I am so grateful for my third holiday season in a row sober! Thanksgiving with my nieces and partner’s family was filled with so much joy. It’s so comforting to feel the love of family and to let myself be accepted by my partner’s family. For so long in my addiction I pushed others away, making excuses not to get close, paralyzed by fear that if I made connections with them they’d see the ugly addiction side of me. I am grateful sobriety allows me to let others get close. I’m grateful I’m letting go of my shame again.
I was terrified with my last relapse. I really thought it was going to take me hitting a huge low before I could stop. I thought I would have to find the disgust and desperation that made me quit the first time. I am grateful it didn’t take that. I’m grateful that when I relapsed I felt in my core “this isn’t me”. Every drink felt like I was doing something so completely opposite of the person I had become in sobriety. I am so grateful for that feeling! It took hard freaking work to climb out of that relapse. It took me getting really uncomfortable again and getting back to the basics of early sobriety which was humbling. I’m grateful I’ve found the right tools and have an amazing team of sober supports with me now! Since recommitting to my sobriety I’ve started a new job, accomplished my goal of putting 5k into my savings by the end of the year, most importantly I’ve been able to feel like I’m living in line with my values again. F*ck yeah, sobriety!
Feeling all the feels today
I’m so, so, so grateful for this. Care in so many words. I’m grateful I feel so deeply cared for. That your posts bring me tears.
I’m grateful for people I can reach out to with the brutal truth. For all of their words, your words.
I’m grateful for grace. For second, third, and all-of-those-undeserved chances.
I’m grateful for sunday mornings. A lot of folks where I live don’t like the season of so little daylight, but this morning I was grateful for the dark, the quiet, my time with coffee and my thoughts.
I’m grateful for another day.
Deeply grateful because I deserve bad things because my wrongs and I am treated with goodness
I am grateful for my Higher Power (God and Jesus)
I am grateful for a second sober Thanksgiving
I am grateful for 6 days with my family
I am grateful for my mom giving me my Grandma who passed away when I was 18 Christmas stuff and some other items of hers that I will cherish
I am grateful for how much my cat loves me
I am grateful to be resilient
I am grateful to be sober
I am grateful for my roommate getting me bubbly water today
I am grateful for struggles because they build character
Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a busy but good weekend. I’m grateful my daughter was so excited to put up the Christmas tree and it looks beautiful! I’m grateful for a wonderful hike with my mom today, it was just what I needed. I’m grateful for my fuzzy socks. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful for all of you.
Everyone have a wonderful evening
I’m grateful to have found this community of lovely people who are giving me the hope I need right now
I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day clean and sober. I’m grateful for recovery and my recovery. I’m grateful for my family, friends,TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for homegroups. I’m grateful for sober house’s even when they are not. I’m grateful for sports to watch and play and cheer and cry and unite and divide and get exercise, such a rollercoaster, right, my addict loves all that drama Lol I’m grateful for the first snowfall of the year that I woke up to this morning. I’m grateful that I am enjoying the majority of the job so far and for the parts I don’t enjoy that’s what you’re getting paid for Brian. I’m grateful for prayers, meditation and daily readings.
I’m grateful I got a message from Kelley to say she is safe at the hospital getting the help she needs. I am grateful to God may he bless you all. &
I am grateful for anonymity.
This morning I am grateful for the rest, peace and contentment I feel during this lengthy (for me) time off from work. I am grateful for PTO and sober days deciding what to do as I go. I am grateful for the time I’m sharing with my son, the rest of my family and my friends as well as time to regroup around the house. I am grateful for this beautiful city where I can bike, hike,
and walk the streets safely surrounded by natural beauty. I am grateful for my increased vulnerability and confidence do and say what I truly feel.
I want to let you all know how grateful I have been for many of your inspiring posts and to learn from your incredible sobriety journeys. It’s time for me to focus on my in-person sobriety community as I feel that is what is best for me right now. I also have always felt a bit on the outside looking in and I need to immerse myself in a community where I can nestle in
I’m going to leave the app but didn’t want to do so without saying thank you. Stay sober one day at a time.
I’m grateful to have made it thru my first AF Thanksgiving holiday and long weekend.
I’m thankful for delicious coffee at this 5 an hour to prepare for a long day at work.
I’m thankful for good health.
I’m thankful for a challenging and rewarding job that also pays the bills.
I’m thankful for the headspace to consider new interests and hobbies now that I’ve divorced myself from alcohol.
I’m thankful for a warm and safe home.
I wish you all a peaceful and productive Monday at all of your places of work.
I think engaging with your in-person community more is a beautiful thing to focus on. This place will always be here. Best wishes on your journey.
