Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful Ruby is okay
I am grateful for my friends here and our chats, they keep me sane some days.
I am grateful for real connection. Not the forced superficial kind. But the kind that cracks you open and makes you feel seen.
I’m grateful for deep breaths.
I’m grateful that I had the most horrendous wave of sadness last night and it reminded me that I am alive. That even sadness is confirmation I am feeling my life again.
I’m grateful for the mental health meme thread.
I’m grateful for meditation.
I’m grateful I have food in my fridge.
I am grateful for unconditional love.
I’m grateful the sun was out today.
I’m grateful I have been AF for 122 days
When I loose sight of graditude or things feel hard or they aren’t going my way- I just remember if I close my eyes at the end of the night and I’m sober. I’ve won.


I am so greatful for the good day ive had and all without alcohol. Im greatful for clear thinking. Im greatful for fancy fruit teas and sparkling water. Im greatful for this community and the support ive gotten here and from friends. Im greatful for everyone adding memes to that thread that has me laughing and sharing. Im greatful the weather is going to be 50 saturday *which is warm for Nebraska. Im greatful Boscoe ran into the neighbor dog and now we have a playdate saturday. Im greatful im finding healthy ways to keep myself busy. Now its time to get moving. I need to leave the couch…its just easier when its not freezing out. Im greatful for my sober husband and dogson Boscoe.


So, I noticed that without fail that milk from grass fed cows doesn’t foam well. Organic fresh, or long life everything else foams well. I read that this has something to do with the protein content of the milk, that’s why oat milk or rice milk won’t foam.


Interesting, I had no idea but it makes sense.

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I’m grateful that I can crouch down to the ground and go up and down stairs pain free today. I still have a ways to go but I’m getting there. I’m grateful for you all.


I’m grateful for these early mornings. I actually feel excited about going on this weekend trip with my husband. I hope I don’t zone out on music like I always do. It would be nice to talk a little.

I’m grateful for the ability to reason. I find myself bothered by a few things that I would’ve never thought twice about when I was drinking. Reasoning brings me right down to the core of the issue… which is usually me. :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful for people I can trust to share the hard stuff with. Just because trauma happened in my younger years doesn’t mean I don’t think about it every single day. It became a part of me. I’m grateful again for the power of reasoning, because if I just take a few moments to realize I’m safe now, it keeps me from going off the proverbial deep end.

I’m grateful for my snowshoes. I’m grateful for warm winter socks and boots. I’m grateful for my favorite winter coat. I’m grateful for the snow we got yesterday. It lifts my spirits with its beauty. :snowflake::relieved:

I’m grateful for y’all. :purple_heart:


Amen and amen!!! Yesssss! Boast in my weakness to highlight the power and glory of our God!

Thank you for the remembering of this scripture.


I’m grateful for remaining teachable. I’m grateful that I no longer have this lying drive to be perfect and not tell of all my shortcomings.
I’m grateful my ex husband, who ran to another state with our three youngest children, and I are making amends and talking. He sent me a beautiful picture memory collage of our 14 years together last night.
I’m grateful to have a heart that isn’t of stone.
I’m grateful to still be in this sober home.
I’m grateful to not be moved into anger or resentment or even a need to explain when my rehab/sober community gossips about me of all untruths.
I’m grateful to be building a relationship with my mom, dad and middle sister.
I’m grateful for the day my oldest sister decides to call again.
I’m grateful to be consistent in reaching out to my oldest son who is 18 and I haven’t talked to or seen in three years. He won’t respond but I know he is reading my messages.
I’m grateful to have one VERY good friend whose walked where Ive walked and is living responsibly.
I’m grateful for my mentor whom Ive known for over 10 years.
I’m grateful to not be on the streets and using or selling.
I’m grateful for the little things today.
I’m grateful to have worked yesterday and having a sore body today.
I’m grateful for the weight I’ve gained.
I’m grateful for my renewed mind and renewed heart.



I am grateful for self discovery and self awareness.

I am grateful for the ability to stop myself before I get into a spiral of self pity and resentment.

I am grateful that I am not on a bunch of high dose psych meds anymore. I am grateful I survived those years of my life. I am grateful that I have a constant reminder of the extremely painful days and nights I had, worn as slashes on my skin. I am grateful that my mood has been stable for three years and I am grateful that this probably means I was misdiagnosed and mismedicated. I am grateful that things are finally starting to make sense to me. I am grateful for my new healthy fear of Dr’s.

I am grateful I was able to process that information, sit in those feelings and then let them go. Years ago I would have ridden that self pity to a liquor store or the bottom of a baggie. Yesterday I rode it to three friends ears and a meeting. Let go, let God.

I am grateful for my “grateful” coffee mug. Makes me feel like I am having a coffe with friends.

I am grateful for laughter, for connection and for honesty.

I am grateful that I don’t have to use my memory for anything important because it sure sucks.



I am grateful for a nice long call with a friend spontaneously.
I am grateful we met in therapy some years ago and stayed in contact.
I am grateful i give myself a rest today, spontaneously.
I am grateful it is the weekend now and temperatures will go a bit up.

I am happy I sent another application.
Grateful that after our talk, I have some things to think about.

I am grateful to be on this recovery journey.

I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful I slept in again because I was up too late on my screens again last night. And I’m grateful for my Lights Out Challenge in February and to “Nip It.” I’d say nip it in the bud, but I have not caught this at the early stage, this has been going on for a long long time.

I’m grateful I recognized I did not wake up thinking of gratitude this morning and it dawned on me half way through my pet chores. And I thought :thought_balloon: “That’s OK.” I got all day to be grateful.

I’m grateful for all my readings this morning. Especially about friendships and self-centeredness.
I’m grateful for friendships here on this thread and on the forum new and old, and navigating the special dynamic we all have.

I’m grateful I’ve caught myself asking God for guidance before acting or I guess I should say reacting. To to me, reacting seems to be a negative thing. I don’t stop and “ask God” enough. I don’t think it can actually be done “enough.” But grateful for when I even pause and think about things before acting on them. God is in there somewhere even If I’m not asking Him/Her specifically each time.

I’m grateful I’m writing Him/Her for God but I have no idea why.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful our power failure only lasted a couple of hours last night.

I’m grateful our vet called early this morning about Alice with the urine culture report. The antibiotics they tried on her should target her issue. But she is getting old and will be susceptible to this issue and her kidneys aren’t getting any younger. I’m grateful Alice seems fine and happy. It’s an easy tell with cats.

I’m grateful for y’all.
I’m grateful I’m not drinking today. And there’s no way in hell I’m drinking tomorrow. Who’s with me :hugs:

Gratitude is not a single thought.
It’s a state of mind that takes over the entire body, mind, soul, and spirit

Fuck me! that’s a good one :point_up:
I’m giving y’all the whole web site. I haven’t actually read it yet. But I will.

It also says.
2015 study revealed that heart damage was generally lower among people with higher levels of gratitude.


Today I’m grateful I can stay inside while the wind is howling outside :cold_face:. I’m grateful for my comfortable house. I’m grateful for cats sleeping on me. I’m grateful my husband brought lunch from the pizzeria so I didn’t have to cook. I’m grateful I did all the office work yesterday so there is a weekend just for me and my interests ahead of me :blush: of course after the usual roundtrip for grocery shopping on saturday.


That was beautiful Brian.
You’re beautiful.
There’s always so much in your shares. I can almost feel the healing.

This is totally the appropriate place. Always.
Love you man.


Grateful I have a job that challenges me, sometimes to a breaking point

Grateful I’m surrounded by teammates who are willing and able to help me be successful

Grateful for the clients who see the effort I put in to try to help me grow their businesses

Grateful for my wife who supports my insane brain and energy swings


I’m grateful to God thank you for another day clean and sober, please help me rest well. I’m grateful for my recovery with all its blessings and challenges. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful to let myself feel things, I am exhausted now. I’m grateful for prayers, meditation, daily readings and the 12 steps. I’m grateful for a warm home, shower, bedding and coffee, its cold outside. I’m grateful for music, laughter and humour. I’m grateful for take out and that I can afford it. I’m grateful I had today off. I’m grateful my work schedule is the same again next week. I’m grateful one of my old housemates came by and we had a nice visit, it’s good to see someone from here staying the course and improving his life.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good. Ya you!!


Really long hard day but I needed to spend a little time on here to refocus on gratitude and my sobriety. We were on our way to the trade show this morning and hit a big deer with our truck. I’m grateful we were not injured. I am grateful for insurance that will eventually replace the truck. I am grateful my brother was available to come help us and loaned us his truck so we could still make the trade show. I am grateful the trade show is going well and we had nice sales today. I am grateful that in spite of all people drinking around me, I did NOT drink and I am still sober. I wanted to drink bad. It was very hard but I am grateful I’m sober. I am mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted. I am grateful for the warm bed waiting for me.


I’m grateful your ok TM.
Shit that is so dangerous.
It sounds like the addiction devil himself was testing you big time today. But you gave him the old beat down. I’m grateful you came by here to share it.
I’m grateful you hit the pillow with another ODAAT
I hope you sleep well.
And I hope you wake up proud of yourself.


I am grateful it’s Saturday and I am still in bed.
I am grateful the cats are doing fine.
I am grateful for insulin. I am grateful for all the development that has been taken place in the last 20 years.
I am grateful to be sober.


Howdy All, Grateful for gym plus 10 000 steps.
Grateful dinner planned with my boys tomorrow.
Grateful for my Hunny, good food and not overeating.
Grateful for HP and fellowship and support groups.
Just this moment Today


I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful for just now learning of the importance of gratitude attitude in recovery.
I’m grateful I’m still friends with an ex and that she picked me up today and took us to the beach.
I’m grateful for the dinner with my kids and their Mum.
I’m grateful for my own mother and that we had a good chat on the phone today. I’m grateful that I was able to tell her I’m 31 days sober.