in Hawaii. Its always easy to access. Its been a part of my daily recovery routine for a couple of years.

I was checking in at the end of my day. Im camped on the ocean. My coworkers been smoking meth. Its not unusual. He tries to hide it. I accidentally saw his bag of shards and glass pipe. I have zero desire to join him.

My skippers drinking beer and wine. I have zero desire to join him either.

Im beyond grateful!

Tonights sunset was amazing! Im grateful to still be alive after all i put myself through trying so hard to make alcohol keep working for me.

Im grateful your all here.
Im grateful I dont have to do this by myself.


Doesn’t sound like it could get much better than that!

Grateful for your words, and every simply stunning photo you post. :orange_heart:


We’re grateful you’re here and clean and sober Jason. And you’re amazing!! It’s always great to have you pop in and share your gratitude.
I’m glad you got a connection.
You’re a real sober warrior out there on that boat with all that shit around you. God Bless you and continue to keep you strong. And keep you winning the battles.
I’m pretty grateful my wife is just passed out on the couch from too much wine. And I got no desire to join her. I’ll be much more grateful for a sober sleep and a nice morning.
Take care out there. Buddy.
Be safe.


This morning I am grateful for coffee and sunshine, dog and kitty cuddles and mostly my son. Our little family brings me joy every day. I am also grateful for the responsibilities in my life that keep me grounded and balanced. I am grateful for a career as well as side jobs to support this little family and having the ability to help my mom and other members of my family when they need it. I am grateful for my friends, their authenticity and support. I am grateful that in my very limited time away from work, parenting and household commitments, TS and it’s wonderful community is here for inspiration, motivation and support. I don’t drink last night plan bit to drink today, and for that I am grateful. Have beautiful days y’all.


Grateful for these warm September days that we are having atm.

Grateful I am sober. Grateful I could enjoy my ride today. No route in my mind, nowhere to go so I wasn’t disappointed that I didn’t get there.

Grateful I got the girls. Grateful they are doing fine now.
Grateful I read a random thread yesterday and think I will invest in an offline box.

Grateful the girls meditated with me this morning.

Kind of…


Good morning Franzi, Paula and Dora.
So nice to see you first thing in the morning.
I’m grateful Daisy is purring and warming my lap.
I’m grateful Kelly just got up because Daisy got up. And I can reheat my coffee. BRB……
I’m grateful for microwaves.
I’m grateful for hot coffee.
I’m grateful I took 2 days off from exercising and feel I’ll be ok for my Reformer Pilates private lesson today. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to it.
I’m grateful we talked to the manager of the kennel yesterday and saw the executive suites again where the dogs will be staying. And the cat house again. And I got to express my fears and concerns to her. Although she did seem like a “yes man,” reassuring us everything will be ok and relating to each of my concerns. She did have an nice air of confidence that made me feel good. I told her I feel just a little bit better and I still don’t want to leave them. She said they’d texts us pics.
Dang pets. :heart:
I’m grateful I’ve put my concerns and worries out there and now it’s time to let them go.
I’m grateful I slept in this morning.
And Daisy is back on my lap.
I’m grateful Brian cares so much for us, and he respects and treasures his sobriety so much, that he wants us all to succeed in our sober journeys.
Have a grateful day my dears. Or night.
The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.

Caroline Myss


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for all my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to be in the kitchen cooking for 25. I’m grateful to be attending a NA meeting soon.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Day 48 without alcohol and grateful I went to a meeting tonight instead of picking up a shift or a drink. Grateful to have driven after dark on a Saturday, sober. For today, I’m grateful to see my AA meetings as my step two. Grateful for my growing AA library. Grateful to be going to be bed sober.


Ah, Sunday morning bliss…!

I’m grateful for the day I had yesterday. A needed sleep-in, some errands and chores, a pedicure with a neighbour pal. Then last night I donned my mask and carried my vaccination records and went out for “drinks and nibbles”, for a bday gathering. Yes, grateful that I don’t have to stress about slow drink service! Or have to order a mojito and wine at the same time to avoid this stress! :laughing:
I’m grateful the presence of alcohol around me just feels… irrelevant. I don’t eat gluten. I don’t drink. I’ll have sparkling water and the salmon quinoa bowl, please. Yummmmmm.
(Grateful also that when I came home at the late hour of 10pm, when I would uncork another bottle “in the before time”, I instead took my tea and tucked in! I know my limits!)