This morning I am noticing some fear and anxiety coming up about returning to work after the long weekend. My last job required 2 hours of commuting per day so I accepted this role pretty hastily to get out of that. The grass is not greener. The role does not offer me the experience I need to grow in my career. The culture is challenging for me as I’ve been working in environments that have felt safe and this one is, outdated? I’ve overheard sexual comments made by coworkers about other coworkers, ignorant comments about trans people, the BLM movement. I brought some of it up with HR but that fell flat. I am not comfortable here.
So I am turning to gratitude. I am thankful I have a job. I am grateful said job is a 6 minute drive from my house. I am grateful that I am sober and capable which means I have choices. I am grateful I have an interview this afternoon and that I have the power to create the life I want. No getting stuck in the “woe is me”. I am grateful I am not letting my fear keep me from action.
Apparently I am on the struggle bus this morning. Trying to be grateful to pull myself out of it. I am grateful it is currently not raining as I head out for my walk. I am grateful to have a job to go to. I am grateful for coffee Well, it’s a start. Have a great sober day everyone!
Why leave? This is available and easy to access 24/7. You can’t have too many tools in your recovery tool box.
I have heard that term before.
I like my home port. No dangerous bars to cross. It’s just the bars in town you have to worry about.
Ocean bars are where rivers and bays meet open ocean creating hazardous conditions.
I’m grateful that all our gear is fishing. We set it all in 18 hours because of the nice ocean conditions. I got some sleep.
Not very good sleep. My body is angry with me. Muscle cramps in my legs keep waking me. But I’m sober and I have no cravings. I’m grateful for that.
No injuries for anyone on the crew during the gear set either. I’m grateful for that.
The drinkers on the boat didn’t drink on the boat. I’m grateful for that.
I’m most grateful for my sober coworker who recently celebrated a year clean and sober. It’s our third season working together. One before I got sober.
I started that season sober. I didn’t make it. That boat was the most brutal crab grind ever. I drank at the bar after a three week grind. I ended up getting some meth and oxys. It was horrible. I’m grateful I won’t be doing that again.
We took a look at some of our gear that had been soaking. It looks good! Really good!! I’m grateful.
I’m grateful I get most of the day off today.
I’m grateful for my warm alcohol free home. And this delicious cup of coffee I am drinking.
I’m grateful to see Jason first, on the gratitude thread this morning, right before me. Be safe out there buddy.
I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful to @Mephistopheles I now say the serenity prayer every morning, well 2 in a row so far, and actually think about it. I always knew it and try to practice it, but I didn’t actually actively have it in my morning prayers
I’m grateful to be able to and pick and choose little things from all you wonderful sober warriors out there to help me continue on my journey, especially when I get complacent.
I’m grateful to be up early and that I went to bed early last night. Now if I could just just shut my screen down by 10 pm.
I’m grateful I got the house picked up a bit yesterday for house cleaners today so I’m ready for them now.
I’m grateful where I live, has a security department and recreation department and concierge service that I can call on to help us with things.
I’m grateful my back is doing pretty good.
I’m grateful I been doing my Pilates Reformer workouts at home and I have my instructor today.
I’m grateful we’ve set aside December 1 to get our booster shots.
I’m grateful Brian gets a day off soon and he can recover from a long week. And I pray God will guide him and protect him so he doesn’t over do it and can be selfish to his recovery and balance a job at the same time. Just take care of yourself buddy.
I’d be grateful if y’all take care of yourselves during these darker days of winter ahead and the holidays coming up. And I’m grateful I read Brian’s topic about H.A.L.T. It’s worth a read and see it in action and the responses. I hope to see it continue. I’m grateful I will be practicing H.A.L.T. In the coming weeks and hopefully in my future.
I’m grateful I already had Daisy Cat on my lap and she’s moved on.
I’m grateful for the guys that come pick up my dumpsters every morning. Even if they forgot me last Monday I’m grateful when I called them to let them know I wasn’t an asshole about it. I just thought they should know.
I’m grateful the long Thanksgiving weekend is over and it’s actually Monday.
Grateful for y’all.
I am happy because I’m grateful. I choose to be grateful. That gratitude allows me to be happy.
Will Arnett
We’ll miss you Margaret.
Even though you may feel like you have been on the outside looking in, I know for me, anyway, your gratitude has been inspiring and much appreciated. You will be missed. I won’t say good bye. How about, we’ll see you later. ODAAT right? And I much appreciate you letting us know. And I’m very grateful you have an in person sober community that feels so good to you. That is a very valuable commodity.
Have some great sober Christmas Holidays or whatever you may celebrate.
Best of luck. Thank you for not just leaving. God bless.
I am grateful for rest. I am grateful for my support system. I am grateful for laughter. I’m grateful for chocolate chip cookies. I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by smart, kind people. I’m grateful that dreams do not have to stay dreams.