Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful for the time spent with Keely and her boyfriend this weekend. They’re both such awesome people, and it’s comforting to visit them. Plus, I get to cuddle with Chesney and Cash. :dog::heart:

They’re gettin’ good at this posing thing. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m grateful for those days when I choose to share my life with y’all. I have to admit that it doesn’t always help, but I believe it’s better than sinking beneath it all.

I’m grateful for Roland @ShadowFax. His recent share about relapse opened my heart to how I feel personally about milestones. I know my feelings will grow and possibly change the longer I’m sober, but for now I’m grateful for a different view. I’m glad you’re here, Roland. :blush:

I’m grateful for my life, the ups and downs, the joys and pains. Through it all, I’m learning what’s healthy to hold on to and what’s healthier for me to simply let go.

I’m grateful for these mountains. When I give them my undivided attention, they teach me a new language. I’m incredibly grateful for nature.


Good evening, all.
Grateful to be sober and hangover free today. I must never get complacent about it. It is so much better than the alternative. Grateful for the clarity of thought that my new sober life has given to me.
Grateful that I have started to exercise again after being gentle with myself over the festive period. I have a few aches and pains today - but I enjoy them in a strange, ‘I’ve earned them’ kind of way.
Grateful to be heading down to my wife’s parents’ place soon for dinner. Her mum is a great cook. We always eat well there.
Grateful for the beautiful life that I have. I am so fortunate to have been taken care of so well and given a good education by my parents.
Grateful for my own children. I am having to reach for this today because they have hurt me with their bickering and fighting this week. I have to accept that it is hard for them to be stuck indoors all of the time on their Christmas break.
Grateful to have 365 consecutive days of sobriety. A year is impossible, but 365 ODAATs is just about manageable, it turns out.
Grateful to all of you. There is no way I would have got past a month without TS and latterly this thread.
Have a great day. :blue_heart:


I’m grateful to be starting my third day sober and reading this thread. I have struggled with positivity for a very long time. My husband is a shining light and has taught me to embrace it (but I still fight against it,) so reading a thread like this is wonderful (and a little uncomfortable too) and really helps me.

I’m grateful to have woken up feeling rested instead of hungover and tired and grouchy.

I’m grateful for the cleaning I did yesterday. I let things go badly the last couple months.

I’m grateful for this app and TS, it’s helped a lot these last couple days.

I’m grateful for plants and that I get to open up my own shop and I’m very grateful that I will be sober while doing so.


Hi Jessica :blush: Congratulations on your 3 days and the beginning of a wonderful new journey. The community has a thread on plants that you may be interested in. Have a great day! :sunny::yellow_heart:


I am grateful (so fucking grateful) that the holidays are over. This has been one of the hardest holiday seasons for me. I struggle to come here and feel like a broken record talking about how I am doing, but I am grateful to know that I can do so and get support. I am grateful that I can recognize that part of what makes me a beautiful human is that I feel so deeply, that I have empathy for others, and that part of what I have been torn up by is that these holidays are not some picture perfect Hollywood experience for so many in our world right now. I am grateful that I have learned a lot in the last few years about understanding my emotions and even when things get hard I can get through it.

I am grateful for the loving support of my husband and for his patience and thoughtful nature. I am grateful that even though he drank more than I was comfortable with during his time off, he has decided to do dry January. I am grateful we talk and listen to each other, and that he reiterated that he knows that it can be hard for me when he is drinking and that he feels “some kind of way” about it. Maybe guilty? We couldn’t quite figure it out, but we will just keep talking about it. He also recognizes how much better he feels, more confident at work and healthier when he isn’t drinking. It’s a start, and I am grateful to walk along side each other in our journeys to being and doing better. I am grateful for connections I have with others who understand where I am, or at least try to meet me where I am. I am grateful for friends and family who help me get out of my own head. I am grateful to have continued my daily gratitude journal, even when I haven’t been present on TS and especially when I struggle to feel grateful or keep my other daily routines going. I am grateful for the long talk on the phone I had with my Mami on New Year’s Day - unplanned and lovely to check in with each other.

I am so grateful to have woken up on this first Monday of the year feeling like I could take a breath, feel hopeful again and start reconnecting to my vision for the future, for how I would like to be and do better. I am grateful I have a LOT of experience getting back to basics and tools to do so…and that halfway through my day I am DOING it.

I am grateful that @Dazercat celebrated his 2 years in recovery and @Singtone one whole year (you made it!) and for all the other shares here. It’s really motivational for me and I know for everyone else. Thank you for sharing!


Oh my gosh, thanks so much! Taking care of plants has helped my mental health so much, I’m so looking forward to doing it all sober. Thanks again, I’ll be in that thread for awhile now.


I’m sure that Stella and the other folks will love that! 🪴☀️


I’m grateful for this community.
Its improved my mood
Allowed me to banter about my problems and provided valuable feedback and insights.
I’m grateful for my kids and their beautiful smiles and contagious laughter.
I’m grateful for my parents and their help with my kids.
I’m grateful to be sober and alive.


I am grateful for my sobriety
I am grateful to been given some feeling of relief from my boss about my work trailer getting stolen I get to start looking for another trailer
I am grateful for my morning workout
I am grateful for the snow melting
I am grateful for for this site


I’m grateful to God please help me be better today than I was yesterday and to remain clean and sober. I’m grateful for recovery, including mine. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful that my sister called me this afternoon. I’m grateful and lucky that I get to go to work as covid lockdown has started again today, closed alot of things down here in Ontario for two weeks, for now. I’m grateful that I know all of this is out of my control and the feelings I have over it all are a mixed bag, yet, managable thanks to things I am learning working my recovery and helping others with theirs. @Singtone BIG congratulations to you. I’m grateful you are here and well done getting through a year, keep moving forward. Like others said today I’m grateful for all the literature written by alcoholics and addicts for alcoholics and addicts. My collection of recovery literature and self help stuff is growing, I should probably finish reading them all and watch less disney, netflix and youtube, its always something, dang it. Progress not perfection as I never used to read anything.

I’m grateful for food and coffee. I’m grateful that I am making my bed when I wake almost everyday. I’m grateful my house is clean and tidy, literally, as is most of my side of the street. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter. I’m grateful at my homegroup meeting last night one of my favorite people celebrated his three years clean, another was celebrating her eleven years. He brought in his kids and there were pets, we had cake, it was really nice. The speaker he chose was really the highlight. I’m grateful to have heard her story and that I have developed the skill to actually listen to these speakers now and not just sit there waiting for my turn to vent. I’m grateful to read all your posts, short and long from newcomers and longtimers.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


Just a quick addition. Very grateful for this token that my wife has given to me. It was quite the surprise since she isn’t really on board with the whole sobriety thing - but she is clearly trying. I’m grateful for that.
Not sure if I’m entitled to it since I don’t do AA or the steps, or anything like that - but I’m happy with it. :blue_heart:


I grateful I have not picked up today
I’m grateful there is a fridge freezer in the house again
I’m grateful for the peaceful day I’ve had today
I’m grateful for the long walk with my sister and dog
I’m grateful my youngest was invited for a sleepover at her friends house
I’m grateful for all the people in my life, in real life, online, and afar.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for the beautiful weather. I’m grateful for food in the fridge, and a home for us. I’m grateful for my kids, my pets, and my plants. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness. I’m grateful for hope.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Grateful to be clean and sober and living the life I live today


Love this, and I love that your wife surprised you with a medallion. Very thoughtful of her, and special for you.



Grateful for my friends and family.
Grateful to anticipate seeing my sponsor tomorrow for a walk.
Thankful for a nice walk today with Hunny.
Grateful to spend some time reading here on the Gratidudes!
Grateful that I long to be on the right path.


Good morning, all.
Grateful to be sober and clear headed again this morning. When I think what I put myself through in the before time it beggars belief. Grateful that I can’t bear the thought of it now - which helps to keep me on track.
Grateful for the beautiful evening that we all spent at my in-laws house yesterday. As predicted, the food was great, and my wife was very happy and really enjoyed it.
Grateful to be reading ‘Infinite Jest’ at the moment. Have any of you read it? It’s an incredible book - although it is dauntingly huge. It’s fictional but incredibly insightful about the mindset of an addict.
Grateful that my year is done and dusted and that I can now just focus on living sober again without all of the noise around this particularly challenging milestone. Grateful to be working on day 366 (nothing special) today.
Sometimes it may seem like I throw it in there as an afterthought, or because it is part of the recipe for a complete post, but I am genuinely grateful for all of your posts and for the support and encouragement that they provide. I am particularly grateful for the support that I have received in the lead up to and the subsequent passing of this recent milestone.
Have a great day, all.


This made me cry.


Hello everyone. Um. I’m not good at this. Let’s see…
I’m grateful for at least an opportunity to be sober
I’m grateful that I’m trying again


I’m grateful for this much dreaded day to be here, a day that nobody in my family wants but everybody needs to start healing. I’m grateful that i can 100% be here for my wife, kids and grandmother in law today.

I’m grateful for you all