Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

You and your family are in my thoughts, amigo. Sending love and peace to you.


I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep and to wake up feeling good.

I needed a dock truck to tow my boat with and I found one yesterday. I took it for a test drive, and it runs great! So, I bought it. Low miles. Low price. Perfect! It does what I need it to do. One step closer to being self-employed. A big step. I am grateful!

It’s a 2002 Dodge four-wheel drive. It’s pretty clean for an old truck. V8 gas guzzler, but it only needs to tow the boat 100 yards to the crane and back to its parking spot. It will be able to do that for a long time.

My slip on the dock is front row. I have an ocean front office. When I’m not fishing, I can come enjoy the scenery any time I want. I can make coffee and stay warm while catching the sunrise. I spent some time there yesterday as the storm was coming down. The clouds opened up. It was pretty cool. I am grateful!

There are only a few places that use cranes to launch boats into the ocean. We have no dangerous bar to cross. The only dangerous bars are in town. :rofl: I don’t go into those anymore. I’m safe! You cant get into a bar fight if you don’t go to the bar. I’m grateful to have so many better places to spend my time than inside the bar talking about all the things I want to do while being too drunk to actually do any of them.

I make good things happen sober! I am grateful!

I’m grateful for all the milestones to celebrate!

@Dan531 800 days! Our sober dates are close. I’m grateful to walk this path with you. I’m grateful you suit up and show up to recovery through difficult times. I’m grateful for the example that we don’t have to drink no matter what. We can be strong and supportive to our loved ones.

@Singtone A full trip around the sun Alcohol free! Congrats! :muscle:

@PlantLady19 3 days is awesome! I started feeling better each day after day three. Physically it gets better each day, Mentally, it varies each day. You have found some awesome support here. Gratitude makes the mental challenges easier. Glad you’re here!


Ooh a rainbow in the top one!
I’m so excited for you! :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just want to post My daily gratitude list before I start my night shift

I am Grateful for being sober again

I am Grateful for having my beloved family nearby and that the are all healthy

I am Grateful for having a Job that I love to do.

I am Grateful to have the ability not giving in after 1 relapse

I am Grateful that my relapse wasn’t for nothing and my share about it inspired other people to stay sober.

I am Grateful @ShesGotMoxie that my recent share about relapse opened your hart. I feel blessed that I met you on TS Carolyn!

:pray: :blue_heart:


I’m grateful Tony’s wife gave him a medallion for his first year of sobriety. That’s friggen awesome!!!
I’m grateful to be up too early again, clear headed, after :coffee: Of course, :blush: hangover free, and sober, enjoying my readings and prayers and devotionals.
I’m grateful I do my gratitude list last because I already wake up with so much gratitude that I can’t wait to post it, but I usually come up with new stuff by the time I’m ready to list it.
I’m grateful I told my Pilates instructor about testing positive for COVID last week. They kicked me out :grimacing::rofl:. They have a 10 day policy. They we’re thankful I told them and didn’t charge me and said to come back Friday.
I’m grateful as much as it’s going to fuck things up schedule wise, I told my dentist and cardiologist too. I have or had a couple of doctors appointments this week. And now who knows. Fuck COVID and serenity right now!!
I’m grateful instead of Pilates I went for a walk to Palisades park. Did Brian’s :rofl: meditation challenge. And walked back home. I’m grateful for exercise and meditation.
I’m grateful I’m recognizing the “poor me. I can’t do anything right,” syndrome, with the wife. I feel it. It pisses me off that I feel this way. I fight it. I loose. I still feel it :grimacing: I share about it. It helps. I wake up the next day and I feel different. And I’m grateful I never feel like drinking about and killing these feeling that I have no control over. I’m grateful they come and they go. And I do, do things right. And I’m grateful I’m going to try really hard to just surrender these feeling over to God. And y’all.
I’m grateful for sweet soft purring chonky kittens, bashing into me while I try and make coffee.
I’m grateful I hear Minnie coming down the stairs and that she can still do the stairs and hasn’t skidded down them yet. 3 more weeks Minnie.
I’m grateful for this forum.
I’m grateful for gratidudes.
I’m grateful for my alone time.
I’m grateful for Al-Anon. I wish predictive text would spell it for me.
I’m grateful we started a new show on Netflix
After Life with Ricky Gervais. Someone on Twitter recommended it to me. I can’t remember who. I put it out on my Twitter thread to whoever……… And Ricky Gervais liked my tweet!! Fucking Ricky Gervais!! I love that guy. I’m grateful Ricky is such a great advocate for animals. I’m grateful I realize it could be some kind of logarithm. And I’m not on Twitter for the “likes”. But still that’s pretty cool.
I’m grateful to wrap this up and look for a gratitude quote.

”I get so sick of people asking: “What’s your demographic?” Or: “Oh we’ve got to aim this at…” No, you have to aim it at you. You do the thing you would love… make the thing you would love and be proud of. There are enough people in the world that, if you do that and do it well as a single vision, they’ll go: “That’s my favorite thing ever!”
Ricky Gervais.


@JasonFisher thank you so much for the shoutout! I’ve read all the posts in this thread so I’m getting to know you a little and you are an inspiration. And your office looks pretty amazing to me!

I’m grateful for having my third sober sleep. It is such a better sleep then a passed out drunk one (or even a mildly buzzed one).