I’m grateful today is more my speed. Puttering at home, desk, and on the trails with the dog girl. Getting ready for my work week ahead. Putting more of the wee garden to bed before winter. Maybe I’ll make some soup.

I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for the twists and turns that have led me to today - even though some have been painful (for myself and others) and sorrowful. I’m grateful that I’ve found gratitude for hard things. And for all of the spectacularly simple things too.

I’m grateful for all of you. And grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Nice! I hope it was a beauty one. :orange_heart:


Good evening, all.
I’m grateful to be sober and clearheaded today.
Unbelievably grateful for my family.
Grateful for all of you and all of your posts.
Have a great sober day.


I’m grateful for cats and my coffee.
I’m grateful for my needy dog Benson and Minnie :heart:
I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful for all my hangover free mornings.
It seems every time I go out to dinner I’m reminded I don’t have to worry about “where’s my fucking drink :grimacing:” If the server would just check on us :grimacing:. It’s funny I still do this just a tiny little bit for my wife. But it’s a great reminder.
I’m grateful for the rain in the forecast. All day. Maybe we’ll get some this time.
I’m grateful for my new Pilates instructor. She’s exactly what I needed.
I’m grateful she recommended a nail place so I can get a pedi on Tuesday. :grinning:
I’m grateful it’s football Sunday. I’m grateful Kelly doesn’t mind and she can play her tournament word game today. And she can join in a cheer and yell for a team if she likes. We kinda like the same teams this year, so that’s nice.
I’m grateful I slept in and it’s so quiet and apparently wifey is sleeping in more.
I’m grateful I’ve realized I’ve been focusing more on my wife’s drinking this past week. And I plan to focus more on me.
I’m grateful the leaves are turning and the days are really fall like now.
I’m grateful for each and every one of you :hugs:
Ooh,……I’m grateful for the recovery movie I watched last night. 28 Days. (Trigger Warning :warning:)

The gift of true healing will begin with our thoughts. If we master our thoughts we will master our lives.
April Peerless


I’m grateful and smiling ear to ear as I read this. I literally just posted the same thing :joy: I wonder if our server was related. What a great reminder though isn’t it M?
Oh and I wish I had a pedi pal. :blush:
As Stella would say. “Get out of my head” :joy::joy::joy:
Only kidding. There’s plenty of space for you and Stella in my head :joy::joy::joy:


Yep. Just to be able to take in the meal, and the conversation - and to feel the absence of that little worry, that even though there’s a drink in front of me, I don’t know where the next one is. What a relief!

(This post threatens derailment, lol!) I’m grateful you got a reference to a pedi place. :orange_heart:

We could always book same day long distance pedis- any and all of us interested! Hell, we could open a sober pedi thread and live-post the event! What a page turner that would be! :laughing:


I’m grateful to have slept in my own bed last night. I love staying with Keely (she’s my youngest daughter), especially thankful I was able to take care of her during her illness, but it’s good to be home. I’m also grateful she and her boyfriend only live a couple hours away.

I’m grateful to myself today. I dug deep and found the strength and courage to share some of my childhood with y’all. It wasn’t easy, and I have to admit that I mostly did it for me at this point. But if it sheds a little light on someone else’s darkness, I will be happy. I’m also grateful when someone shines a light on my own darkness. :pray:t3:

I’m grateful that autumn is here! Growing up in Louisiana didn’t hold a candle to the changing seasons we have here in Colorado. We only had pollen season, summer, hurricane season, and hunting season (which lasts all year long for my brother and dad). I should add football season. That’s definitely an important one in the south. :wink: But autumn is my favorite season, and I’m going to enjoy the heck out of it! Alcohol-free!!!

I’m grateful for the kindness I’ve been shown here. There’s a definite vulnerability in being present here, and I’m thankful mine has been met with understanding. :slightly_smiling_face::purple_heart:


28 Days is an awesome movie with a great story. :raised_hands:t3: I hope y’all get rain. :blush:


I’m grateful it just started raining right now. Right after I read your post. :thinking:
So you live in Gods Country?? Beautiful. We just moved out of Durango in late 2019. I miss it so much. Such a beautiful part of the world.