Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude is the air of recovery

I’m grateful for music. Maya Angelou best expressed how I feel about it. “Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”

I’m grateful that Keely is getting stronger every day. I’m also grateful for her neighbor who regularly brings over fresh eggs and newly harvested veggies from her garden. She is a blessing.

Although taking care of Keely has been top priority for the past couple weeks, I’m grateful to go back to my house this weekend. I haven’t missed it too much, because wherever my family is, I’m home. It’ll be nice to decorate for autumn, though. :maple_leaf:

I’m grateful for sober days and nights, hangover-free mornings, and an overall sense of well-being. Thankful that I can read books again and be inspired or saddened or joyful afterwards. When I was drinking, I could hardly retain my own thoughts, much less anyone else’s. And I very rarely finished a book once started. Recently, I’m reading book after book! I can’t get enough! :nerd_face:

I’m grateful that I’m learning to let go of trying to remember. Over the past many years of drinking, my brain simply didn’t register memories of certain events. I’m sad about that, but I’m already making what I’m sure are better memories. This is still a struggle, but I’m not staying stuck in it.

As always, I’m grateful for this community. I see beauty and hope in our collective healing. It helps me continue on. :purple_heart:


Afternoon fam-dam

Grateful that my sponsor has stayed clean for 19 years today, grateful she works a solid program of recovery that I can just copy when I don’t know what else to do. “Feel like shit? What would Betty do?” I am grateful that she had time today to sit and have a coffee with me on her favorite hill, in her favorite chairs over looking her favorite river. I am grateful for her.
Grateful that my parents had the stairs replaced up to our treehouse. That they are still young at heart and interested in sitting up in the trees to birdwatch and paint.
Grateful for my Dr and the safe place she provides me to feel my feelings. The way she speaks makes sense to me, instead of trying to shove food down my throat she wants to understand me. I feel a certain softness towards that instead of walls of protection being built up around me. I am very grateful for her experience with addicts and her approach. I am grateful for one particular thing she said to me today… “The journey between your brain and your heart will be your hardest.” It is the hardest, I am grateful that somebody understands that.


Really really grateful tonite for sobriety. Had a difficult time driving home from work and not stopping at one of the many liquor stores on the way. I am incredibly blessed in having faith…support like these gratitudes… and tools from meetings to get through difficult moments and stay sober. :heart::pray::cherry_blossom: tomorrow will be better… I will wake up hangover free :blush: and it will be Friday. :+1:


Good evening all,
I’m grateful to be sitting on my back porch in a rocking chair enjoying a watermelon flavored Bubly water. I’m grateful it’s cooled down enough to sit out here comfortably. I’m grateful that we have a short vacation planned to visit a town called Jerome, Az. I’m grateful that I was able to book the accommodations, and a couple of tours ( including a haunted one!) and have them paid for ahead of time, because I am clear headed now. I’m grateful that for the last several days , life seems pretty easy and mellow. I know it won’t stay that way, so I’ll enjoy it while I can.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Today I am grateful for the ocean in all its beauty and vastness and power. I moved over the summer and can be by the water everyday now. I feel very lucky to smell the salty air and put my feet in water that extends across the entire world. It’s healing.


Better day. I’m grateful for that.

I’m grateful this practice has brought so much balance to my mind, to the focus of my gaze. Sometimes all I see is the pile of stressors (most of which are out of my control) like a monster, blocking my path. But the “digging deep” helps so much on those days. It’s not to deny that there’s a monster, but there’s also beautifully colored leaves on the trees around him, comfortable walking shoes on my feet, a warm bed at home and I never want for a meal. And this all makes him a little less scary…

I’m grateful for my sobriety, to have learned that monsters can’t be chased away by uncorking bottles.

I’m grateful for my recovery, what it teaches me about what the monsters can teach me, if I’ll let it and let them. Sometimes they’re not all bad…

I’m grateful for all of you, for your lists, the fuel they put in my soul tank.
I’m grateful for the weekend. I’ll take a good break.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Completely get this. We’ve all gotta put our own oxygen masks on first.
And certainly my “forum energy” has ebbed and flowed over time.

Still, we saved your seat. :wink:
Grateful to see you.


I love this! Such a great post.

I’m grateful for all you guys that post here in the gratitude thread. Like I’ve said before, I don’t post much in this thread but I read everything :heart:


You’re welcome! and thank you, too. :orange_heart:



Grateful I’m typing this and came into this thread just now. I’ve been avoiding it. I don’t really know why. I guess gratitude has slowly slipped from my vocabulary, not entirely but it doesn’t exist with my bad behaviours, oh which are still there.

Regardless. I’m grateful to be sober Today. I’m grateful for AA and NA. I’m grateful I got a letter from the University the other day congratulating me on my success in one of my papers. I’m grateful I only have 8 weeks to go then I’m one third of the way through my academic degree. Grateful for that. Grateful to have incredibly supportive parents. Grateful I’m reaching out for help and not a drink or a drug. Grateful that you guys keep up the gratitude when I’m resistant, because you guys show my stubborn ungrateful self a better way. I see you guys shining and I’m like well doesn’t that seem nice haha. In all seriousness, thanks and love to you all.

I’m grateful I got dumped and that I’m alone in terms of that. I’m grateful that I’m not sugar coating it. Being alone in that way allows me to do much needed work on myself with less distraction, which is incredibly important. It also means a severing of an unhealthy bond. Despite my willingness and desire to fix that bond, I have to accept that somethings are best left behind, like drugs and alcohol, for my own good.

I’m grateful I acknowledge that perhaps I find it so hard to break bonds as it’s symbolic of the pain I suffered as a child through not having a father present in the early years. I’m incredibly grateful for the father I have had in my life since age 6, he has accepted me and shown me love for so many years, and the bond does seem to be getting stronger. I’m incredibly lucky and grateful and loving for that. So lucky. Lucky I have a strong loving mum and a wonderful grandmother. Lucky I have an awesome and inspiring younger brother. Lucky that even though I’ve made a lifetime of poor choices, that I still have a chance and a way to get better. Grateful to get that off my chest. Hope you’re all well and sending love and gratitude to each and every one of you.


Congratulations Duncan on your success in college, and on that paper. And a big congrats on how far you’ve come in your sobriety. I’m grateful you checked it. Whether you’re posting or not. Your presence of gratitude is always here with me.


Nicely done amd congratulations @DuncanNZ on the recognition of your hard work. What an honor!

Today I am grateful for cozy kitties on my lap, the opportunity to work hard today and for my sweet son. I am also grateful my bicycle comes back from the shop in time for a pretty weekend. I’ll keep it short today as I have been babbling on and on for weeks now.

Grateful for you guys and hope you all have a good day.


Today I am so grateful I went to bed sober last night. I am grateful I got to smile at the pretty sunrise and get ready to make breakfast while Eric sleeps in. I am grateful dinner turned out so well for the start of his birthday weekend, and that when he brought out the birthday bottle and six-pack he kept his word and didn’t offer me any (he keeps forgetting, even now!) and that I only had fleeting feelings of missing out, no real urges at all. I am grateful that he kept his drinking to a moderate level and was able to stay awake and not pass out and we went to bed at a reasonable hour. I am immensely grateful for the good night’s rest I got and to wake up rested this morning. I am grateful we have a full day of food and relaxation (with a few chores mixed in) scheduled for today and this entire weekend and we won’t just be hanging around while Eric drinks and BBQs or burns things in a bonfire or we watch tv/movies. Boring. That’s been past experience, and I am grateful we talked and planned for this long weekend (he has today and Monday off).

I am so grateful to be feeling good today, to be sober, and to be part of this TS community. Much love, amigos. :heartpulse:


I’m grateful to God I didn’t drink yesterday.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful my back felt better by the end of the day yesterday.
I’m grateful I listened to my body yesterday and didn’t do any exercises or walking.
I’m grateful I made an appointment for ex rays with my chiropractor on Monday.
I’m grateful I realize pain causes tiredness and depression and drinking it away is not the answer.
I’m grateful I got Daisy warming my lap.
I’m grateful it’s the last Friday :pray:t2::crossed_fingers: Kelly has to call in for jury duty in Phoenix. Maybe she won’t get all liquored up tonight :pray:t2: But the reality is. She’ll probably find another reason to eventually.
I’m grateful for the time she’s not all liquored up. And grateful I can just put it in Gods hands.
I’m grateful we’re going for a second look at the kennel where we are going to board our pets for our two trips to Texas. And I have notes and pictures and instructions to go over with the people there. But in the long run. I’m really going to have to put this all in Gods hands :pray:t2: Too. I really don’t want to leave the pets. But I really want to see my son. :pray:t2:
If I could just learn to put everything in Gods hands. I could be one grateful son of a bitch!
It’s funny, thinking how I think I can choose what to put in Gods hands and what I think I can keep in my hands. Stop laughing at me God :rofl:
I’m grateful for y’all.

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all. But whatever I’ve placed in Gods hands, that I still possess.
Martin Luther


Having difficulties to come here today.

Grateful being sober.
Grateful for a nice ride this afternoon, relaxing and just wonderful weather and air.

Grateful the elections will be done on Sunday. Cannot hear any of it anymore.


This, over and over again.

I ask myself so many times a day. " Why do you have to hold on so tightly to this but you can let go of that?"

I am grateful that I am at least aware of the things I still need to let go of. I am grateful that now there is a certain discomfort in holding on, it feels awkward and like a behavior that doesn’t fit me anymore. I am grateful for growth big and small, even the stuff that I can not see nor feel but is slowly happening inside of me. I am grateful for the conversation I had with my sponsee last night and I pray she can get through this. I am grateful for life experience which helps me have empathy. I am grateful for humility which allows me to listen.

I am grateful for my life today, that it is not run by the need to drink or drug. That my life feels about as “normal” as I think my life will ever feel and I am grateful for all of it.



Tonight I’m grateful for painkillers that help me some with my shoulder. Grateful for my bed. Grateful for my kitty that spends hours on the bed together with me and is always a sight for sore eyes when I wake up. Grateful I never was addicted to opiates so I can actually take some when really needed. Grateful this pain doesn’t make me crave for booze or drugs or whatever. Grateful I live where I live where I can call a doctor and discuss what is happening and make a plan together to make me feel better. Grateful here we have an (still) affordable health care insurance system for everybody. Grateful for this thread and all you grateful folks in it that make me remember to be grateful each and every day. Love.


Good afternoon all,
I’m grateful today is Friday, and it was a pretty good day. I’m grateful for the beautiful weather and the breeze on the back porch. I’m grateful that my husband made the bed this morning- it just makes me feel more put together, but it couldn’t matter less to him lol! I’m grateful that there is nothing big going on in my life. I’m grateful for family and love.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


I’m grateful Kelly doesn’t have jury duty next week in Phoenix. And they thanked her for her service.
Yay!!! :sweat_smile:


Grateful tonite for Friday…for the end of my workweek. :blush: My work gives me conflicting feelings in both what the job and company are as well as how I feel about my place in it. I’m very grateful tho that I have a job :tada:. Not feeling good about my position and Looking into making changes is a different topic…for the present moment I am employed which is a good thing. I’m also very grateful to God :pray: I ended the week still sober and looking forward to my weekend meetings to stay that way. :+1: I’m also grateful my bro is not drunktexting me this Friday.:confused: It seems to be a trait and I’m not up to it again this week nor do I know how to handle it so im grateful to just not have it happen right now. :unamused: I hope everyone has a great Friday and a beautiful start to their weekend. :pray::heart::sunrise_over_mountains: