Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I really have to dig today for gratitude. Can’t find any.
Not even the foam on my café latte will stay. It fucking fall in itself. I am pissed.

Well, I am sober, still. At least.


Me too.


I’m grateful to be doing my gratitude list first again this morning. Not sure why.
Maybe I’m just so grateful I’m sober.
I’m grateful I don’t have to be perfect anymore. Being perfect like me was exhausting :weary::rofl:
I’m almost grateful everyone else doesn’t have to be perfect too. Still working on that one.
I’m grateful for showers and being able to get clean almost anytime I want. Credit wifey yesterday for that one.
I’m grateful I got a nice bed to sleep in. Even if I didn’t sleep well.
I’m grateful for the loud obnoxious ravens cawing at each other on this quite sunny morning.
I’m grateful I enjoyed my walk in the snow in the cold with the dogs yesterday. I only saw one person and her boxer. Not a single car.
I’m grateful for this time of year in my neighborhood when no one is around.
I’m grateful Minnie loves this weather, she was so happy and moving so spritely on our walk.
I’m grateful after Wifey let the dogs out this morning Minnie got back in bed with me and worked me over with her nose nudgies.
I’m grateful, so far, no news from the bedroom where Alice and B are locked up for breakfast with the wife. Hope the antibiotics are kicking in already. Im grateful Alice did go right for her food this morning when I put it down in her bed with her.
I’m grateful I’m learning more about myself and addiction every day I’m sober.
I’m grateful I got the corned beef and cabbage fixins delivered to my house yesterday with a few other groceries.
They weren’t out of cabbage Rosa :wink:
I’m grateful for instacart.
They are always very thankful to come out to my house. I always thought I was a bother and being lazy but it’s someone’s job that pays their bills. And yesterday was kind of hectic with Alice. It was a good idea.
I’m grateful to share on here with y’all every morning.

Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling.
It can resolve disputes. It can strengthen friendships. And it makes us better men and woman.

Gordon B Hinkley.


The past is in the past and cannot be changed.
I’m struggling to feel grateful these days after so much loss and grieving.
But today I’m grateful for my two beautiful children. They bring me laughter and joy.
Grateful for their imaginations, the games they think up to play and the innocence of their happiness.
I’m grateful for being a father and being able to support them, guide them and help them with life.
Sighhh I’m struggling but I’m still here.


Today I’m grateful for a good day. Grateful for a productive morning. Grateful for leftovers from yesterday. Grateful for a bath. I rarely take a bath and I enjoyed it very much. Grateful for the nap afterwards. Grateful my husband was in a good mood and caring today. Grateful I told him that’s nice and makes me feel good. Grateful for my snuggling cat. Grateful for my roaring old boy. Grateful for my funny bigfoot. Grateful they are happy at our new house. Grateful we are all happy to be here :pray:


I’m grateful that I have remembered to find my way here, not sure what happened this morning, I totally forgot all about it. I think I was so annoyed and tired from my partner snoring all nite that I wasn’t myself.
I’m grateful to have just driven my son back to uni, at last, this means we have a spare bed for a while :sleeping:
I’m grateful to have been able to drive him back, without resenting the time it took away from drinking. What an awful realisation! But unfortunately true.
I’m grateful to have gone straight out after work with my daughter for a walk round the Big Block, nice to get out with her, they are chatty walks :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m grateful for a good day today, I enjoyed it. :sparkling_heart:


I struggled with gratitude this morning, too. I literally sat there with the text box open, typing and deleting until I finally just closed the app. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, but sometimes my thoughts need to unravel before I try to express it.

I came back, though. I’m still here, and you’re still here. I think we did good. :slightly_smiling_face::yellow_heart:


Late gratitude post today. I’m grateful that my youngest boys surgery went well this morning, it was minor but i worry the fuck out of myself and become irrational over that type of thing. I’m grateful for good driving conditions today. I’m grateful that I’m choosing sobriety again today. I’m grateful for my TS tribe, you all rock.


I see you, I hear you and I am proud of you.



Good evening all,
I’m grateful to see us on here trying, even when it’s hard, to find gratitude. I’m grateful I have a place to come to that is safe and caring and understanding. I’m grateful that we can all be honest with each other- sometimes gratitude is really hard to find. But we come here and try, and I’m proud of us!
I’m grateful for enough food to feed my family we’ll, hot water, and chocolate.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:
(@anon74766472, I hope your coffee is magical tomorrow!)


I’m grateful for all the headache free days I have had lately, even if today wasn’t one of them. I’m grateful I was able to clear the snow before my head really started hurting because my partner had a painful kink in his back (aren’t we the pair today!) and I’m grateful for the two naps we were able to take together. Im grateful for my comfy bed. I’m grateful Miss Lupe didn’t protest much about not getting a walk today and that we have a fenced in backyard for days like today so she can still do her business. I’m grateful it’s going to warm up a bit later this week. I’m grateful to be putting the phone down and closing my eyes early tonight. I’m grateful all the “to-do’s” will still be there tomorrow.

Grateful for my amigos here.


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through today clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I got to message with my cousin for her birthday today. I’m grateful we discussed her upcoming wedding in February and sadly I had to decline hers and my other cousin’s wedding invitation in March sorry @M-be-free49 I won’t be visiting after all :cry: . This pandemic sucks. I’m grateful they invited me as I have been “politely” asked to leave family weddings in the past, times change, gratefully so do people, including me. I’m grateful to be doing laundry again, smells clean. I’m grateful for music, so much. I’m grateful for meditation and yoga. I’m grateful for prayers, daily readings and the twelve steps.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I believe in you. You rock.Ya you!!


Hello All, Grateful not to think about substances but thinking about HP.
Grateful for the inspiring hike today with G.
Grateful for health and fitness and willingness for self care.
Grateful for honest shares and also guidance but also not to take everything personally and be the centre of the universe.
Tao, let me be in harmony with others and a heart willing to be helpful and kind.
Just this present moment ~ together we can :pray::hugs:


I grateful for every piece of my life today.

I am grateful for this flare up. It is a pat on my back that I have been pacing well lately and a good reminder of how I was feeling everyday for many years not too long ago.

I am grateful for my mother who at 75 years old is still teachable. She is open-minded and willing to learn different ways. I am grateful that we got up before dawn to chase a sunrise together, bundled up in our parkas with our to-go coffees. I am grateful for every minute with her.

I am grateful for my dad and his willful, resistant ways. It’s gotten to the point now at 78 where he gives less fucks than he ever has and it can be quite comical. I mean we may as well all laugh rather than cry. I am grateful that he would still protect me with the same ferocity as he did when he was a young man if the need ever arose. I am grateful for all my time with him and every laugh we have together, we have a lot.

I am grateful for my daughter and her beautifully logical mind. We are the perfect pair. I am driven by emotion mind and she is driven by rational mind; together we are wise. I am grateful that she was pliable today in regards to her birthday celebration. I am grateful that she still did her birthday her way, in whatever way made her comfy. I am grateful when she walked out of her bedroom I heard her say to herself. “Well that was a nice birthday.”

I am grateful my ex-husband remembered to call her.
I am grateful for all the birthday wishes she recieved from my friends.
I am grateful she loved her cake.
I am grateful for my warm spirited home.
I am grateful for books and records.
I am grateful to feel growth.



I’m grateful for all the posts that make me smile and remind me to laugh a lot :blush::blush::blush::blush:
Special thanks to @Bootz @Its_me_Stella and for @RosaCanDo

THIS made my day BEFORE I got out of bed :+1::heartpulse:

I’m grateful for all the memes on the meme thread. I managed to catch up yesterday evening and laughed so hard :grin::grin::grin:

I’m grateful this day starts with gratitude and a smile. Seems I am a bit overemotional today so I will try to take it easy.


I’m grateful for my family my job and most importantly my recovery cause without it I would have nothing :pray:t2:


I’m grateful to be up at 4:30 am having a pot of tea in bed.
I’m grateful to be feeling a shift with the new tools helping me against this winter sadness.
I’m grateful to be on track with my goals/savings so I can move the heck out of Mass & carry on to our next adventure.
I’m so grateful to be alive. It’s still a shock to me sometimes. Every so often I get a flashback or a dream of one of the many danger times and think maybe I actually didn’t survive that, maybe I’m stuck in some odd purgatory… :joy:
Grateful for things/people that bring me back to reality.
Grateful/nervous to check out a new sober game night meetup this evening.
Grateful there’s too much gratitude for me to catch up on here since I’ve been off.


Here I am trying to figure out my life and struggling so hard.
I’m grateful for my kids. They seem to be the only people in my life that show love and affection towards me. I don’t have any support from family or friends. It’s really hard…really hard to see any sort of future for myself right now.
I’m grateful for being alive today.
I’m grateful for living in a country that’s not at war or struggling with famine or in a crisis.
I’m grateful for the people I’ve met here that support me.
I’m grateful for having food on the table and a warm place to live.
I’m grateful for spending time outdoors with my kids last night eve though it was freezing cold outside.


I’m grateful to choose sobriety again today.
I’m grateful that when i do “miss” my drinking days it’s from my early 20’s, not my late 30’s/ early 40’s. There was no fun being had there.
I’m grateful that I’m not as a much of a self-centered prick as i use to be.
I’m grateful that i have my wife and children.
I’m grateful that i can almost walk normal today.
I’m grateful for my TS tribe.
I’m grateful to have time to be bored, this is something i never really experience with my work schedule/ commute.


With depression, the mind and body are intrinsically linked. Those days when I’m so down that it’s hard to come up for air, I find it difficult to physically move. For me, the only way to get through the suffering is to change my perception. This is especially important when the depression is being caused by past events that can’t be changed. A small shift in our thinking, occurring each day, can make a huge difference. The trick is to never let a day go by that we’re not practicing a change of perception. For example… my first thought might be “I feel buried beneath the weight of these painful memories and emotions.” My alternate thought to practice could be “I feel such a deep calmness that I will use this time to release my feelings.” This could be accomplished by sharing with someone, by crying, writing it down, speaking it aloud to God or nature, or any other way that instinctively feels right for you. Most importantly, stay connected to other people. This is a hard one for me, because I’m a loner. Being active here, finding connection with others, is crucial for my sobriety and my mental health. My PM is always open for you. Big hugs :purple_heart: