Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery

Oh how precious. I want “nuffins” with my granddaughter. I’m grateful to see that pic and my eyes well up with love. What a grateful blessing you get to do it all sober for her.

It is a damn shame about the pain thing you mentioned. I was blessed to have a sister with MS. And physically she didn’t show pain early on. I learned so much from her. This is the stuff no one can teach you in schools.


Today I’m grateful for my own and my family’s health. Over the last couple of days I have spoken to 3 families affected by heart problems. It really brought home to me how short life is and that you just never know what’s around the next corner. Addressing my alcohol use is a great start but myself and my partner really need to work on ourselves.
I’m grateful to be tired this evening, hopefully I’ll sleep well tonight.
I’m grateful to have a walk planned for the weekend, training for a longer charity walk in a few months. Hope the weather holds.
Have a great day x


Today I’m grateful for everything. The mostly clean kitchen in the morning and that I can turn on the loaded dishwasher now before I go to bed. Fresh laundry, it smells so nice. The vacuum cleaner. The two wood-burning stoves. I’m grateful that the PCs work, that I like my office@home and that the cats love me working at the office while they sleep in front of the stove :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m grateful Missi is a Mum-girl this week, I can’t go anywhere without her. I’m grateful for this lovely purring little furmonster lying on me right now.
I’m grateful @Dazercat posted this

Oh I know that so well. Snorring cats, snorring dogs, snorring parents, snorring husband, snorring me :rofl:


Grateful today for the random realization that I have not taken a single antacid in my 263 days of sobriety. When in active alcoholism I seemed to have non-stop heartburn and attributed it to getting older. I am certain this is another indicator of being on the right healthier path.


Today I’m grateful to be 20 days sober. Babysitting my grandkids and having energy to do so! Grateful for my health and waking up sober and ready for the day. Also grateful that I am reestablishing my relationship with my higher power :heart:


I’m grateful to God, thank you. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for family, friends and this thread. I’m grateful for another freezing cold walk home, it makes me walk with purpose and feel alive. I’m grateful my sister called me and we chatted for half an hour just now. I’m grateful to read all your posts on here and see peoples selfies and artwork, pets and kids, share music and meditations. I’m grateful to be less sore tonight. I’m grateful that sometimes I get to take home cinnamon buns or chocolate croissants that don’t sell, my waistline is showing it though. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star, shine bright.Ya you!!


Good evening all,
I’m grateful I did yoga tonight. I’m grateful for Dinty Moore beef stew. I don’t know why I love that stuff but I do. I’m grateful to be slowly letting go of anger and resentment. I’m grateful that it’s almost the weekend.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Hello fellow warriors,
Grateful for a calm day. Grateful I lost weight again even though I know I have lost enough now. Grateful for HP and harmony.
Grateful for caffeine and not overdoing it.
Grateful to contribute at the online Anxiety and Depression support group tonight.
Grateful to be progressing and ty TS for the helping hand!!
Off to bed now, g’night all :pray::hugs:


Good morning beautiful people! I’m grateful my safe place! I’m grateful for destroying and rebuilding my life in this very spot. I’m grateful for the tranquil peace this brings to me when I’m willing and open to receive the gifts of this earth. I’m grateful for my feet that I may walk along this shoreline, I’m grateful for waking up this day to breathe in deep breaths of salty fresh air, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story that it may Inspire someone to start loving themselves, I’m grateful to have the knowledge of humility and kindness that I may pass that trait along to my children. I’m just grateful for today may I absorb all the gifts so that I may be able to share with others!


Good morning all,
I’m grateful for the coffee my coworker bought me. I’m grateful for good coworkers, even though we annoy each other. I’m grateful for a job that allows for the home we have, vehicles we drive, and food we eat. I’m grateful for my family, including my sweet and strange dogs and rabbit. I’m grateful for love and hope and forgiveness.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful that Showtime has a 30-day free trial. I signed up to watch Yellowjackets (110% worth all the hype!!) but there is literally nothing else I want to see on the entire network. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
I know that’s not a huge thing to be grateful for. I’m working on it.


I’m grateful to be chugging along in my sobriety (no pun intended). Sometimes it feels as though I’m in autopilot and once in a while i need to fight for control. I’m grateful for all of my successes and failures in sobriety. I’m grateful for you all.


I’m grateful to be here. In this moment. 25 pound dog on my lap. Big picture windows looking out at the ponderosas trees, with a big kitty cat palace in the middle of it all, where the cats get to look out the window and see their world. I’m warm. It’s 14 degrees out. And there’s a fire in my fireplace place. And I’ve already finished a gorgeous cup of coffee.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my afternoon walk routine.
I’m grateful I got my 3 and a half miles yesterday.
I’m grateful for TV time with my wife in the evening.
I’m grateful all my boxes from Santa Monica showed up.
I’m grateful for my blessings.
I’m grateful for Internet friends and the miraculous connections I’ve made on here with many of you.
I’m grateful God puts the right people in the right place at the right time, for all of us.
I’m grateful we all have our strengths and weaknesses. And if He/She puts us all together we can fight this battle ODAAT and build a bigger army each day.
I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for the healing power of music every day, every where, in all our lives. I’m grateful how it moves me. I’m grateful my mom was a musician. And even though Alzheimer’s took everything. Her music beat Alzheimer’s. She could still play piano, the true love the of her life, right to the bitter end. I’m grateful maybe God is in that music. I’m grateful God gave us music.
I’m grateful I come on here and I got no idea where I’m going and I’m left with beautiful memories of my mom, that I had no idea we’re coming my way this morning. Which I wouldn’t have right now if it wasn’t for my daily gratitude practice. I’m grateful for my tears of happiness.
I love you mom. :heart:
I’m grateful for y’all.

Life is better
when you
cry a little,
laugh a lot,
and are THANKFUL
for everything
you got.



I am grateful for tears.
I am grateful for moms and dads.
I am grateful for support.
I am grateful for courage and willingness.
I am grateful for all the people who try different ways to reach us, to help us unpack our shit. One way won’t work for us all and I am grateful so many people are out there trying new ways.
I am grateful for wisdom.
I am grateful that I can understand comments like…

I have a deep personal understanding of this now and I am so grateful for that; so grateful.
I am grateful for intent and love.
I am grateful that I continue to find my way.



I’m grateful you said this, you’ve put succinct words to what I did for too many years.

I’m grateful @Dansig brought up antacids - I still have to use them occasionally but nowhere near as much as I used to.

I’m grateful for pictures of happy, chunky babies and the smile they put on my face! I’m grateful for messages from friends waiting for me to read and write back. I’m grateful for calls with friends already lined up for my birthday weekend! I’m grateful I decided to buy myself a few special gifts and they’ve made me feel good to be where I am, to be able to buy something pretty for myself, some new plant friends (bought those weeks ago), and of course some useful things. I’m grateful that we are successfully saving money to take care of some things that we’ve neglected and also for a down payment on a house. I’m grateful I’m less anxious about money than I used to be and I can talk about plans for the future instead of dread it.

I’m grateful to be weepy today, that it is hot and wet proof of how emotional a creature I am. Sometimes it’s a bit much, but I’m super grateful for emotions as well as the ability to wrap my mind around them. To be able to decide to sit with them, to understand where they’re coming from, to shift my thoughts so I can shift my emotions if I need to, to manage them, and so on.

Grateful for my amigos here. :heartpulse:


I am grateful I found out why my milk is not having foam that stays. I learned something today, yeahhhh.

I am grateful that the fog lifted and we had a sunny afternoon. Spring is just around the corner (at least in my head).

I am grateful I have a warm home, with no mold.

I am grateful we live in peace here.

I am grateful that sobriety and recovery work puts me that I don’t fall that deep and I won’t stay there as long in the dark as I used to.

I am grateful I feel anger and I own it. I am grateful I feel gratitude. It is this warm feeling and often it is a pure pfeeeeeewwwww, how lucky I am.

This morning walking to work I understood how lucky I was that sobriety or stopping drinking was so relatively easy for me. I still don’t know how it was possible. I am grateful I was given this gift. I can today understand better the saying that it is not hard to stop drinking but that it is hard to not picking up again. Grateful I was given this split second of insight today.

Grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful I’m getting my hair done today… like right this minute. :haircut_woman:t3: My stylist is laughing with me, because we started talking about things we’re grateful for and some silly stuff came up. We both happen to be grateful for cat videos and wearing white after Labor Day like rebels. :joy:

I’m grateful for the weekend trip we’re taking. I’m excited now and hope I stay that way. :pray:t3:

I’m grateful for laughing and hot cocoa and my plants… which I haven’t shared on the plant thread, yet. 🪴🙃

I’m grateful for sweet friends who text to make sure I’m ok. I truly love that. :revolving_hearts:

I’m grateful for all the little details that make life joyful. :heart:


this is making me cry because my mom is very much going through some of this now, yet, there is a real strength in it. God is great.


So what’s the secret to foam that stays @anon74766472 ?


I’m grateful to God thank you for guiding me safely through another day. I’m grateful for my recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the almost nine years I had with my Dad who passed away 34 years ago yesterday. I’m grateful my sister called to make sure I was ok yesterday but didn’t mention that was why, I had to piece together what was bothering me and I did, but its hard, part of me is angry that my Mom, Aunt and Sister all messaged me but never gave the real reason why. I’m grateful I can contact them tomorrow and talk about him if they want to. I was walking home tonight crying to myself about my Dad (hadn’t pieced together why yet) and how looking back I was this scared little kid who now had people telling him he needed to be the man of the house, no wonder I was all fucked up for so long…:cry::cry::cry: To an extent I did it for years, I manned up, then my Mom brought in my wonderful step dad, who in the beginning I only saw as a threat … God help me …so then I got angry, beating up myself, my neighbours, sister and kids at school :sob::sob: until in high school one of my friends, who I beat up too when he challenged me (OMG i was such a dick then) introduced me to pot, cigarettes then alcohol, within weeks, if that, I was hooked on it all (then later stronger stuff.) :sob::sob::sob: for 24+ years :sob::sob: I need a break… more later(maybe), maybe on another more appropriate thread.
I’m grateful for awareness, forgiveness and amends. I’m grateful for therapy and counselling. I’m grateful while walking home I had my music on and it was lively. I’m grateful for the eye contact from a random 30 something women walking home from her job, I could see the smile and light in her eyes, even under our winter clothes and masks, sometimes, in hindsight I think somewhere my higher power is like … there you go Brian you have been asking to meet a nice woman how many do I have to send your way. I’m grateful it feels like a connection to God that I remembered Dad a lot these last few days and this is not the first time over the years that this has happened, God is great.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I’m ok, love you guys. Don’t forget you’re awesome. Ya you!!

Grateful my sister shared this pic on her facebook.

I definetly inherited his smile. Lol