Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful for the rain
I’m grateful that it helped me sleep last night
I’m grateful Rue didn’t snore too loudly last night- does anyone else’s dog snore like a human man???
I’m grateful I’m going out to eat tonight at a new restaurant to celebrate 4 months sober :partying_face:
I’m grateful my best friend is taking me
I’m grateful I got a workout in inside this morning

I’m grateful Rue hates getting wet and didn’t mind not going on our usual sunrise walks.
I’m grateful for the face she makes when it is raining, she looks at me like I did this. Make it stop human. It always makes me laugh.

I’m grateful for my coffee and oatmilk creamer
I’m grateful for the peace that has engulfed my life
I’m grateful when I get sad, and I do a lot, that I know it will pass. That I don’t need alcohol to numb my sadness. That I’ve learned how strong I am and I can ride out any emotion I’m feeling sober.

I’m grateful :yellow_heart:

Edit: 120 days does not equal 4 months apparently. That will be Jan 27th. But celebrating tonight :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful to God I don’t depend on booze.
I’m grateful my back doesn’t hurt this morning.
I’m grateful I got a better nights sleep last night.
I’m grateful for my coffee.
I’m grateful I should get my Chemex filters today.
I’m grateful after all the pets chores in the morning when I come to sit down for my quiet time everyone settles in around or on me.
I’m grateful I got 6 fur babies.
Speaking of babies. :baby: :older_man:
I’m grateful the kids texted us yesterday that they got the big test results back and all chromosomal abnormalities are clear - baby looks healthy and good!
I’m grateful they shared their video of the gender reveal party right after they did it so we felt included.
This Grampy is gonna have a granddaughter.
I’m grateful I FaceTimed them as soon as we got the video. We never do that. Sober me! I’m grateful for all the things I do and feel while I’m sober and calm and clear headed. It’s was awesome to be able to be part of one of my son’s and DIL biggest celebrations of their life. I might have been loaded dirty a few years ago and not picked up because I was to drunk to deal. “Ah call them tomorrow.” What a thoughtless cunt I must of been all those years when I was loaded. I am so fucking grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful I can be a caring husband, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, friend, 24/7 and never ever again have to think, have I had too much to drink? Or worse just not care.
Sobriety is awesome! Let’s do this!
I’m grateful for this thread and the feeling that I couldn’t wait to share it with you all.
Gratitude is the best medicine. It heals your mind, your body, and your spirit. And attracts more things to be grateful for.
Live Purposely Now


Some days that’s all I’ve got. But when I stop and think about everything I can achieve with that one piece of gratitude, it pulls me through. :purple_heart:

I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for the handful of people I consider true friends. I’m grateful for my family.

I’m grateful that it’s going to snow today. Mother Nature and Father Winter need to get it together! Our farmers need water for summer. :seedling:

I’m grateful to know that had I not suffered past trauma, I would never have known what I’m capable of. I’m still here, so I must be a lot stronger than I give myself credit for. :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful for y’all. You give me a lot to think about. :heart:


I’m so grateful you are on this gratitude journey with us Callie. I love getting a fun chuckle from you. Especially after my seriousness and tears this morning.

And you got 4 months AF.
I’m so proud of you.


A girl?!?!

Girls are the best- not that I’m biased or anything :grimacing:

Congrats Eric :heart::socks::older_man:t3:

Edit to add: thank you :yellow_heart: I’m proud of me too. :blush:




Haha I swear you would think I was in bed with a 230 pound linebacker. Nope just my Ruby lol


:heart::heart::heart: Well Said!


Grateful that I got a much needed walk in yesterday with my walking buddy. It’s been so cold here, and cold again today, so no walk but I do have a Pilates class coming up at noon. I’m so grateful to be able to move my body and exercise on these dreary winter days. Grateful for my sober tribe who care about me and my well-being. I’m so tremendously blessed.


I am grateful for a warm shower.
I am grateful I overcame my resentment for sprints and just ran these f*** seconds. No-one saw me, so I am grateful.
Grateful my legs and big toe are not hurting, some times but not constantly which is good. I am grateful I resumed some workout.