I’m grateful for my dog sleeping in my lap while I drink my coffee and read here.

I’m grateful for my very supportive husband.

I’m grateful for feeling so motivated to get things together to open my shop, hopefully on 2/2/22. I’m also grateful to have found a passion later in life that fills me with such joy and curiosity and happiness.

And I’m grateful to have this forum and all the support here.


An office. :thinking:
Coffee. :thinking:
Sounds like a recipe for a meeting.
Better yet. How about a meeting on your boat?
I bet we could fill that boat and office if your were hosting a meeting there.
Let’s call it a retreat.
So happy for you Jason.
Keep being you.


That would be cool! The sober sunrise meeting! :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for my new smartphone although I have to convince myself a bit I admit. it is a new old one. I don’t like new phones.
I am grateful for a calm afternoon. I got my workout done. I am grateful for an important sentence yesterday during my guided meditation. was like an eye-opener.

I am grateful for this uneventful thread.
I am grateful we have enough work atm. Very grateful. We have more than enough which makes me even more happy. I am the only one thinking this. :smirk:


Six days ago I set out for the city. I’m grateful my travel days (3 out of 5, in bitterly cold temps and on icy roads) were safe and without incident.

Three of those days I saw my Mom. I’m so grateful I could see her, visit with her, hug her. I’m grateful she recognized me and that we were able to communicate. She still has so much to say! I’m grateful I’ve caught up to where she is, and that I can just go with it and try to meet her where she’s at each day/visit. I’m grateful for the care she is getting at her residence.

I’m grateful I booked a nicer hotel to just rest in each night. I’m grateful I caught up with pals over the phone, for hours. (The virus is exploding here. Didn’t see pals in person.) I wanted to keep up with this thread too, but it isn’t going anywhere! I’ll catch up on it today and this week. I’m grateful for the support of friends and gratidudes alike, to face the stuff that comes up and work on my recovery, each day, one day at a time…

I’m grateful for yesterday - a day to catch up on laundry and sleep and cooking food at home. I needed a day to just catch up on me.

Yesterday I also found out that my storage locker in the parkade was broken into while I was away. I’m grateful nothing of sentimental value was damaged or stolen. They just took a car battery charger and oddly, a big bag of christmas stuff - wrap, cards, stockings, small gifts, etc. Hopefully these things made someone else’s christmas better? The police told me there are repeat offenders who support their addictions this way, with petty thefts. I’m grateful I’m in no position to judge these people. There but for the grace of God, go I…

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Will there be memes :rofl:

Sunrise memers recovery group.


I’m grateful I’m on day 65 and still hanging in there!
I’m grateful that my cat Moka, after 8 days being sick, and several visits to the vet, is starting to improve.
I’m grateful X-mas is over, and the gym is opened again properly!
I’m grateful to be back working again! I enjoy doing my job! :blush:



We will laugh at you, until you can laugh at yourself could be our slogan!


I’m only about a third of the way through Infinite Jest. Another month or two left in that yet. :rofl::joy:


Today I’m grateful for a derailed shopping tour :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil: Had a list, didn’t find half of the things in the store (I have a clear vision what my new
storage boxes should look like) but … turned to the bedding section and :star_struck: there it was! My blanket and my pillow I couldn’t remember the brand anymore! Strike :blush: Had to buy it!
Grateful for a really nice day. Not too productive, just nice and stressless :pray:


I’m grateful for a Peaceful day.
I’m grateful for my higher power guiding me and not my head
I’m grateful for my children and that I was/am present for them today
I’m grateful for my new fridge freezer!
I’m grateful I studied a bit this evening and was able to focus.
I’m grateful for this app


50 days today and grateful for today and not really thinking about me.
I’m grateful for these tears streaming down my cheeks after reading all 204 posts before me on this thread.
We are all beautiful disasters (as 311 once sang) and I’m so moved by the love that we have for one another and the baffling hatred we must’ve had, at one point, for ourselves.
I am so blessed and grateful for each one of you here. I truly am.
I am grateful for the willingness and ability to sit through my own wreckage, acknowledge it, weep about it, or scream about it and then let it pass. (And remain sober)
I am grateful for the home I am in and the family I live with.
I am grateful for the job I will have soon (manifesting it) and how the pay is going to be so friggin large I’ll be able to get out of debt in one year. (I got jokes-not to be confused with hopes)
I am grateful for the seasons of darkness and trauma because without them I would t be where I am now.
I am so grateful to God and our tight relationship. HE is my big G and we’re ride or dies. :100::latin_cross::pray::blossom:

Thank you Sober Time and Talking Sober.

Love you all and please keep sharing because y’all are helping be keep sane, sober and without rage or self-hatred.

God bless

BTW… I like :crab: & :lobster: too. :sunglasses::laughing:


Congratulations on your 59 days Alison!! That’s awesome!!
Welcome to the gratitude club. Without gratitude, we don’t stand a chance. I hope to see you around.


Grateful for being born a human.
Grateful to be able to seek awakening.
Thankful for fellowship and camaraderie.
Grateful to purchase the correct cord for dvd player to work.
Grateful for motivational YouTube video today Wayne Dyer talking about God and the Tao.
Grateful to be free of substances and have very little craving–just passing thoughts to shoo away.
Let’s all enjoy the joy of being, of being present


I’m grateful to try and make some noise for that quiet little 500 days.
Way to go Bootz!!!