I am grateful to be sober. More than ever. Again.
I am grateful for a washing machine. I am grateful for a dish washer. I am grateful for Dora and Paula. Even yesterday when I was so down and they went on my nerves, they are doing okay. I am grateful I have two.

I am grateful I can come here. I am grateful that usually when I am deep down and I think it won’t get better anymore, the next day is not so bad. This would not be the case if I was still drinking.

I am grateful my English is good enough to be action here.

Ah, I forgot, I finally got my money back from the long sleeve I sent back and which probably got lost somewhere. I have no idea what happened but I have my money back.


I am grateful for clear headed mornings
I am grateful for the 40 sampler pack of coffees, a new flavor every morning
I am grateful for my two sober friends I will be spending time with today.
I am grateful for a warm home, it’s freezing outside!
I am grateful for a new day and able to give back to my fellow men and ladies.

As always thankful for the TS community!


Cash doesn’t snore, but Chesney does. And yes, she sounds like a linebacker! :joy:

Spoiled girl… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m so happy for your 4 months!!! :dancer:t3: Have fun tonight. :kissing_heart:



Awe Ches is such a sweet baby

Thank you, I’m excited to go out and celebrate :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Today I am grateful to have the energy /motivation /enthusiasm to prep a slow cooker chicken meal for tomorrow when I got in from work earlier instead of pouring a large glass and slobbing down on the couch for the evening. What a waste, my evenings are so productive now.
I’m grateful for slow cookers, they’re amazing. It’s so nice to get home when it’s cold and dark and your meal is ready to go!
I’m grateful to be busy at work so I’ve no financial worries, it’s not always been the case.
I’m grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Happy birthday :tada::gift::tada:!!!


I’m grateful to know and be known by God.
I’m grateful for 71 days.
I’m grateful for those who’ve gone before me in this sobriety journey and have authentically shared such deep wisdom with me. And I’m grateful that it goes deep within me now a days.
I’m grateful for my large comfy room at my sober home and for the mature, adulting- no drama humans I live with.
I’m grateful for my true friends. That no matter how much time or space is between us , they are still praying for me, with me and helping me fill my cup and those still out there doing the most.
I’m grateful for this new sprout of hope in me to check out these internships at some nonprofits so I can get first hand experience with grant writing, deep pocket find raising and financial transparency.
I’m grateful to have just been contacted for my third interview for a new career possibility AND they sent me a Strengths Builders Assessment and that really makes my heart overflow with gratitude and joy!!
I’m grateful for my privacy in the mornings to spend with my YHWH!
I’m grateful for the future pets I’m going to have to love and get love back. (It’s one BIG piece I’m missing from my life right now is a kitty(or 2) and doggies)
I’m grateful for your shares and transparency and love.
I’m grateful that our differences are celebrated here.

I’m grateful to be alive and I’m actually grateful for my hard times and not so pretty moments too.

I’m grateful to be teachable still.


Love you all :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful for meals that are prepared ahead of time and frozen.
I am grateful that I now find time to cook healthy meals for my child.
I am grateful that even when I was in the throes of active addiction, I did not feed her fast food and sugary drinks; instead, it was canned soup and bubbly water. I am grateful I still tried my best.
I am grateful to have had the energy to vacuum my house today, and I am grateful for a small home.
I am grateful for clean sheets and a daughter who helps me change my bedding.
I am grateful for my auntie, who passed away 3 years ago, and all the rockhounding she did on this Island where I live. I spent some time going through her treasures yesterday. It’s so cool they were found here.
I am grateful for her daughter, the cousin I watched thrive in recovery, who showed me the way without any words.
I am grateful for my mom, her caring, nurturing, pure heart, and how brave she is. She gave me a gift today, which triggered some tears for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that I know how nervous she is trying to capture the essence of an animal in a painting. The second is that I know how much she loved Lacey, and when she told me how special it felt to paint her, I just couldn’t hold them back. Thirdly, because now I have a treasure created by my mom’s hands, on a rock that we found the morning we watched the sunrise together. My Lacey girl’s face is painted on it; how amazing is that?


Grateful to be alive and sober today and to have a job to go to


incredible painting, you and your family are doing awesome. grateful you shared


That’s beautiful, what a great gift. :gift_heart: